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What is love?

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you're not a sucker lupa. far from it. i imagine if anyone in this predicament may think that of themselves, it'd have to be the girlfriend. you're not going to allow her to feel like a sucker. go with it. all of it. if the feelings for the stbx are not those of pure, unfettered love, then you'll just have to let those feelings be there until the bitter end.

I guess I'm getting to the part where I'd like to open up but now I'm worried.


Do I tell her that, or just work through it on my own?

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I guess I'm getting to the part where I'd like to open up but now I'm worried.


Do I tell her that, or just work through it on my own?


that's a tough call. if it were me, i'd probably tell her, but know exactly how i was going to tell her way before hand. in my opinion, she'd be happy to know that you are wanting to open yourself to her. she seems understanding of the armor you've put on because of your present marriage. you really should plan a vacation that happens within a week of your divorce being finalized. take the GF somewhere new and special to you.

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On the radio this morning they said love is; when two people don't try & out do the other person, that they don't compete with each other but work together as a team.

Marriage isn't a compitition & the way they talked a lot of couples do that.

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