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I Hate my boyfriend's Family!

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I didn't know where to leave this post, but I have a serious problem with my boyfriend's family.


His sister is the one who really gets to me. She's always "nice" to everyone, but it's in a completely superficial way. She seems to be close to my boyfriend, but I'm fairly certain it's only on a superficial basis. They occasionally go to dinner since they live in the same city (he works there, she goes to college there, their parents are across the country but most of their family is in the area where we all live), and it wouldn't bother me at all (we live in different cities, 500 miles apart), but she bothers me, so it bothers me when he spends time with her. I know and understand that this problem is all about me, so spare the lectures about how spending time with family is sweet, please. I get that. However, to give you an example of how she treats me; we were all at his graduation, and she and I had not been getting along, but no one could tell except for the two of us and my boyfriend. At one point, she asked him if he was going to miss anyone after he graduated. He replied, "Not really. Well, I am going to miss [mintjulep]." And he gave me the sweetest look. She glared at me and changed the subject, and by the end of the evening, I was nearly in tears because she does things like that frequently, and no one notices, so she gets away with it. When my boyfriend tried to talk to her about it, she told him that the reason she had treated me badly that weekend was because she had witnessed a small tiff my boyfriend and I had. Not only was the problem of us not getting along not addressed, but the spoiled little twit had the audacity to try to blame the entire flop of a weekend on me. My boyfriend desperately wants us to get along, I want to see her in a ditch. How do I get along with this little snot?! (Incidentally, I say "little snot" but she is only a month younger than I am. I am a year ahead of her in college, because I skipped a grade, so everyone assumes I am a year older. I think a lot of the problem stems from the fact that she and I are the same age. Her brother is only two years older than the two of us, and as I said before, they are very close, even if it is on a superficial level.) Oh, she does other things, like pick off of other people's plates at fancy restaurants, and help herself to her brother's dessert, even if he's splitting it with me. Things like taking a sip of his alcoholic drinks before he does (neither of us is 21 yet...nearly there, but still, not there yet), she's just plain obnoxious, and without the valley girl, daddy's little princess act, I'd probably still find her obnoxious, albeit not as much as I find her to be now.


Unfortunately, if you're still being kind enough to read, it doesn't stop there. His mother is overbearing and ridiculous. He lives across the country, but she still manages to meddle in his life. When he moved to another city, his mother helped him pick his apartment, which is totally fine, and I approve. However, it didn't stop there. He is a working, self-sufficient man now, but she felt the need to decorate his entire apartment with tacky things from their previous home (all things she didn't want any more but that she'd "thoughtfully" saved for him). He has things like a ridiculous candle holder with a rainbow pattern and frilly edges, a vase (why would a bachelor living with a bachelor roommate need a vase?), a dishrack (useful, but not something a man should have in his first apartment - that's something you "oops" learn...), and many martini themed coasters and towels and paintings, etc. He also has some extraordinarily ugly mugs that she got him. Anyway, we had a talk about all this stuff and how it bothered me because I am going into a design related field and there is nothing I love more than decorating (We did his room in college together, and we had a ton of fun doing so). I figured that any new apartment changes might be made by us, or by him and his roommate. Well, his parents decided to stop by spontaneously, causing him to call me late (I mentioned we are in a long distance relationship?) the entire week that they were there, and cutting our conversations short (he has a very stressful job in finance. sometimes he works 15 hour days. his time is precious). If he hadn't made the effort to promise to call me every night, it would have been fine, but he stressed how important it was that his family not interfere with our "us" time. Well, when they were there, they bought even more stuff for the apartment, even though my boyfriend and I had had the conversation/argument about my being uncomfortable with that, and my feeling like I'm not at all a part of his new life, which is the bigger problem that stems from little things like this.


I don't know how to deal with any of this, and it's all starting to bug me tremendously. I want to force him to redecorate (he can certainly afford it), and I want him to talk to his sister next time we have a problem instead of talking to me, making me feel as though it's my fault we can't get along, and then letting her get away with murder. I know I'm being unreasonable, but I feel as though if we're having these problems now, when we're dating seriously (I even have a promise ring - his idea. We're basically waiting for the right time, i.e. when I graduate, we are no longer in separate cities. It's not an option for me to transfer schools, etc.), what is going to happen when we're married? Assuming we can survive being 500 miles apart for another year, and assuming that I don't get locked up for killing his sister, what can I do?!


