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My Best Friend Say I Love You (but As A Friend)!

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I Know This guy not quite long(1 yr) and we've been so closed and be a Best friend..we always talked about our problems(love, life, school,etc) ,both of us just get hurt and we try to cheer one another and forget the past together. that's why we are so closed! also we talked on internet everysingle day and phone lately.. suddenly he said that he likes me alot because im fun and unique, and he loves me but as a friend. i feel so weird when he said that, the thing that i kinda feel that im starting loving him, but i dont know if it is as a friend or what:) so what im confused here is he really loves me or just like me as his bestfriend? by the way we live far away and im gonna meet him this xmas.

what should i do? cause i think im in love with him but too shy to say it out cause he's my bestfriend!!!



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I think he does like you but shielded himself from potential rejection by adding the friend piece. Someone is not going to bring that up the "love" word unless they have feelings more than friends. And talking on the internet everyday? Come on now... this is an obvious one. When you see him for Christmas, test the waters by acting a little more intimate towards him. Touch him during conversation, sit close on the couch, look in his eyes, etc. From his reaction, you should be able to determine where things stand...without bringing it up in a conversation, which is always awkward.

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Hermie Aphrodite

I'm in a similar but long distance situation where I like her and she seems to react positively to this but then doesn't reply sometimes when I express my feelings or just plays it off as though she just wants to be friends. It's very confusing and I'm hurt because I've known her in person for 4 years and feel that it's not ever going to go anywhere, although she just recently told me that when the time was right then she would like to be with me, then she turns around and goes on about how she loves so and so and wants to spend the rest of her life with them, etc. Since I've recently moved away and we only communicate through IM's, I've just blocked her as I'm tired of the games and I want her to have time to figure out what she wants, because I don't think she knows. Am I overly harsh or demanding in my actions?


sorry for the hijack sasha :o

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You were correct in blocking all communications with her. Maybe not block, but the next time she writes, tell her your busy and don't have time to IM. She might throw you a few promising crumbs (because she knows how to manipulate you), but resist the temptation and be cool. There is no point in continuing something that isn't going anywhere. When someone likes you, there is no putting it off till later. Let her figure that out alone, while you date others. When your friends with a gal and she doesn't want more, take your medicine upfront and let them go. It's much better than the continuous emotional turmoil. Don't ever be a woman's free personal shrink. (unless you truly enjoy their company and want nothing more than a friendship)

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