lohrewok Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 Wow! Awesome points Girl Guest! Link to post Share on other sites
LucreziaBorgia Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 Originally posted by Girl Guest Doesn't make it right or healthy though. It makes you lonely and unable to emotionally connect with women... a problem that will only worsen over time. Bring a significant other into the picture and the result will be destructive. Luckily, many of us don't fit your description - and none of what you said applies to our relationships. There are people out there though, who I am more than certain will agree with what you said. Thank goodness for the ability to "agree to disagree". Link to post Share on other sites
Girl Guest Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 LB, yes we are probably going to have to disagree. I wanted to clarify that I love men, mainly my wonderful husband, but I truely hate their behavior in this area in particular. Unfortunately, I have found that many many men are not aware that their love of porn has such a negative impact. Also, there are many women who are not open and honest enought to admit they have a real problem with it. They feel as though they're prudish or unsexy. Love of porn in no way measures how prusidh or uninhibited you are. If you are of a relationship that is open and honest and into porn, this was not meant for you. Link to post Share on other sites
fifty fifty Posted January 18, 2005 Share Posted January 18, 2005 Well starting off with "Men Suck" sure doesn't help take any of your post seriously there Girl Guest. Link to post Share on other sites
Jason 2003 Posted January 20, 2005 Share Posted January 20, 2005 I think Girlguest speaks for millions of women...no doubt about that. But she also speaks of a perfect world where people do the things they SHOULD do, because it's the RIGHT thing to do. But I've read enough discussion on the internet about porn to know that although your heart is definitely in the right place Girlguest, men are not going to change in regards to porn. And the thing is, you women really don't know if you are getting a PornHound until it's too late and you are already married. It really just boils down to the luck of the draw for most women. In regards to the idea that Girlguest and many, many other women have, that men are looking at perfect hardbodies while watching porn, it's just not true. Yes, some do want to look at beautiful women, but that is because their personal fantasy is beautiful women. But the internet and other kinds of media cater to all tastes. In the Usenet News Groups where many internet- saavy guys download their porn, some of the most popular videos and pics to download from are- older women (some over 60), fat women (one of the most popular) hairy women, flat chested women, amatuers who look like everyday people, warts and all. And ladies, one of THE most popular porn download groups is the one with the Transexuals and it's popularity is with straight men, not Gay. Studies have shown that one particular kind of porn doesn't satisfy most men for long and most tend to cruise around looking for something different. That's why the internet is so addictive because the variety is pretty well infinite. Link to post Share on other sites
newgirl Posted January 21, 2005 Share Posted January 21, 2005 I just read through all these posts and im trying to figure out how i feel about porn. I'm only 16, but I've been going out with my boyfriend for over a year and we have been friends for a long time. I know he looks at porn, he's not obsessed or anything, but it's a habit. I've always told him that I don't mind or anything, but I really do. It seems like he compares me with porn and that is the part I don't like. I know the reason I don't like porn is because I'm insecure and knowing that he is always comparing me to that sucks (even if he doesnt mean to, of course when he thinks about sex porn will always somehow be on his mind). Anyway, I know I don't need to worry that much because I'm only 16, but I just wanted to say that guys need to understand even if guys actually looking at porn doesn't really bother a girl, sometimes it just adds to her insecurities. So if you really care about her you'll consider more that just what she is actually saying. I doubt anyone will really listen to this but I thought I'd put it out there and I could see what people think. Link to post Share on other sites