Any help will be appreciated, but please don't rip into me too much. I'm really damaged emotionally because of this, and I can see my faults even if I didn't really address them here. I just kind of want to know there are other people out there who either feel my pain, or can rationally explain this to me without telling me I'm some awful person, because I promise you I am not always like this. These people just really bring out the worst in me....

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Well I have had/ am having a similar experience. I feel very damaged by it, I feel poisoned, that they have brought out the worst in me...that it has all become my fault, but I know I'm not a bad person.


My recent ex's sister has made my life hell, and has been very instrumental in our break up.

It's hard to explain how but very clear to me and others.

They are very close, and it seems that he has had to choose between her and me in the end. He could not bear the 'trauma' of her and I.

But I feel like a little girl who just wants to say Please be my friend. For some reason she has decided to hate me, to resent me. She has a recoed of doing this in the ast, and at the beginning my bf warned me even.


But in the end her hostility towards me, lies about me, have made things impossible. And he has ended up going to her side, which I now hate her for. But I naively would still like to friends. She lives across the road from me and I simply can't bear this feeling.


We used to be friends, that's how I met her brother! It's too painful to write more.

But if you want more details/advice ask me..



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I've been there ladies and the only thing I can say is f*@% them. My bf has an annoying sister - she's a needy little witch that bleeds him dry. She calls, he jumps. He has always felt the need to look after the little tramp. My bf also has a tenant that is the same way - always take, take, take. They are childhood friends. The guy is miserable all the time and my bf gets in bad moods being around him sometimes and I HATE it!!!!


So what do I do? Well I moped and bitched and got ticked about them lots, talked to my bf about it but none of that did any good. I spent too much time worrying about those 2 idiots. Now, I grin and bear em. My bf will always have them in his life and I can either accept it, or drive myself nuts about it. I choose to accept it. I remind myself (lots) that they are just needy losers and I should pity them more so than be angered by them. Bite your tongue and try to be happy even when you want to strangle someone. Trust me - they aren't worth getting under your skin. Think of yourself as being above them and being the better person.

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Originally posted by toots307

Trust me - they aren't worth getting under your skin. Think of yourself as being above them and being the better person.


Thank you. I know this, I've heard this, and I really truly know that it shouldn't bother me. However, it does, so hearing this from people really helps put things into perspective. Maybe when I go to Thanksgiving with his family this year, I should just expect her to be frigid and unfriendly, and just not let it bother me.


I do still have one problem, though. Do you have any tips on how to be nice and friendly with her? I think part of the problem is that I'm shy, and so I just kind of sit there and take it. Maybe if I am actively nice to her, she won't be able to tell my boyfriend that I'm the one who's being mean? Just wondering if anyone knows how to go about doing this, since I have never had to. I may be shy, but I'm never mean to people. Maybe that's why I just assumed I was a nice person...I can see how the shyness could be interpreted other ways, so maybe if I could actually be nice to her, even if it physically hurts me :p ...we can be "friends." At least on that superficial level that she is friends with her brother, if not that close?

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Sometimes you can't win. Last Xmas I gave his sister her Xmas present and she smiled that fake stony phoney smile and said Oh thankyou, I haven't got you a present.


Are you in the position to invite her over for a meal with you, your bf, maybe others too? I think a problem we had was that either she or I was always excluded, so we were both justified in feeling annoyed and left out at times.


Inviting her over would be a gesture of friendship. And your bf should support you in it.

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Thing is, BraveGirl, we live in different cities, and the unfortunate thing is that she lives in the same city he does, I live in a different city. (What's even more ironic is that her top two college choices were in the city where he lives and the city where I live. I didn't want her hanging around during his senior year so I prayed she'd go there. Now she and he both live there, when she could just as easly be here, with me, and we probably wouldn't even hang out). So you see, it's always me getting left out. He goes to dinner with her, takes her to places I want to go with him. I'm not okay with that, but I would like to get along with her. I don't think that it would help me be okay with it, but it's definitely worth a shot.

