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Can't get out of the funk!

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Ok, my fiance's been gone now for 4 days. Usually the first day he leaves is horrible. I'm miserable, crying, sad, lonely, etc. Then I have a rather disjointed sleep, get up and usually have no problem getting into a routine again. Now don't get me wrong, I still miss him but seeing as how this is all we've ever known even when we lived nearby (he travels for work), we usually can adjust fairly quickly. Not this time!! Both of us are just dragging. Can't get into the routine, not sleeping well at night, feeling lonely and just impatient for things to end. We still have 9 1/2 months till the wedding and then he'll leave after we get married while I stay behind and wait for my visa. Which hopefully will only be a month or 2 (Sorry IG!) but I'm just aching to finally be home with him again. *sigh* :(


As always, just wish we could snap our fingers and be at our wedding. Already counting down the days....297 left!

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Awww Maggs. I am so sorry to hear that it is hitting the two of you like this.


I haven't been in your shoes (maybe one day soon DAMNIT *sigh* - ;)) but I would imagine that the closer permanence comes the harder it will be to readjust to the distance.

It is so close you can actually taste it now. And that makes it doubly difficult to wait.


I am sure you are pouring your hearts out to each other. You two have really built a strong foundation haven't you. That should be of some comfort that you really are in this together with every emotion like tremendous mutual affection, understanding, etc. including the bad ones like missing each other like crazy (:().


I wish I had words that would help you snap out of it but I don't. I am just so sorry it is so rough right now.



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