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Not really sure from here..

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Sorry for the length, I'm not used to really bearing my sole on these sites, but I want, more than anything, not to screw this up more than it is; or in this case, I guess salvage something. Met this girl early in the summer, she has a serious boyfriend who just left for the next for the next 5-7 years, almost halfway across the country. Every time we are together we are virtually inseparable, became extremely close over a couple of months. Its not like I am the shoulder to cry on or anything, almost never talks about said boyfriend, just pure fun and getting to know each other conversation. As soon as the boyfriend left, I started talking to her almost daily. Its pretty obvious to most of my friends that I am extremely into her. I asked her to do me a favor last weekend to prepare for something, right before I met up she said she only had limited time, had to help her family later that night. Meet up with her, she says she has time, you want to grab dinner after words. During dinner, I basically decide I have to tell her how I feel, its becoming a huge weight on me, almost like I am lying by omission. I try to pay for dinner to return her favor, she refuses, so I make her get a drink on me. About 5 minutes into it, there is a small lull in the conversation, and I go into it. She was a little more surprised than I expected and it threw me off a little. I get the feeling she thought I was making a move on her right then and there, but the truth is I only wanted to get it out there because I thought I was breaking her trust not being upfront. I am not the type to cheat or let someone else cheat, I know that is no way to start something, will only lead to problems down the road. Plus it is not something I condone, NO excuses. I feel that may be something I didn't relay well, though

The conversation is awkward for a little, but right after it returns basically back to normal, we hang out for another 15-20 minutes then she had to go home. As we are walking home, she sees the bus she has to catch, gives a scattered goodbye. Then I get a text 'sorry for rushing, great having dinner with you,' and we have 2 or 3 texts back and forth with each other.

I almost have the impression she may have been acting normal to be polite and not make the situation anymore awkward than it had to. I know the best thing to do was let her reach out to me, the ball is in her court, but about 3 days later, I texted her right after I finished the thing she helped me prepare for and got a generic polite response, where normally I feel she may have been a little more playful. She didn't reply to my text back..

I ran this situation by some female friends to get their perspective, and they all said, unless you have an excuse to, don't contact her. Well I had an excuse to, one I didn't think was good, but they all reassured me it was perfect. This is about 10 days after the night it all went down. I did not get any response back. I also emailed her friends, which up until this point also became my friends (we all met at the same time), and got a very short and impersonal response.

Now I am lost on how to proceed. My original thought was to wait another couple weeks, and if still nothing, I wrote something that kind of clarifies the message I was trying to get across that night. Is there a better option? How long should I wait to send something?

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