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She glared at me and changed the subject, and by the end of the evening, I was nearly in tears because she does things like that frequently, and no one notices, so she gets away with it.


Oh my gosh, mintjulep. First the decorating and now this. Girl, please lighten up. It is really starting to sound as though you maybe have a chip on your shoulder. You seem to be hostile toward people who spend time with him. All she did was 'glare' and you were in tears????? You had a 'tiff' with him? Have you thought at all that all this grief and drama about the decorating and everything is starting to make you look like a drama queen and that his sister might be fairly wondering if you're the sort of woman that can make her brother happy?


Why don't you go about proving to that family that you are a reasonable, mature person who is not going to kick up a major hissy fit every time they do anything? It is in your best interests to be friendly and nice to these people. Unfortunately, you are already hostile - you want to see his sister 'in a ditch' and you hate his mother.


This is not bright. Find things to like about them instead of finding reasons to hate them.


Oh, she does other things, like pick off of other people's plates at fancy restaurants, and help herself to her brother's dessert, even if he's splitting it with me. Things like taking a sip of his alcoholic drinks before he does


Oh my god!!!! Federal offenses!!! Quick - call the presses!!!!


Are you hearing yourself? It is starting to sound as though you are one of those people who is all ready and willing to be offended at everything anybody does!!!!! It sounds like you want complete control of this man and don't want any female - even his sister - to so much as take a sip of his drink!!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:


My dear, I really do not think your relationship has any hope at all unless you drop the level of hostility and drama. For god's sakes, don't sweat the small stuff!!!! If you continue to make huge deals out of every little thing, he will eventually drop you because nobody can stand that much drama in their life.

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I'm shy too and I think it gets misinterpreted alot. Perhaps you could find out the sister's interests and try striking up a conversation based on that??? Also, maybe you need to sit her down and let her know how you feel - in a nice way before it gets to the point where you just blow up at the little bleep. hee hee. I can't tell you exactly how I've dealt with the dorks in my bf's life - I just did. They bug me sure but I don't want to feel lousy every time they are around me or he's around them. Life is too short for that. You will felt left out from time to time but at least he's with his sister and not out with some tramp. Enjoy the times you get with him and do your best to get included as often as you can. I know it's not easy and you've probably told yourself the same stuff I'm saying many times before but really, you have no choice but to keep smiling. She's his sister and she's not going anywhere and there may come a day when she grows up and you guys will get along - who knows?? I'm sure your bf doesn't need or want stress btwn you two. Good luck!!

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It's a really hard one and I think you're being very cool and controlled.

A couple of questions... how serious and strong is your relationship, and have you a proper idea of how your bf sees his sister?


it's really hard, because as I've found if you mention to him your hurt at the situation with his sister, he may well side with her subconsciously simply because they are family.


On the other hand it is his problem too. If he wants you to get on, can he help you? I told my ex in the same situation that it might help if he could say to both of us that he loves us and there is no competition or reason to be jealous. But he wouldn't.


Maybe your shyness is a bit of the problem, but I don't see why she should make that into a problem and turn it against you. What happens if you actually try to have a conversation with her?


I don't want to put ideas in your head and make you even more worried, but do you find that feeling left out is something that you feel often/have felt before?

My situation has brought back all sorts of feelings of feeling left out previously. I know that what my ex's sister has done is real, but it has also made me see that I react very very sensitively to these left out feelings, perhaps too sensitively.

It has broken me like a little girl, and makes me ask myself why I can't be stronger and more confident about it.


Does this sound familiar? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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I just want to respond to moimeme and say that this is a big deal to me, and maybe it sounds as though I have a chip on my shoulder, but I just want to say that yes, I have control issues, and I'm working through them, but I don't think your yelling at me is going to help. I really appreciated what you said on the other post, and I am visiting the sites you suggested, and I appreciate your help there. That being said, I don't want someone to come in here and tell me that I have a chip on my shoulder because I'm really struggling here, and I don't think that telling me I'm a horrible person is going to help this situation. Thanks for the help, but if you really are interested in helping me and this relationship, try to stick to posts like you gave on the other thread. Those were helpful. I really feel as though you can help me a lot because you sound really level headed and rational - things that I have never been. I'd really appreciate it if you don't have something helpful to say without yelling at me that you don't help me anymore. Although I appreciate it, I don't want to feel worse about myself than I alredy do.