LCoakley1 Posted January 23, 2005 Share Posted January 23, 2005 Hi everyone!! I'm Lauren, 19 and new to this board, however...this subject really applies to me, and I'm hoping I can get some help. I've been with my boyfriend for a year, and we've been living together for 6 months (we moved in together fairly quickly.) However, recently our sex life has diminished (I'm lucky if we have sex once a week now, if that...) and for a while I wasn't sure why. Everytime I would try to initiate making love, he'd tell me he was tired or wasn't in the mood. I didn't get it. Now, the other day I went online and was accosted by how many downloaded porn movies and pictures he has on our computer. I couldn't believe it. Pornography has never been a problem in our relationship before. In fact, when we first started dating sometimes we'd watch it together... Now though, it's completely different. I've told him that it makes me uncomfortable when he looks at porn on the computer when I'm not around, and he told me he'd stop, but I know he hasn't. He's taken to the old, "All guys do it" line that I find complete and utter crap. It's killing me because our relationship used to be perfect. Our sex life was great, we loved each other totally, and we've recently gotten engaged! However, this porn addiction thing is becoming a problem for me, and he can't understand why. I hate the fact that he's looking at other naked women, when he has a girlfriend! It's killing me. He doesn't seem to understand, and I don't know what to do. I love him with all my heart, he makes me laugh so much...but I'm not sure if this will stop and I really hate it. He's even taken to getting up around 7 in the morning and creeping out of bed so he can come online and look at porn. I get up around 9 wondering, "what the hell?" and I come into the kitchen and find him doing that. Any suggestions? Link to post Share on other sites
Jason 2003 Posted January 23, 2005 Share Posted January 23, 2005 Many young men who's first sexual experience was masturbating to porn and who have had a steady diet of it since puberty tend to have a hard time NOT watching it. Used to be young guys used Playboy or Penthouse when they couldn't get the real thing. But these days internet porn is so intense and realistic that it almost seems like it's the other way around. The guys will have intercourse with a real person once in awhile when they grow tired of the porn. But because of the incredible ever changing variety of porn available now, guys who get bored with one type of porn can easily move on to another with the click of the mouse. It is easier for men to both have intercourse and masturbate to porn when they are young and horny 24/7 but as they grow older and have been married a number of years it gets harder to please both your wife and still indulge your various porn fantasies. I'd say leave him, or at least don't marry him, but you know, so many guys are into porn today that it's hard to find one who isn't. I'll just leave it at that and let the women here give you advice about going or staying with this guy. Link to post Share on other sites
Just Visiting Posted January 23, 2005 Share Posted January 23, 2005 I posted on a different thread in regards to an issue with porn. I have been with my current bf for about three months. We are planning to live together once I am able to sublet my apartment. I know that he watches, downloads, and views porn sites on his computer. When I discovered his collection, I was upset. And I brought it up in a bedtime conversation. He responded that he didn't find anything wrong with our intimate relationship. And that I am a beautiful, attractive, sexy woman. I told him that when I saw the porn in the vcr, I wondered if there was something that I wasn't doing for him, and I felt insecure. But he assured me that everything was great. I love having sex. And I do get off reading or watching porn. Plus I masturbate whenever I am in the mood (and the place is appropriate), and my partner isn't available. Somewhere on this thread, a lady mentioned that her orgasms were more intense when she was alone. I have to agree with her there. I do experience some performance anxiety with my bf. And there are time when I want to be able to get off without worrying about the person. So I have come to see opposing my bf watching porn as hypocriticial. It in a lot of ways, my main opposition to porn was from my own insecurities. This insecurity has stemmed from previous relationships. My exes made me feel like I wasn't quite enough for them. And that they always have someone waiting in the wings. Now I understand that is something I have to deal with on my own. Rather than throw my bf into it. We talked for a bit when going to bed last night. And I explained to him on why I would feel insecure. He seemed to have understood. I agree on that when you force someone to stop doing what they enjoy doing, it is going to be done behind your back. That is the last thing I want to happen. Whenever we are in the sexual mood, I am going suggest we watch some porn and experiment. I am a pretty open person when it comes to sex. So rather than be judgemental on what he enjoys doing, I am going to see what it is all about. He quit smoking and went on the patch for me. I don't want to start dictating what else he should or should not do. Link to post Share on other sites
