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does this mean we have a future why me and not his girlfriend?

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ok so my best friend is this guy named greyson we been really close for almost two years we work together he has a girlfriend who he says he loves but they are forever on again off again shes nice and she says that she likes me but theyve argues over me time and time again he told her that either she gets over it and is cool with me or their over but lately she's been talking to me a lot even though she thinks that there is something going on.


Lately we've been getting really close we see each other every day and he would rather be with me than with her. the other night he was spending the night at my house but we stopped to get some papers from her they argued and as he walked away she said that they were over, he doesnt have a phone so she txtd me to have fun with him. We got to my house everyone was sleeping so we went straight to my room and got in bed i had planned on having him sleep on the floor but he was like naw im sleeping next to you, he hopped in bed so i crawled in and he snuggled up super close to me, i had super bad cotton mouth so i was like are you thirsty he was like naw im okay are you


i was like no but my mouth is super dry, yeah i guess i made tht one easy lol but he was like ill make it wet and kissed me i stopped like you know this isnt right but im not gonna lie we had been feeling each other for a while he was like whatever and we kept kissing one thing led to another and we ended up having sex. I went to sleep but his girlfriend txtd me asking to talk to him so he stayed up they ended up making up and getting back together. He said he didnt want it to be wierd between us, and it wasnt at first he was the same love me to death guy he has always been.


But he also wants to go into the air force and he's mostly been going through the whole process with me the other problem that im having is that i told him when he set a date to go to the recruiters office that he needed to stop smoking(you know) so he has been trying but ever since he stopped which is only a couple days ago he has been totally different he gets irriatated so easily and he doesnt call me as much as he used to honestly he hasnt called me the past 2 days which to me is wierd because he calls me at least three times a day normally he knows hes being different and that his headaches are from not smoking and that he's not being himself he's being an *******, we talked about that last night after work granted he was feeling better after he smoked a black.


I hate it because i want the old him back and when we were driving i was like i hate your attitude so much that id rather you were smoking then acting like this, but you know i will always be there for you no matter what whereever you are i will always be there but im going to need you to stop being so rude because it's really starting to hurt me, he was when we were pulling up to his girlfriends house he was like i know we are really good friends best friends he whispered with benefits and leaned in and kissed me until her door opened.


Its hard because i dont know where my place is any more i cant be second place and hes in and out on their relationship i love him to death i always will but i want him to be with me if we are going to keep doing this and i cant help but be a little bit angry that im the one he''s always leaned on im the one who is consistantly there that he calls just to say hi he tells me everything hes not like that with his girlfriend he always tells me he loves me but what am i suppossed to do if he's with her im confused about where we are and where we are going, im the one who hes taking with him into the military


she doesnt want to stick it out through all that she's told me and him so he's living with me until he goes to basic and hes asked me to move with him where ever he gets stationed but im like if your taking me then why arent you braking up with her, im willing to blame his attitude lately on him trying to quit something that he was i guess addicted to but why wont he brake up with her and what does all this mean for us?

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You should have broken down your entire entry into paragraphs to make it easier to read. But here is my take:


You're officially the FWB and by not refusing him and being clear about how you feel, you officially became the third wheel, and the other woman.


Girl, why are you doing this to yourself? If Greyson was your friend, he would not even initiate having a sexual relationship with you until at least he made it clear he wanted to be with you and had officially broken up with his gf. The one thing that you're allowing to happen is that, now, he's getting " it" from two people and this friendship has already went down the drain.


For your sake if you still have any respect for yourself, you will break it off with him.

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And the whole trying to quit smoking is a bunch of bull****. He's trying to place blame on a condition rather than on himself for having cheated on his gf and putting you in this position.

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You should have broken down your entire entry into paragraphs to make it easier to read.




I would like to read and help but I cannot get through the block of text.


There are some members here who will just bypass a post all together when presented this way. Not trying to be mean, just stating fact. I ask the mods to break up into paragraphs & subscribe to the thread to remember to check it later.


Welcome to Loveshack. Hope to post with you soon!

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