Thanks for your help, and I understand if you never want to respond to me again. I'll take into consideration what you said before, but I'm choosing to ignore this post until I'm calm and rational enough to sift through the insults.

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yes, I have control issues


That you recognize this is excellent :) This means you can tackle them and control them! :) Maybe you might agree that having control issues can make a person act as though they have a chip on their shoulder! Imagine if your brother's GF got all upset with you because you sipped his drink - wouldn't you think she was a bit much?


As I understand it, people become controlling because they feel out of control - it is a response to fear about what is happening. You are afraid to lose him, and so all sorts of innocent things appear to you to be threats - from his mom bringing him furniture to his sister's closeness. You respond with hostility to the 'threats' that you see. This isn't conscious, obviously. If you can possibly persuade yourself that it is your great fear that causes you to be upset about these things, you may be able to tone it down to where you can control it, and then you'll be on your way to winning this battle.


It will be hard. I hope that if you need help to get a handle on your issues, you'll seek it because fear is pretty powerful and can have quite a hold on you. You might need the assistance of a good therapist to help release its hold on you.


I wish you the best in this. I think you have the ability to conquer your insecurities if you put your mind to it :)

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Everyone else,


I feel as though the problem with his sister is that when we're together we compete for his attention, but because I'm always shy around people I don't know (i.e. his family, who I was really concerned about making a good impression in front of a year ago when we met), and this is either construed as passive-aggressiveness (maybe it is? subconciously?), or as snobbery. I'm not sure if she interpreted it as either, but we got along great the first time I met them. Then, when his birthday rolled around (a year ago), his whole family came up to Boston to celebrate. They were incredible. They included me in everything because my boyfriend wanted me there. They took me to dinners with him and we all went window shopping, and at the end of the evening I got to be with him when they went back to their hotel. It was perfect. His sister started annoying me then, but I figured I could ignore it. She did things like ask her parents to buy her expensive sweaters and things while we were supposed to be window shopping, even though it was his birthday and he wasn't asking for anything. Family was enough, and I thought that was really sweet of him. Okay, so yes, this is no reason to hate her, I know, but it started kind of grating on me and I realized that as superficallly sweet as she was, she was the type of person I would never get along with ordinarily. I tried being nice to her, anyway. In fact, I can't think of an instance when I wasn't nice to her. As I said, I'm shy, so I haven't said much of anything to her since her personality turned me off, except to inquire how school was going and how her boyfriend is. I always do so with a smile, except the weekend when my boyfriend graduated. They all made their way up to Boston again, from California, and she turned the whole weekend into a pissing match (forgive the phrase, I can't think of another). For some reason, sharing this special occasion with me was just unbearable to her, or something. She started insulting me, first by not saying hi to me when they arrived (his mother and grandmother hugged me, and his father said hello and smiled - she deliberately moved to the other side of the room, something I did not notice, but my boyfriend did), and the whole weekend took off from there. I asked her questions and was nice to her, but she did notice the "tiff" (why was that in quotations, eh? I didn't get that insult, sorry) that we had in the cab. It wasn't a big deal, and we were laughing about it by the end of the cabride, so my point was that she used something completely insignificant against me later on, to justify treating me like something on the bottom of her shoe the entire weekend. I was sad to see my boyfriend go, and the emotions of the fact that he was leaving were just overwhelming, so forgive me if I sound like a drama queen, which sometimes I think I am, but in this case I think it was wholly justified.


Granted, my problems with the furniture are a different topic, quite aside from the fact that his sister hates me, and that we don't get along (his mother and I, by the way, do get along. I don't know why, but I think it's because despite my posts, which are about my problems, I make my boyfriend very happy and his mother knows that. She's going to like anyone who makes him happy, and I'm not saying he needs to cut them out of his life. He needs to stop separating the two issues as though they're not related (no pun intended). He needs to either integrate me into his life by standing up to his sister, or his sister and I need to work through this. She is unwilling to do this. I've tried talking to her. We're always cordial, and I'm thinking that unless there's a row, we're not going to ever address the issues, whatever they are. She probably just doesn't like me for the same reasons that I don't like her, and maybe we can get along, that's why I came here.) I don't want you to think that I haven't tried, or that I'm just some big bitch with jealousy issues. I do have jealousy issues, but my boyfriend and I usually work through them. It's different now that he's living in a different city, and we can't work through things like we used to when he was here.