LCoakley1 Posted January 23, 2005 Share Posted January 23, 2005 Good point, Just Visiting. I can see your way of thinking, but it still bothers me, especially when he gets up really early in the morning just so he can view porn on the computer, when he has a perfectly beautiful girl (like me ) in bed beside him.... I guess I'm just sad about it... Link to post Share on other sites
Just Visiting Posted January 24, 2005 Share Posted January 24, 2005 I would feel the exact same way if my bf did the same thing. You have a reason to feel sad. It does bother me that he watches porn. But I rather take a proactive approach than a reactive one. I like the idea of the women buying porn mags and a vibrator. See how the man feels when he finds out that his woman is doing the same thing. He may or may not like it, at least you are getting off and getting your point across...lol. Link to post Share on other sites
budster Posted February 1, 2005 Share Posted February 1, 2005 I had to respond. I'm married and watching porn. My wife likes watching it too, though we have some differing tastes. she's a designer and so geared to visual stimulation. She likes her's pretty hard core in most regards, though she definitely has a preference for films with higher production values and women with real breasts. We work it into our sex lives as she finds it really helps to get her in the mood. On the other hand, there's plent of porn out there which is exploitive and demeaning toward women. And, like many other things, it can be taken to excess--like drugs, alcohol and eating. So, I offer neither blanket approval nor blanket condemnation. In general, men are more geared to visual stimulation. Maybe you should try to work it into your sex life--with an emphasis on finding something that gets you off and not just your man. Trying to find porn that does it for both of you can lead to lots of interesting conversations. Best wishes. Link to post Share on other sites
Jason 2003 Posted February 1, 2005 Share Posted February 1, 2005 That's a good idea but sometimes not possible because, depending how heavily the guy is into porn and how much time he spends watching it alone, he may not want to share his porn with his wife because to do so would be to take it from his private fantasy world into the real world and for many men this will ruin the porn's ability to cause arousal. In other words wife sex and porn sex are two completely seperate worlds and bringing porn into the real world kills the fantasy. Link to post Share on other sites
li'l bunny Posted February 1, 2005 Share Posted February 1, 2005 I am married and i have to say that I am the one who watches the porn. I find it a real turn on and I try to get my hubby to watch it too. I would be the one to watch it alone though, not him. I am the one who purchased the videos but we both enjoy them together (though we of course get carried away half way through!) Saying that, I wouldn't fantasise about any of the men in the movies and it would have to be good porn, I mean not obviously fake orgasms and the like. How do men feel when they watch it? Do they imagine sh*gging their girlfriends or the pornstars when they watch it?? Link to post Share on other sites
Jason 2003 Posted February 2, 2005 Share Posted February 2, 2005 "How do men feel when they watch it? Do they imagine sh*gging their girlfriends or the pornstars when they watch it??" I think it's doubtful that any guy watching porn while doing his wife or girlfriend is thinking about her. I think it's pretty safe to say he is there with the pornstar and the GF's/ wife's body is basically a living masturbation aid. I read of a controverseal treatment for inhibited ejaculation caused by heavy porn use. Rather than get the patient to quit the porn, the therapist suggested the couple bring it into the bedroom. The man had never been able to ejaculate in his wife's presence before (but had no problems masturbating while alone watching porn)but he was suddenly able climax while watching a porn movie on the bedroom TV during intercourse. He reported that if the patient looked away from the screen for even a second and looked at his wife, he would lose his erection and his ability to orgasm. This is an extreme case but I think it's all just a matter of degree. Link to post Share on other sites
