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Am I being irrational?

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I had a sex buddy. We both agree it was a fling since the get go. I often told him he could have as many booty calls as he wanted, but I told him I don’t get involved with taken men. He knew I was fresh out of a divorce and nobody on my life. I kept reminding him it was a fling and that it has an expiration date. I told him there was a guy I hoped to date after some time. I never asked anything of his life even when he invited me to ask questions. He however, kept asking if I still had plans to run after this other guy. Men are competitive, so I just ignored him.


We had good chemistry and sex was more frequent and much better every time. It was real good


When I found out he has a girlfriend, I told him he should had let me know about that and let me decide if I wanted to continue the affair or not. He said he was sorry for not being honest with me, but then he got mad and was a jerk to me when I told him not to call me again.


I didn’t mind being “one of many”, but I definitely mind being “the other.” Besides, I was cheated on, so I do not get involved with men with commitments.

He says that since it was only a fling for me, I should not see any difference between a girlfriend and a booty call. Am I being irrational?

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I didn’t mind being “one of many”, but I definitely mind being “the other.”

I get what you're saying about that so, no, I don't think you are being irrational.

In any case, it is not up to HIM (or anyone else) to tell you when you "should" or "should not" see any differences or make any exceptions to your self-determined guidelines of how you want to act.


I do think that people who don't understand where you're coming from won't, er, understand it...so they might have all sorts of differing opinions and labels. But that is THEIR problem.


YOU know where you are, and that's all that you need. I'd say just stick with what YOU feel is appropriate for you.

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