I'm at my wit's end because we can't fix this over the phone, and I'm just...frustrated. So forgive me if it sounds as though I "have a chip on my shoulder." I don't think I'm any more of a drama queen than any other Mexican girl I know, so maybe understanding why I create drama in my life is hard for some people. I know I should repress some of it, but part of the reason I'm so intense when I'm upset is because I'm so intense in other aspects of my life, too. He understands that, and it's only been a problem since he's left. We've been together for two years. You make it sound as though I've been screwing this relationship up since the beginning, moimeme, and as though it's a new one. I just want to understand why I'm going through this, and I know other people are, too.


Thanks for the compassion, people. I know that I'm being a little ridiculous, but I know other people work past things like this. Thanks for the help, I'll just try to beat her with kindness. Like you said, If I'm going to be with him for a while, eventually we may just actually get along. As long as she doesn't start picking at my food, maybe we can be best friends :o

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As I was posting that long, drawn out explanation, you replied.


Thanks for that.


I'm feeling very alone right now.


Maybe I need the insults sometimes. I am a drama queen. Should I seek therapy (through my college - it's free) to work through my control issues, or is it something I should do myself?


I've considered therapy before. I go to a really intense school (one of the top ones in the country - super competitive, super stressful), so maybe it couldn't hurt? I mean, I have issues with school and stress usually when my boyfriend fight. He has issues with work (I'm talking 15 hour days sometimes...poor guy). It's just not a good situation.


Thanks for your help. I'll try really hard to let the apartment thing go....and you know what? Maybe I should be happy with the "consolation prizes" no?

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As I was posting that long, drawn out explanation, you replied.




I'm feeling very alone right now.


I understand. You're alone, frustrated because you're missing him, afraid that stuff is happening without you, and it's all driving you nuts.


Maybe I need the insults sometimes. I am a drama queen. Should I seek therapy (through my college - it's free) to work through my control issues, or is it something I should do myself?


They aren't meant as insults, mintjulep - I'm just trying to give you a sense of the way others might interpret your behaviour. You called his sister a 'snot' - I'm sure she'd be shocked to think somebody thought she was one. It's about how your behaviour looks to others. For instance, shy people can look snobby. If I said you might look snobby, it wouldn't mean you are - but that you appear to be.


I've considered therapy before. I go to a really intense school (one of the top ones in the country - super competitive, super stressful), so maybe it couldn't hurt? I mean, I have issues with school and stress usually when my boyfriend fight. He has issues with work (I'm talking 15 hour days sometimes...poor guy). It's just not a good situation.


Oh geez! And stress sure doesn't help one's perspective! Being stressed can make small things appear huge to you because you are already stressed! By all means go talk to your counsellors. In a school such as yours, and with an LDR, it's no wonder you're all wound up. Take it from one who has been through a couple year's BAD stress - I got to where I didn't recognize myself - and not in a good way. There are ways you can learn to cope with this stuff - because, really, it's killing you! All those stress hormones and junk are hell on your whole system. Not only that, but stress begets stress! Studies have shown that stress actually changes the brain!

So by all means go see your counsellors. They will have good strategies to suggest to you to help take the stress down.


Thanks for your help. I'll try really hard to let the apartment thing go....and you know what? Maybe I should be happy with the "consolation prizes" no?


You know, you'll help yourself if you are. If you get all enthusiastic and happy about them and show you're being a good sport, he'll be happy and his happiness will come back to you and then the good feelings will continue to increase. Right now, you're in a downward spiral where your bad feelings bounce off him back to you. If you reverse this, you both will be a lot happier. You're in a bit of a 'downward' habit now (and I've been there so I know how that can be) but you can break it with a little effort and it will feel SO GOOD when you do :)


I really do wish you good luck in this. I hope very much that you get the 'good' school so you can be with him when you're out of this school.