foxsnowbrdr19 Posted February 5, 2005 Share Posted February 5, 2005 [font=times new roman][/font][color=darkblue][/color] Okay first off, to the guy Proto who said that girls are controlling to their S.O. looking at porn and quote what he said: "Spare me the BS, IT IS ABOUT CONTROL. It's about making sure that you are completely in control of your man sexually....EVEN with himself. Women who have problems with porn have such extreme insecurities that you will even find a man who is pleasing himself, offensive! And I don't want to hear that crap about "put a man in your situation". Yes, I look at porn, BUT SO DOES MY GIRLFRIEND!!! Fancy that! A girl who actually doesn't have ridiculous insecurities in regards to relieving yourself sexually. And guess what, she loves the fact that I look at porn because we both have very high sex drives, and we aren't going to be able to have sex EVERY SINGLE SECOND. That's where porn comes in and we both use it to take care of our sex drives when we can't be together and to get some ideas on how to further pleasure each other. My girlfriend is a confident, STRONG WOMAN who doesn't feel threatened by a freakin picture of a girl that I will never ever see in my life, have contact with, and will be deleted off my computer in 15 minutes. Ladies, there is nothing wrong, immoral, or disrespectful WHATSOEVER about looking at porn and satisfying yourself sexually. It's human nature, it's natural, and it's healthy. It is not cheating, it is not infidelity, simple as that! There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If my girlfriend ever came to me with that crap about my not being able to look at porn anymore, I would find that offensive and controlling and we would have serious problems, because I don't try to control her in anyway shape or form. And by the way, I bet the case with MOST GUYS is that the amount of porn viewed is a direct correlation with the amount of sex received. With my ex, I rarely looked at porn when we were having regular sex because it just didn't appeal to me, but when the sex stopped, the porn went back up, period. There really is no excuse for acting so petty and ridiculous over something of this miniscule importance." Men who do have a S.O. and chose to look at porn, ARE living in a little fantasy world. This is the real world, and most women who are in porn on the internet are fake, ie: fake boobs, or have some sort of plastic surgery done on them, don't you get it?? THEY are the ones insecure with themselves, that's why they had plastic surgery done in the first place....and you say you're gf's are insecure about you men looking at porn? Hmmm, I wonder why this is?? Back to the discussion....You guys can have your private time...but why make this time involving "gaulking" over other women...when you've made a commitment to someone else...why not trying taking pictures of the girl who should be the most beautiful woman in your eyes, as you say they are.... and look at them in your "private time" or try doing something else constructive besides disrespecting your gf/wife? This blows me away how guys think it's no big deal to look at porn. Like others have said previously in this forum, how would you like it if you knew your 17 or 18 year old daughter was being looked at by some 30+ (or whatever age) guy, all over the internet, or in a magazine? See most guys don't think of this. Men make us women feel so insecure about themselves because most of us DON'T look like these women that you constantly stare at or jack off too. Yeah some women may not care what their S.O. does, some of them do have a high enough self esteem to not give a &*$@, but for those who do, you might be a little considerate and have some respect for your S.O.'s feelings. Relationships are 50/50. You probably respect some of your gf/wife's wishes and/or feelings, so why not respect hers? Today's society is so unbelievably sad to what it has come to with all of the nudity broadcasting all over and the amount of disrespect to women it's sad, and it's sad that those women feel they can only make a living by posting themselves nude everywhere. And to say it's natural, it's not, if it was, EVERYONE would be walking around nude, open your eyes.... we're not. And you men wonder why women are turning lesbian, because women understand each other more, and can at least have the respect for each other. Most of them don't have to worry if they're gf is going to go out and screw someone else, and I'm not saying lesbians/gays can't cheat on one another because it does happen. Quit trying to stereotype yourselves and saying "That's the way men are, get over it." Because it's not an excuse... My husband it's satisfied with our sex life, he gets it about 4 times a week, sometimes more...we are always trying new things, and I am always trying to suprise him with different sexy outfits, or whatever....He's told me that I'm the most amazing and satisfying woman he's ever been with. Okay so why the need to still look at porn. This is actually quite an issue in our relationship, it's been getting better, but still an issue. He is subscribed to 3 magazines that have half nude women in them, and I've walked into the bathroom to show or tell him something and seen him sitting there staring at their pictures, and quickly flips the pages as if he isn't looking. Okay no big deal, I laugh about it and ask why he did that, and says he isn't even looking at pictures of girls. I don't continue to argue about it because I saw the open page there of a girl sprawling out all over the page. Then I find him looking a porn on the internet, doing the same thing he did with the magazine