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bf wants to have last fling before tying the knot!

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i know that it really depends on the person.. but my bf and i got in a big fight because he thinks we both should have a last fling before we get married. we were both virgins when we got together and he says that he thinks it would be good to explore that with at least one other person or both of will always wonder about it and regret that we never slept with another person. personally, i think this is a loser attitude, and if he really loved me he wouldn't talk like this. i'm thinking of telling him to take a hike. please help!

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i think this is a loser attitude, and if he really loved me he wouldn't talk like this


How about trying the discussion again, but not using loaded terms like "loser" and loaded concepts like "If you really loved me"?


How old are you both, have you ever had serious relationships before, and are you planning on lifelong monogamy? Have you discussed what "fling" means and whether it could be done safely and without taking unfair advantage of third parties?

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I think you are right he should take a hike. He is not ready for a life long monogomous relationship. Whether you were virgins or not is irrelevant.

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