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Maybe I need the insults sometimes.


NO one ever needs to feel like their being insulted.....


a trend that seems to be ongoing in LS.

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I just wanted to say that I didn't think that moimeme was insulting at all. I really liked the way she?? said some thing to mintjulep - moimeme's posts were light and humourous to me - I saw a different way for mintjulep to look at the things she was getting worked up over - maybe mintjulep could read moimeme's post again and say 'hey ya - getting all upset over the sis sipping his drink really isn't that big of a deal.' I can honestly say that I blow thigs out of proportion a lot and then when I tell someone else my story they look at me like 'what the heck are you so bent outta shape for?' and then I think 'ya- why am I bent outta shape?' Just look at it that way mintjulep. When it comes right down to it these things are just small - count your blessings, be happy and love life!!

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mintjulep is under a heck of a lot of stress. That can make little things seem enormous. I sure speak from expereince on that. It helps, sometimes, to have an 'outside' perspective on this stuff. It is hard, when one is tangled up in stress and hurt and anger, to pull oneself out of that loop to really examine one's behaviour and see how it is becoming self-defeating. Again, I speak from hard-earned experience. When someone says 'aren't you over-reacting', it can give you a chance to take another look, realize that maybe you are, and then seek solutions to help get you out of that awful downward loop. Otherwise, you sink into total misery. Been there, too.

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Originally posted by moimeme

When someone says 'aren't you over-reacting', it can give you a chance to take another look, realize that maybe you are, and then seek solutions to help get you out of that awful downward loop.


This whole thread has been enormously helpful. Mostly because of moimeme, but the other posts have been invaluable, as well. It's true that there is a ton of stress at this school, and that a job in finance is also incredibly stressful (for my boyfriend). I did feel insulted, but when I "sifted through" what I thought were insults, I read the precious advice, which I will definitely try to follow, or at least consider, strongly.


Thanks for everyone's posts, for defending me, for slapping sense into me, whatever ;) All of them have been extremely helpful. My boyfriend and I have been fighting the past few days, and we talked, and we'll see each other this weekend. All in all, even though these problems have been going on for months, I think now that I'm prepared to, we can really work on them, or at least I can. He knows I need his help, and we promised not to let this spoil our time together. If we can make it through the next year and a half, it will most certainly be worth it.

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hey mintjulep,


I can not believe what your boyfriends family is putting you through...mainly because my ex-fiance's family put me through a similar situation. It was scary reading your post, my ex also had a snotty sister, and an over-bearing, control freak mother as well. I am not even going to get into his Dad (just a know it all). I must warn you though, it will NOT get better, only worse. What if you marry this guy?? They instead of his sister giving you glares, she will be calling you up, reaming you out for "upseting" her brother or her family. His mother...she will be coming over and re-arranging furniture, or worse yet, insulting your decorating because it is nothing like what she would do. If you love this guy, you will have to face the consequences that may result from him having a controlling family. If you are prepared to do this, you are going to have to swallow your pride, and find the best way to deal with them.


Trust me...it doesn't get better, only worse. After putting up with my ex's family for 7 years, I can honestly say the best way to deal with people like that is bite your tongue, and smile. I ended up breaking up with my ex-fiance only 5 months before the wedding, but his family is one of the main reasons we broke up. We both graduated college a few months earlier, and he took a job 2 hours away from me due to his family encouraging him to do so. We were supposed to find a place in between both our jobs, find an apartment together, and furnish the place. It ended up his family picked a place only 30 minutes from where he worked, which meant I would have a 1 1/2 hour commute to my job. They thought this was just fine, and that I would do it if I loved him. He refused to move because his family helped him pick the place. Worse yet, they picked out all the furniture that we would have living in this place. It was VERY expensive furniture that I HATED, and who would be paying on it...me (since my fiance and his family SPENT money like water, I was the only one with funds to pay off such an expense). Swear to God, I had absolutely no say in where we would live, the type of furniture we would furnish a place with, or how was would decorate the place once we got married.


Not that anything that extreme usually ever happens...but if it does, you have to set your own boundaries, and determine how much exactly you would take until you get out of the relationship. Remember, although they are annoying, they are family, and they will always be around him!

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