excuse...I wasn't looking at porn. I don't understand why he lies about it and hides it. That's what I hate the most is lying about it. So the next day I decide to see what he was looking at through the history....sure enough a whole crap load of porn, my heart was pounding so fast, and I was just in disgust of what he was looking at, barley legal, just turned 18, college girls, ass porn...why? I have no idea. He said he likes our sex life, so why look at other girls. He says it's not the girls, it's the actions involved, the positions. So I say, why not buy a sex book that has diagrams of different sex positons, besides, I thought we've pretty much done it all. "I dunno" he says. Okay so I just drop it and walk away. And the funny thing, something I didn't mention to him...the sites he was looking at, didn't involve any men, it was girls posing nude by themselves. Positions weren't even involved... spread eagle, bent over with all their goodies hanging out, whatever else you could possible think of. And another thing, I let him take a whole crapload of pics of me nude, he has looked at them, but then continued to look at porn even after he confessed, "I don't need to look at porn anymore, I have all these pictures of you." So after knowing he's still looking at porn after all the pics I posed in for him, flat out makes me feel like s***. This makes me think, if he's hiding that he's not looking at porn, what else is he hiding? Guys have to understand, it doesn't matter what you're lying about or hiding, it could be the littlest thing. Girls are going to be wondering, hmm if he's hiding this, what else is he not telling me? If you can't enjoy the company of your S.O. or her beauty, and have to go elsewhere to get your pleasure, don't commit yourself to someone you can't respect. Your S.O. is most likely willing to do anything for you, all you have to do is ask. Link to post Share on other sites
kaydee Posted February 20, 2005 Share Posted February 20, 2005 Hi I found this site because I too am upset at my boyfriend looking at porn. Especially as we don't have sex too often! I agree with Eliza that if they don't necessarily want sex with their girlfriends more than say once a week but are looking at porn more than this, it IS an issue. If our sex life was completely fine then I probably wouldn't care as much! It makes you feel like when they do have sex with you they are thinking about those women they've just jacked off about! Link to post Share on other sites
wrabbit Posted February 23, 2005 Share Posted February 23, 2005 A while ago,I found his porn accidentally in the history files of the computer, when i wanted to go back to a site...i found my husbands hidden porn this morning while looking for jpgs of HIM. They were hidden in files of our garage wiring... he changed the names so i wouldnt see them... there they were.... sigh.... He doesnt like to kiss--- until after sex, like a thank you. He says it doesnt matter where i get my appetite, as long as i eat at home... i wonder how far that goes... Valentines was good, I tried new things, as one person said, i really tried....and now I am really sad about this... Its blonde girls, skinny women, and .. even one that looks like a girl, not a woman and THAT really creeps me out. Is this what he wants? I was so hurt... so is this why he hugs my skinny blonde friend so deeply? I cried... i do not feel loved, but the pporn is just a sign of other things... I am not fat, or unattractive, but this sure makes me feel that way.... wrabbit Link to post Share on other sites
babeymaye Posted February 25, 2005 Share Posted February 25, 2005 earlier this evening...i was logging onto my fiance's computer and i stumbled onto a video stream of a naked girl having sex.(very visually explicit) this isn't the first time that he has looked but it is the first time in a while. i really wish that it was something that didn't bother me so strongly...but unfortunately it does. it not only makes me question his loyalty and love for me, but it also makes me feel as if i am somehow not as "well-equipped" to satisfy him...our sex life is good...great even. but after finding something like that i find my own mind wandering during sex...to my issues with the role of porn in his life...no matter how small or trivial. i have read many articles about iporn becoming an addiction...and although he does not fit those descriptions now, i wonder if in the future i will find that changing. i trust my fiance deeply. he respects that i don't want him at strip clubs...he doesn't go to them...and his friends constantly give him a hard time about that...still he is loyal to me with this. but i will admit that i do freak out on him a bit when i find pictures of nude women or videos of them having sex. i feel like if he really was truly satisfied and happy with me and my body he wouldn't need the scum of society on his computer. i think he should understand how crappy it makes