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What does this mean?

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Hi I have a real headache when it comes to this friend of mine. Her and I met about a year ago and have been really good friends since. When her and I met she was the one that initiated the conversation because I was abit shy at the time but before her and I started talking we were glancing over at each other. On the night her and I had a nice chat after we introduced ourselves to each other and while we were talking to each other she decided to give me the rest of her beer. By the end of the night I felt like her and I made a real connection and when it came time to go home her and I were hugging each other.


Since that night whenever her and I see each other her and I will hug each other and have a long chat and catch ups by the way she is a great listener and has given me some great advice I've been able to talk about my family to her and she just listens to me talk. Then after our talks we'd go off to do our own things and catch up with our own friends. There are some nights where I don't notice her and she gets my attention and then we hug but there's also times where we both notice each other and hug and say our hellos. I think she's a great girl and I care about her but what's really causing the big headache is more whats happened in the past few months.


One evening I was showing her some poetry that I wrote and she asked me if any of the poems were about her and when I said no she had a rather disappointed look on her face. On another occasion she gave me the usual hug and then introduced me to her mother and some friends of her mum's that she was there with and wanted me to sit on the same chair with her and then her and I hugged again and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Alot of nights her and I hug about 3 or 4 times in the night. On another occasion I got dressed up in a suite and when she saw me she called me hot, slapped me on the ass then hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

Even more recent though one weekend we hadn't seen each other for a few weeks and when her and I saw each other we hugged as usual but the hug was tighter than usual coming from her. The week after that she actually randomly pulled me close to her when I was standing next to her. Last week she introduced me to her younger sister after buying me a beer and giving me a tight hug and when someone decided to call me names because of my hair colour she was quick to stick up for me and went off at the person who did it But what really concerns me is that she seems to be a bit more friendlier than before and her hugs are tighter than normal. I know she has a bf and she actually kissed me on the cheek and slapped me on the ass while he was nearby.


More recently she has been kissing me on the neck and she stroked my chin gently and a few nights ago what I thought was her giving mean innocent kiss on the neck happened to be her giving me a hickey as my flatmate pointed it out because I hadn't noticed it at first until he told me.


What does this all mean and what should I do?


Please help :\

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Do you really mean to tell me you can't tell the difference between being given a kiss and being given a hickey?


Ok.... I hate to sound smart or stern, but you really are being a bit dense, aren't you?


Asking about romantic poetry with her in mind?

Tighter hugs?

Calls you hot?

Gives you a hickey?





The words 'coming on to you' or giving you an open invitation, spring to mind....

hell, maybe she thinks you two are already an item!

Did that ever occur to you..??

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