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validating step forward out of my dating hiatus


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So, I've started thinking I might be willing to take a step or two out of my dating hiatus. But then I started thinking, hmmmm, how do I get men to ask me out? How do I flirt or make myself appear open to suggestion?


Haha it's so funny the things we forget.


Then I remembered a recent thread on this board. Someone was asking about this very thing - and I really liked the answer someone gave of start by smiling.


I work at home most of the time but generally go for a walk in the evenings (living in a big city.) So, I decided that last night I would be friendly, smile and make myself open to being asked out.


Then I promptly forgot I had any agenda and just enjoyed my walk.


Sure enough, this guy and I started talking and he asked me to come hear him play at a local bar.


Now, granted this is not a date but the whole experience was very pleasant and I felt validated, like I had successfully manifested exactly what I wanted.


I might stop by and hear him next week. Still very happy on my own doing my thing, too.

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