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Completely Infatuated

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Theres this girl thats sorta came into play over the past two years that I've really been interested in. Last year she was in at least one of my classes the entire year and I eventually started feeling for her by the end of the year. Funny thing is, at the beginning I kinda didn't like talking to this girl because of her personality: She was blunt, and spoke her mind. I was fearful of that at first, but I grew to like it xD.


But yeah she too was starting to show 'some' affection for me in return..I think? Placing her hand around my waist, subtle touches, leaning her head against my shoulder, and other things. Those are obvious signs, right? I couldn't understand because she had a boyfriend at that time and I didn't know what the hell to do. Like the last week of school I told her how I felt about her via text (DUMB I know) since I figured I couldn't get her anyway. She pretty much said sorry, and apologized, and I really dont know why. Maybe she felt bad for me. It made it even worse because this was the second time the very sam guy was dating the girl I was really crushing on, and she knew this.


We didn't really talk during summer, but the day I went to school for my schedule, we bumped into each other again, and we greeted each other with a hug, and talked for a bit. I was in total awe when I saw her, and couldn't stop myself from giving her a compliment on how nice she looked that day. It was like a reflex XD.


Over the past two weeks of this school year, we havent seen each other much, but when we do it's more subtle flirting( her hands often around me or caressing me), saying that I'm cute and stuff. I'm not sure if her and the guy are dating anymore since I don't see them together anymore, but she continues teasing me when she knows how I felt? I dunno if it's teasing, testing if I still like her, or her showing her affection, or hell maybe all three?


So confused.

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Those are obvious signs, right?


Short answer, yes. Long complicated answer, maybe. Scientific answer, no.


She could just be outwardly affectionate or she could be buttering you up as an "almost" boyfriend so you do things for her and she does nothing for you. She could be willing to flirt with any guy that breathes as long as he flows attention onto her. That may or may not be the case. I don't know the girl in this case.


Lay it down on her. Either just up and kiss her or call her on her actions. You can't be stuck in limbo mode. If you do, it's your own fault. You are at the controls here, not her. By that, it's your OWN life and not her's. And it's certainly not the both of your lives yet. So you can only control your live and your actions. Will you get the answer you want? Don't count on it, but don't rule it out either. Just be ready for massive disappointment.

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She knows you like her, you made that obvious by sending her a text message telling her that, then when she rejected you, you let her know you were still into her months later when you bumped into her at school and told her how great she looked.


Girls, heck everybody likes the feeling of knowing someone is into them. I'm not saying she doesn't want to be your friend, but try not to think too much of those subtle flirtacious gestures she's throwing at you. If it really bothers you then be honest with her then hopefully she'll try and tone it down for you a little bit.


I've been right where your're at many times, I hate it. Having girlFRIENDS that know you like them and kind of getting a kick out of watching you try and hold yourself back. GRRR!!!

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so we talked today and I'm even more confused. I took both of your advice on what to expect, but just wanted to hear her take on it. Yeah I was expecting to be crushed, but to be honest it just made things even more confusing for me.


"You shouldn't regret saying it... because it just made my day a wholllle lot brighter. And it made me look forward to the school year a bit more XD



You're so sweet.. I'll never get over that fact about you."


??? That could go either way...

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Tell her to cut the BS and give it to you straight. Anything that isn't a yes will and should be considered a no. Maybe's are no's. No answer is a no. You're sweet, that's a no.


She's a smart one. She knows how to keep the hook baited.

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Shes being diplomatic by avoiding giving you an actual answer. At worst she isn't interested, at best she isn't sure. In either case she wants to keep you around. Just try and get a straight answer from her and go from there. I'm inclined to say you MIGHT have a chance, the first time she shot you down she was dating someone. If shes not now she may be more receptive. Its probably a good thing you didn't talk to her over the summer too, even if you didn't do it intentionally it helps your chances. Be sure to get some sort of answer from her though, its going to eat you alive otherwise. You do not want to be in limbo, even if she says she isn't interested, knowing is infinitely better than not.

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Well a lot of things have happened the past weekend.


Friday she admitted she actually had feelings for me for a while, and I believed her. Who would ask questions when someone that you truly love says they feel the same about you? I asked her what she was doing this weekend, and she said she was free for Sunday, and I was bummed because I had crap to do. Friday she was going to the football game with someone, and I didnt want to seem rude by inviting myself, plus I had to go somewhere that night anyway.


But as the labor day weekend ends, I constantly try to contact her, and she never responds. I needed her number, so I asked for it over Myspace, but she never responded to the message...even when she was obviously active on it. Today I desperately looked for her at school today because I havent seen or heard from her in 4 days; I was really missing her. But I dont see her today so I go home, and send her another message on Myspace asking if she was at school or not, and again...No reply. Even though she was online posting new pictures of her and this guy together. This guy had the same name as the person she was went to the Football game with...And even more heartbreaking, he must've been really important to her since she recently moved him up to her number one on the friend's list.


That's when I realized the worst. That she had something going on with this guy. It hurts so much because not only is she talking to some other guy when she just told me how she felt, but now she's avoiding me. I want to confront her in person about this, to tell her that what she's doing is unbeliavably heartless. I mean christ, she doesnt even have the merit to tell me that she found another? So quickly? I'm at a lost for words...I need some support guys ):


I'm feelin so down.

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Friday she admitted she actually had feelings for me for a while


You need to note the tense in which she said that she had feelings for you. She didn't say she has feelings, as in present tense. She was in the past. This could have been a BS lie just to keep you on the hook. In fact, I bet it's a BS lie from her based on the rest of your story.


Honestly, why do you want to keep this person in your life? You've got no chance with her, and if you did somehow win her over she'll never live up to the pedestal you've put her on. She always builds you hopes up, then crushes you. Do you like feeling this way all of the time? I know I wouldn't.


You need to just drop off the face of the Earth with this girl. No letters, no explanation, just disappear into thin air. Let her figure out where you went. You are not #1 in her life, so why would you make her #1 in yours?


And get rid of her MySpace page too. You don't need this kind of pain. If you want pain, just hit your nuts with a hammer. Would you keep doing it? No, so why keep looking at her MySpace page?

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