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A recent survey states that the average person has seven sexual partners in his/her life. From a moral point of view, how many sexual partners do you think people should have?


Signed, Saving-it-for-Marriage.


Stop kidding yourself. The quantity of one's sexual partners is directly related to attractiveness and not to moral choice. Those blessed with bodies like Greek gods may have hundreds and even thousands of partners. Conversely, those who "save it for marriage" merely suggest that, at best, one person world wide would find them appealing. But, whatever your partners number, the very nature of the act speaks against engaging in it even once. From the silly suggestive talk to the touchy-feely prodding around and finally to the undulation of two oily, pudgy bodies, few human acts are as degrading. The humiliation continues. As the years groan on, memories of these encounters haunt us and we develop psychological quirks to distract us from embarrassment. Yet, paradoxically, we repeat the grotesque act given new opportunities. Just one more inherent flaw in our design.


I believe that we should mercifully aim at putting our species our of its misery. The key to this is abstinence from all sexual activity. A world-wide commitment to celibacy would wipe our planet clean of the human plague in a matter of decades. Like the Dodo, our species would become rare, then endangered, then extinct. The genetic pool of life would then be free to churn out a new dominant species, this time, it is to be hoped, with fewer internal defects.

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The post you referred to at another website is neither complete idiocy nor harsh truth.


Fact is that the old saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, holds true.


People have their own idea of what is attractive and what it not. Many of those who are attractive in the widely accepted sense are often too shy, stuck on themselves, or otherwise impaired from finding sexual partners. Other less attractive people have great personalities and are physically desireable in more subtle ways and tend to find as many sexual partners if that's what they want.


My conclusions are:


1. It really makes no difference how many sexual partners a person has, unless there is a competition with high stakes money involved.


2. The battle to bed numerous partners can be the signs of serious psychological, ego, self-esteem, or other problems that would make the person highly undesireable for more than a quick roll in the hay.


3. An attractive person who implusively seduces others risks his/her life in this day and age and chances are highly increased that serious diseases could be contracted, or worse, death from AIDS could result.


4. The writer describes sex as a "grotesque act." While it may be amusing in its form and execution, it is a reproductive and lovemaking act that is only shunned by a very small minority of members of the human community and probably one of the most pleasurable acts we engage in.


5. I think what we do with sex, either engaging in it vigorously and without conscience or morals, being highly selective, or omitting it from our life agenda entirely is a decision we make from our birthright to do so. We were given a free will and either a penis or a vagina and are free agents in life. No changing that. There are a lot of people who use neither and many wish they had the other. And even some who strap on one or the other because they are displeased with what nature put there for them.


6. The abstinenace from all sexual activity plan wouldn't work in nature. The compliance rate for such a mandate would be nil. Therefore, to achieve the end, which above is suggested as extinction and an emergence of a new dominant species, we will have to depend on some catastrophic event. The crashing of meteorite upon the earth, such as the one 70 million years ago that wiped out the Dinasours, or even a nuclear holocaust would certainly do the trick.


7. There are many that would debate the new species, homo sapiens, which evolved long after such life forms were wiped out 70 million years ago is not guaranteed to have fewer internal defects. Did the dinosaurs suffer from anxiety, fear, jealously, depresssion, etc.,? Well, they seem angry in some animation but my guess is they went about their business as we humans do, killing and stealing at random. But lying and fraud was not part of their life. And I doubt they ever used serious deception to obtain sexual favors from the opposite sex.




I hope you will go out tonight and try to get laid. But then again, you may hold the view that your failing to do so would have a very positive impact on humankind and you might be right.

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Well, I'm not one to judge. I'll admit to wondering how the gene pool got so infected every once in a while. And human beings have spread across the surface of the earth like a virus. But I beg to differ about the level of one's attractiveness. All you have to do is watch the Jerry Springer Show and see thre men fighting over a less than attractive woman to see that sexual proclivities vary through-out our society.


I've had one-night stands and committed relationships. I'll admit that sex with a stranger is weird and a little embarrassing, unless alcohol is involvd (ha ha). The act itslef is a little odd. I like to compare it to sticking your finger in someone's nose and moving it around while making odd faces at one another. But I also think that sex with someone that you love, who loves you, when there is respect on both ends, is a beautiful thing.


So I'm in the middle on this one. I definately think that everyone has the right ot have sex as much as they want. I just don't think that people are using protection like they should.

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billy the kid

Tony go into practice.. I never get advice from my shrink..

The post you referred to at another website is neither complete idiocy nor harsh truth. Fact is that the old saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, holds true. People have their own idea of what is attractive and what it not. Many of those who are attractive in the widely accepted sense are often too shy, stuck on themselves, or otherwise impaired from finding sexual partners. Other less attractive people have great personalities and are physically desireable in more subtle ways and tend to find as many sexual partners if that's what they want.


My conclusions are: 1. It really makes no difference how many sexual partners a person has, unless there is a competition with high stakes money involved.


2. The battle to bed numerous partners can be the signs of serious psychological, ego, self-esteem, or other problems that would make the person highly undesireable for more than a quick roll in the hay. 3. An attractive person who implusively seduces others risks his/her life in this day and age and chances are highly increased that serious diseases could be contracted, or worse, death from AIDS could result. 4. The writer describes sex as a "grotesque act." While it may be amusing in its form and execution, it is a reproductive and lovemaking act that is only shunned by a very small minority of members of the human community and probably one of the most pleasurable acts we engage in.


5. I think what we do with sex, either engaging in it vigorously and without conscience or morals, being highly selective, or omitting it from our life agenda entirely is a decision we make from our birthright to do so. We were given a free will and either a penis or a vagina and are free agents in life. No changing that. There are a lot of people who use neither and many wish they had the other. And even some who strap on one or the other because they are displeased with what nature put there for them. 6. The abstinenace from all sexual activity plan wouldn't work in nature. The compliance rate for such a mandate would be nil. Therefore, to achieve the end, which above is suggested as extinction and an emergence of a new dominant species, we will have to depend on some catastrophic event. The crashing of meteorite upon the earth, such as the one 70 million years ago that wiped out the Dinasours, or even a nuclear holocaust would certainly do the trick. 7. There are many that would debate the new species, homo sapiens, which evolved long after such life forms were wiped out 70 million years ago is not guaranteed to have fewer internal defects. Did the dinosaurs suffer from anxiety, fear, jealously, depresssion, etc.,? Well, they seem angry in some animation but my guess is they went about their business as we humans do, killing and stealing at random. But lying and fraud was not part of their life. And I doubt they ever used serious deception to obtain sexual favors from the opposite sex. ________________________________________________


I hope you will go out tonight and try to get laid. But then again, you may hold the view that your failing to do so would have a very positive impact on humankind and you might be right.

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Consider the National Bird of New Zealand:


The Kiwi Bird


1. It makes its nest in a hole in the ground


2. It is flightless having an inadequate (approx 2 in.) wingspan


3. It is has very poor sight yet is nocturnal


4. It lays only one or two eggs per year and not all of them survive.


Now taking all of that into consideration, this bird has survived under these conditions for 70 Million years !!!! Pretty amazing, huh?


Regarding humans, I think we, for the most part, have it way over the setbacks of the Kiwi Bird. We should and do have sex as often as we desire (hopefully with protection) and procreate at a far greater rate to say the least.


As the song goes: "I Will Survive" and so will rest of the human race given the activity at the rate it is. In fact, if we don't slow down, we will surely overpopulate the world. I believe that is why there are wars and natural disasters ... sort of a form of birth control.


I hope you enjoyed this little post.



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