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Nice guys finish last!

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I don't understand!


Why is she still contacting me? She told me she needed space and to do her own thing. Is it because she feel sorry for me? I have not tried to contact her or email her. I love her dearly! I gave her unconditional love, which is a rarity these days. I never left her side from an emotional stand point.


How much I love her? Example, I would have had unprotected sex with her if she ever caught an STD that was not curable! That's how much I loved her unconfditionally!


She called my friends house in Philadelphia, and Baltimore. She called my mother's house in Virginia. She also has been sending me emails.


I finally bump into her on the train in Philly due coincidence. I ask her why was she calling all over the place looking for me? She plays it cool by saying I just wanted to make sure you was ok. I mean she was calling all over the place like she desperately wanted to talk to me, but when she finally reaches me, she down plays her attempt in contacting me.


She still email me every every once in awhile with small talk. I told her to get on with her life and put you energy into the guy you are seeing or if you are seeing someone. She told me I was being a little harsh on her.


Hello! She broke up with me due to financial struggles and I also found emails of hers speaking to another guy! She act like nothing ever happen! She takes my love as a joke!When I love, I love with everything that is humanly possible to give!


She will never truly know How much I've cared for her! There is too much conditional love in this world. She just goes around like nothing ever happen. I am greiving! She is smiling!


Nice guys finish last!

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My guess is that she feels bad about hurting you and she is actually worried about you - precisely because you are a nice guy. If you were a jerk, she'd have washed her hands of you.


That you don't happen to be her perfect match in her eyes doesn't make you 'last'. It just makes you 'not the right guy for this girl'. You will find someone who you will be perfect for, I am sure.

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But she still tells me she loves me and always love me. I just don't respond to her anymore. I don't need the drama! Life is too short.

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The reason nice guys finish last is very simple.

Because niceness is a symbol of weakness.


(most) Women want to be dominated by someone who makes them feel

"out of control" they feel more when they dont know whats going on and

they like the chase.


It is instinctive.


Its basically a fact that if you act, hard, and emotionless women will swoon

over you.


Who wants a sappy easy nice guy when you can try to get a challenging

(because every other woman wants him) hard to get "a**h***"


Even more important is that women think that IF they get an a**h***, well -

they can simply change him! Once they have successfully changed him they

lose interest. hehe..

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The reason nice guys finish last is very simple.

Because niceness is a symbol of weakness.


Oh no it's not. You don't have to be spineless to be nice. You can be nice and still stand your ground and be thoroughly an independent man. The men who understand how to do this are the real prizes.


(most) Women want to be dominated by someone who makes them feel

"out of control" they feel more when they dont know whats going on and

they like the chase.


Please do not speak for 'most women'. Your statement is completely incorrect.


It is instinctive.


Bullfeathers. We're not in the jungle anymore.


Its basically a fact that if you act, hard, and emotionless women will swoon

over you.


No. It is basically your opinion.


Who wants a sappy easy nice guy when you can try to get a challenging

(because every other woman wants him) hard to get "a**h***"


Once again, 'nice' does not mean 'mindless, spineless' and 'fearful'. It means 'thoughtful', 'considerate' and 'caring'.

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Is the IDEAL of a nice guy. He is considerate. Kind. Faithful. Caring. Gentle. Honest. Doesnt look too shabby either. He has some really awesome qualities as a person. Logically speaking, women should be flocking to him in droves.

They are not.


Infact, when he meets someone he likes, (who actually gives him the time of day) he calls when he sais he will call, he is patient, understanding, and gives them alot of choices. Mean while, what is actually happening, is this: She ****s with his mind over and over, plays all kinds of games, eventually gets bored and moves on. Its happened to him so many times I cannot believe it.


Then, he watchs me, as I walk upto some bizarre girl, crack a few jokes, confidently control the situation and then he takes the midnight bus home while I take her back to my apartment.


That is the cold truth of it.

You can deny that, if you like.



Even in my own experience, when I act "all nice and considerate" I usually end up with nothing.

Its only when I have enough women chasing after me, that I accidentally, - forget to call, or mix up information - that is when they really get interested.

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Yogi - it's not about the quantity of women but the quality.


Then, he watchs me, as I walk upto some bizarre girl, crack a few jokes, confidently control the situation and then he takes the midnight bus home while I take her back to my apartment.


If all you and your friend want to do is find women to sleep with, maybe your strategy might work. It seems to work with women who sleep around easily from what you say.


I keep thinking that guys who post this 'nice guys finish last' crap actually want to find quality women with whom they could have relationships. My mistake.

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That's why I posted it because I am a one woman man. I've did the palyer thing in high school. We all did to some degree and you can become very shallow, hollow, and supressed with your feelings.


I will take love any day over being a player! It gets old!

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The more women I meet, the better my chances are of meeting the right one.

That is simply logic.


I dont play, I get to know various girls, and appreciate them in different ways.

Just because I like to meet women, means only that I have yet to meet

Mrs Right. I know where she is, and when I meet her, I will have no problem

letting go of everything else.


Infact, last time, I did meet Mrs Right, and I dropped the entire process of

meeting other women.


So its relative. Just because I have the capacity to meet women (without being

so serious about it) does not mean I am a slut.

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As a single woman......I think the 'art of the flirt' and the 'chase of the game' are BIG FACTORS in how attractive a man is. Yogi is correct.....nice guys usually DO finish last.


Then again.....I am a very shallow person with no lasting relationships to speak of. HAHAHA!

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now wait a minute....how does the title of the post relate to the post itself??


and can anyone tell me what STD stands for/means??


something like genital herpes or whatnot?

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Hey Yogi....

Is that icon you put on there.....a 'symbol' for STD??? For whatever reason....it looked like a capped penis and made me laugh like hell......



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Originally posted by Arabess

Hey Yogi....

Is that icon you put on there.....a 'symbol' for STD??? For whatever reason....it looked like a capped penis and made me laugh like hell......




capped penis = condom



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