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GF and friend (not about what you think...)

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Hi everybody. I've been seeing my GF for just about seven months. Things are going really well. I'm in love, and she with me. Not to go overboard, but I feel like she could be the proverbial "person who's made me see why it never worked with anybody else".


Anyway, there's one small issue I'd appreciate people's thoughts on.


I have a friend, who I'll call "Steve", who I've become pretty close friends with in the last year or so. Steve got married in July this year, and I was MC at his wedding. My GF and I have been to a few events together with him and his now-wife. The last one of those was before they got married.


Since the last time my GF and I got together with Steve and his wife, GF has told me that she "can't stand" Steve. Steve is very outgoing and personable; my GF's main objection is that she finds him quite phony and overly flirtatious.


My GF is generally quite easy-going and gets along with most people, and does well in social situations.


Anyway, the difficulty arises in that Steve and his wife really like me and my GF. My GF and Steve's wife hit it off quite well, such that my GF was invited to the staggette in June (but wasn't able to go due to work). They've said once or twice they'd like the four of us to get together for dinner sometime. The most recent was this past weekend, when I ran into Steve and his wife while grocery shopping. No concrete plan yet.


I'd love it if that could happen. While I happen to like Steve, I actually can see things from my GF's perspective and understand what she sees in him that rubs her the wrong way. (However, what bugs her about him doesn't bug me about him. Different strokes, I guess.) And she hasn't told me I can't be friends with him or anything crazy like that.


Anybody have any thoughts on what to do in this kind of situation? (And, I realize that if/when Steve and his wife invite us to get together I'll be raising it with my GF and will be seeing what she thinks, if I need to decline on a pretext or if she's willing to go but bite her tongue.)


Thanks everybody...

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Having been through a similar situation, my advice would be to limit your contact with Steve to stag activities. Everyone has their own reasons and comfort zones for the relationships they develop, friends included, and I don't see any benefit in forcing an unwanted relationship on your GF. And I'd guess that were the shoe on the other foot, you'd want the same consideration. JMHO...


Mr. Lucky

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Have to agree with Mr. Lucky.


Sounds like your GF is respected that you are his friend...you got to respect that she doesn't want to spend time with him.


Sounds like you do have a keeper there.

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