me feel and simply stop for that reason. if i knew that something i was doing was hurting him...even if unintentional i WOULD stop. he needn't even ask me. i guess i expect the same sort of love from him. he says that my looking wouldn't bother him. but it honestly isn't something that i find appealing. maybe that makes me seem old school or conservative...but i am always open to trying new things with him...always. i love the intimate bond that we have and i love feeling like we can experiment sexually...i believe that IS healthy. but i must admit that when i do happen to find porn...it takes sometime before i feel one hundred percent secure again...it may sound stupid but honestly...i feel so strongly about this that i often hold back tears when i think about it. it hurts me so much more deeply than my partner and best friend is willing to understand. i don't mean to make him feel like a bad person but i guess i am unsure of how to properly address my feelings...and what common ground can we come to? any thoughts would really be appreciated...thanx Link to post Share on other sites
lohrewok Posted February 26, 2005 Share Posted February 26, 2005 Wow. That was a great post describing how porn can make a woman feel. You touched some deep feeling I have sometimes also, babeymaye. I ask myself if porn is so "not a big deal" or the other excuse "it doesn't have anything to do with you" reasons that men respond with, after reading a post like the above..why can't men just simply stop? If I was doing something that hurt my husband like this I would quit. Why can't they? It is not a question of controlling our men's behavior or even telling them what they can and can't think about. It is a question of simple respect for how that behavior makes a woman feel. When a woman makes love to her man, when she starts thinking that he is comparing her. Or she is not skinny enough. Or has big enough boobs. It doesn't matter how much her man reassures her she will still have doubts. And thus the seeds are sown of discontent. Nobody wants to be second place in the bedroom. I think about society back in the 1800. Sure there were brothels. Some porn floating around I would guess. But your everyday farmer or rancher out on the plains didn't have access to the porn men do today. It was looked down upon. Brothels were houses of "ill-repute". Good people were just not seen in them. Link to post Share on other sites
fyrwyfe Posted February 26, 2005 Share Posted February 26, 2005 I feel the same way many of you gals feel - & any of you that have read my posts can see some of the crap I have dealt with. On the porn issue... When we first met there was no problem with it, it noticeably started when I got pregnant, which was a really bad time for me to discover that he was looking at other women on the computer & on video tapes and lying about it. Pregnant women often feel bad enough about the way their bodies are changing, and then to discover that your husband is jacking off to THEM and LYING to me about it, even though we are still making love, big tummy & all - just so depressing. This lying went on for at least a year before I figured out how to check history once it's been deleted. What I discoverd is him looking at LOTS of porn & that he had signed up for a couple 'sites'. I found he had an email acct I didn't know about and had been emailing this supposed porn star. All that he was doing was much more than some of the standard porn issues you gals are having, and we went to counseling about it. The deception is one thing, but the porn issue was covered like this by our couselor: If I am not comfortable with porn in my home, then I have every right to expect him to honor that, yet I cannot control him looking at it anywhere else; work (if he is actually daring enough), brothers, friends houses.... you get the idea. But not in our home. For us it has a lot to do with how 'in my face' it was. I could usually tell when he had been on the computer because the signs were there; locked doors, closed blinds, history cleared..... in my face although he probably thought it was his little secret. The other thing was all the lies that accompanied this issue. For at least a year I knew this s**t was going on & he would lie right to my face. Yeah I can understand him being embarassed to admit he had been jacking off, but NEVER to admit to EVER looking at any nude woman on our computer even though he knew I KNEW?! And then to throw in "I already promised you I wasn't doing that! Why do you keep asking me?!" That's the real kicker. Porn is not something that husbands have the right to look at & jack off to at their every opportunity, at least not in your 'home'. Most of us women will agree that if we were doing something truly bothersome to our husbands then we would STOP doing that if it was important to him. So why shouldn't we expect the same? We aren't asking him for the world here, just want to be treated with a shred of respect. Link to post Share on other sites
