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Over Compensating

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Why is it that if a tall man, gets a great job and earns alot of money, becomes very well educated, gets himself in GREAT shape, he is "just a great catch"

But, if a short man, gets a great job and earns alot of money, becomes very well educated, gets himself in GREAT shape, he is "over compensating for being short"



Actually I dont see it that way, but, someone made a comment about my brother (who is very short 5'2", in awesome shape, and working as a Dr.) That he is a classic example of a man who is "Over Compensating" for being short.


It really bothers me that some people think this way.

Is it just a reaction of jealousy?



Not fair. Comments?

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You have to answer this question for yourself because that's not the way this is seen in general. And by those who do see it this way, it is very sad that they make such judgements. The only opinion that counts is yours. Before others will change theirs, you must change yours.

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but if both those men think they are gods, they are both bad. it just depends on the attitude of the person, and so much is based on how a person percieves someones actions and what generalizalizations they already have formed, instead of what may be reality.

i have very successful shorter guy friends, and they are all great men who want the best for themselves and their families. Not all shorter men are George Castanza's.

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but if both those men think they are gods, they are both bad


That's the thing. If your brother cops an attitude about how wonderful he is because of all this, that would be the reason for being thought of as 'over-compensating', I would imagine.

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Is it just a reaction of jealousy?


Probably. Jealousy and ignorance. It depends on the individuals. People make generalizations based on appearance all the time, without ever knowing or even speaking to an individual.



Have you heard the jokes about men and their high-priced, fully equiped sports cars? The joke was that they were compensating for a tiny penis. That was clearly ridiculous too. :)



True stature is not measured with a ruler.

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