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someone doesn't like you, would you rather the brutal truth or no answer


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this question came up recently. i've got some old posts, i reread them now and i feel like an idiot, i sounded like an idiot.

so i was talking to this girl online. and it kind of fizzled out. i think maybe she caught a hint that i liked her, and have emailed since then, and no reply at all......so that was my answer was no answer at all....


so here is my question, would you rather

a) have someone tell you they don't like you in the same way, or like talking to you but don't want to be around you physically




b)they just stop talking to you and ignore you.


maybe in some weird way the other person is trying not to hurt the other's feelings, but i think i would have rather gotten that answer. anyone have any input, have you been on either side of this? opinions?

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I would rather have the mercy killing. The 'silence' leaves too much room for false hope and wishful thinking. I had this very thing happen relatively recently. I'm glad he put me out of my misery and left absolutely no hope for anything further.

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How would a silent treatment be taken as a cue for wishful thinking? If anything, it's usually the diplomatic rejection ("we'll set something up some other time") that gets the wishful thinking juices going.

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The silent treatment allows for fantasy thinking where the point blank bullet between the eyes "I don't feel that way about you" does not. Where there are gaps, love tends to fill in the blanks and not always for the best.

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The silent treatment allows for fantasy thinking where the point blank bullet between the eyes "I don't feel that way about you" does not. Where there are gaps, love tends to fill in the blanks and not always for the best.


I agree with this 10,000 percent. I would much rather hear the brutal truth. If anything is left to question, that is exactly what your mind will do. Your feelings will always hold out hope for the 1 in a million shot, when the actual chances are closer to zero in a million.


You might feel like a dick for being blunt, but I will respect you more for it than if you just take the spineless silent treatment route.

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Definately point A.


Why do anything else? Its cruel to keep someone hanging on. If not the person will be thinking about you, blah, blah, blah when they could be putting that energy elsewhere. Also it is a good measure to halt obsessive characters who invariably need to be immediately shut down.


OP, sorry things didnt work out though..


Take care,

Eve xx

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