Spade Posted February 26, 2005 Share Posted February 26, 2005 When I was twelve or so, my mother sat me down and said, "Sex is a wonderful thing between adults. It's also a wonderful thing for young adults as they grow up and learn about their bodies. I know you've had feelings for boys, and they've had feelings for you. But having sex with someone else is risky. There are STD's, pregnancy, and emotional risks involved. So, I hope that, when you make the decision to have sex, you won't do so lightly. That doesn't mean that you can't acknowledge your feelings. I'd rather you play safe and play smart. You are your own best lover." And she handed me my first vibrator. Masturbation is essential. If you can't please yourself, how do you know how to please others, or how to be comfortable with your body or ready for the sensations of sex? People are going to masturbate, to relieve stress, to get rid of that "horny" feeling, and to indulge in fantasies that are not possible, or prudent, to act out. Pornography is great. The individuals in photographs and movies choose to do what they're doing, in accordance with their own moral and religious beliefs. Pitying them for being "degraded" is nonense. So is assuming that what they're doing is bad. Hell, if you're married, you're doing the same thing. How can it be gross to look at if it's so much fun to do? Seeing sexual images is arousing. It can direct your fantasies and spark your imagination. Most men who use pornography choose to do so, they don't have to for arousal, but it helps. I still masturbate on a regular basis, and so does my significant other. And yes, we both have extensive collections of porn and toys. If your man won't masturbate in front of you, it is because he is not comfortable with his body and with you. You have to acheive a level of intimacy in order to show someone what no one else has seen. If he's not comfortable with you having a collection, it is because he has the same insecurities you do, concerning fidelity and love. Solution: Get closer and be more honest. Treat each others bodies as if they were your own, and lighten up about your own reservations. I'm a fan of amae, a Japanese concept that amounts to complete and utter closeness and trust. When you can leave the bathroom door open, divulge your most deviant fantasies, recite each other's favorite memories, order for each other at McDonald's, finish each other's sentences, and lay for hours in each other's arms, breathing in tandem, you're ready for marriage. It doesn't come easy, and the first step is understanding yourself and why you're so threatened by a photograph of a woman's breasts. Link to post Share on other sites
lohrewok Posted February 27, 2005 Share Posted February 27, 2005 A vibrator at 12. My daughter is 11 and somehow I can't see myself giving her a vibrator for her next birthday. I suppose to the outside world I would appear to be prudish. I don't care for dirty jokes. The juvenile mindset of the SI swimsuit issue. But behind closed doors with my husband it is another matter entirely. I'm sure Spade, that I could even make you blush if I told you a few tales. I am not the type of person to come on here and brag about my relationship. I will say that you also down-played the porn issue that many women have. I doubt that seeing a picture of a woman's breast is what these women are talking about. They are talking about being lied to. About feeling less than 100% accepted for the woman they are. They are talking about a lack of respect from their SO and a lack of respect for their relationship. Gloss over it how you will. Nobody has yet to respond to my question. Why don't you just stop. Is there any man who has ever stopped? Are you so secure Spade that the thought of your SO screwing you and thinking of the porn chick is cool? Link to post Share on other sites
Kat Posted February 27, 2005 Share Posted February 27, 2005 Originally posted by lohrewok A vibrator at 12. My daughter is 11 and somehow I can't see myself giving her a vibrator for her next birthday. I suppose to the outside world I would appear to be prudish. I would call that responsible, but prudish. Link to post Share on other sites
oldfashion Posted February 27, 2005 Share Posted February 27, 2005 I told my SO to give up on porn before we got married. He threw them away. In my culture, marriage is sacred and adultry cant be involved in it. We are from different cultures. I told my SO how disrespectful it was and it would hurt me to see a porn mag at home . He understood my point and respected it. He even told me that he would not need any of them as long as he would be with me. IMO - Guys should give up on porn before they get married. Marriage is not seeing a porn movie, reading stories and jerking off by yourself. Its for two people and very special. Link to post Share on other sites
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