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Women, I Need Advice

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ell i would probably stop speaking, calling, etc that person, unless they came to me and wanted to talk. i do not handle negative feelings well, so i invert.

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Hi yogi-mon,


What did you do? If you don't want to say that's fine....but it does help us here at LS.


Normally if my heart has been broken by my s/o, I like to be left alone for a while (just to cool off) Then if my s/lo is ready and I mean really ready to talk. I appreciate being approached and asked if I would like to sit down and talk. I need to hear that he has thought things out completely, knows what needs to be done to ensure that the situation never happens again and that he "understands" how I feel because he has taken the time to put himself in my shoes and view the situation from MY angle.


Hope that makes sence to you, but be warned......women know when you are speaking just to appease her. We know when people are lying to us.


Good luck!



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I dumped her, and .. well I thought at the time it was mutual, because she didnt seem like she

wanted to talk about anything, or give in an effort. So I dropped it.

Tried to forget, give her some space etc.


I figured it was over, and she needed some time to greeve.

Then, I sent her a couple emails, basically offering to talk. She didnt reply.

She basically ignored me completely.


This bothered me. I think she knew it bothered me.


Then, I get these flowers sent to my desk, I cant figure out who they are from.

cause all it sais is "From you know who"


Since she works in the same building as me, I figure - its gotta be from her.


So I lurked around work until she got off work, and I go upto her, and ask her

Hey, I got these flowers, here is the card, are these from you?

Shes like "nope"


So -- Im like oh ****, in my mind.

Anyways, she from that point on seemed REALLY flustered.

Anyways, I wont make this longer than it needs to be, but - I go "If these arnt from you, I dont know

who they are from" and I threw em in the garbage right in front of her.


Anyways, she hasnt said a freakin WORD to me. Now, dont get me wrong, I still have some feelings

for her, I think shes a nice girl. But in my mind, as is right now - it is over.


But I DO think that it was ALOT harder for her, but she has tried to play it cool, and be "the bigger one" by

not talking to me, or replying to my "casual emails" or whatever.


So, (by the way we didnt break up on bad terms.. it just "didnt work" in my eyes)

Indirectly, by ignoring me, she has led me to believe that she was deeply impacted by the break up.



So Im trying to figure out if she is heart broken or not.

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She COULD be masking a broken heart Mon......OR....she thinks you are an a**h***....LOL!


Women can get goofy...they can go either way.


I'm with you...the flowers would have thrown me off! Dead petals in a box maybe....but live flowers????

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I think it depends on the situation. I mean, what did you do to break her heart?? I think the way a woman reacts to a broken-heart depends largely on what you did to her. All women act differently anyway. Some get pissed and seek revenge, some cry all the time, some move on very quickly. It depends on the girls personality.


I don't really think there is an answer to this question.


How about this - DON'T BREAK HER HEART! Then you won't have to worry about it! ;)

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We were always bickering over dumb stuff.

All these small pointless fights. Sometimes I couldnt even stand to be around her.

Eventually I found out the flowers were actually from someone else.


So she didnt actually send them at all.

But I broke up with her because for about 2 weeks I was feeling like things

where not working for me at all.


Then we had this one really bad morning, and I just threw in the towel.


Like seriously though, why am I an a**h***. Because I couldnt handle all the fighting

anymore??? that does not make me into an a$$. I've moved on and forgotten about

this stuff, but we work in the same building - it would be nice if it didnt have to always

be so bloody awkward.

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Hey Yogi - the girls here said it best about how you can tell if a girl is broken hearted - esp. the one where she feels like she can hug and and slap you all within 30 seconds...ah..so true.


Well, I am currently very broken hearted - If I saw THE guy right now, I don't know what I would do. I'd probably try and avoid talking to him until I was ready and had things figured out. I would also want him to come to me to talk, since I am broken hearted, I don't think that I should be the one to go after him - he broke my heart damnit!!!


A lot of it could also be how things ended exactly. You could have said some particular things that she didn't like, or even worse, said the right thing in the wrong way. Girls pick up well on tone of voice and gestures when guys talk. Also, you probably misread that the break up was mutual. Since she didnt' seem willing to talk at the time, it could be that she wasn't ready to talk about it because she hadn't thought about it enough and therefore the words just didn't come out.


I am speaking from my very recent experience right now so I could be right, I could be wrong..but this at least gives you one perspective.


good luck.

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