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Ladies: Would you date someone who was your height/barely taller than yourself?


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So here's my story, I've known this guy for about 4 months or so. We were kinda friends for the previous 3 months but didn't talk much because well at the time I had a boyfriend. Anyway fast forward 3 months or so and I find myself single. So we start talking more and more, then hanging out, and finally we decided to just date.


He's a great guy, I mean he's a gentleman, shares the same interests as me, a great conversationalist, and hilarious. Everything about him is great aside from one thing: his height. He's about one inch taller than me which isn't much for a girl like me who loves to wear heels. At first I must admit it was awkward, looking him directly in the eye basically instead of having to look up at him. Actually it still is awkward, mostly because I'm not that tall (only 5'5) and every other guy I've dated has been at least 5'10. I was just wondering what was everyone else's opinion on this. Ladies, if a man had everything you wanted but lacked in the height department, would you still try to date him?

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Hell yes.


I have been through this. I dated a guy that was the same height as me- I also love wearing heels. After a few dates it just didn't matter anymore.

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Why is height such a deal breaker? I don't get it.


I dated two guys for over 3years. Both were under 5'7. I'm 5'6. In heels, I'm taller.

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Why not? Height will not deter me from dating a guy.



Well see I guess I gotta get used to the fact that we're pretty much the same height. Every other guy I've liked/dated has been about 5'10 as I said before, so it's still kinda weird to me.


Hell yes.


I have been through this. I dated a guy that was the same height as me- I also love wearing heels. After a few dates it just didn't matter anymore.


Yeah the more we go out together, the less it seems to matter. I'm slowly getting used to it and hoping that after awhile I won't notice it at all :)

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Yeah the more we go out together, the less it seems to matter. I'm slowly getting used to it and hoping that after awhile I won't notice it at all :)


It's a bit hard if he were a midget.


Which reminds me of this character in Nip/Tuck, the midget guy. I actually like that actor but I don't know his name.

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The last man I was involved with was my height. Never really liked short guys like that but he worked it well. I didnt like not being able to wear heels though.

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I have the same issue as you, OP, and I'm seriously having a hard time getting past it. (Not to sound shallow, because I am not!) (Refer to one of my previous threads)


Like you, he's great on paper -I mean, everything else about him is a ray of freshness. I am very intrigued by him, but I'm not sure if this issue will be a deal breaker for me.


Perhaps I am looking for an excuse not to like him, perhaps you are too.


Don't mean to high-jack your thread.


I don't think you should focus too much on this particular issue, see how he makes you feel and take it from there. (Trying to take this advice myself, too.) Are you secure enough with him?

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You'll get over it- trust me.

I wore heels with my ex even though it made me taller. He had no issues with it. He was proud to be with me- and that confidence made me even more mad for him!:love:

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Oy. Another height thread. Yes, I would date a guy my height and up. My XH was measured at exactly my height in his military physicals (5'7"), but had disc compression issues where I swear he could shrink an extra inch throughout the day (in addition to the natural amount EVERYBODY shrinks from standing all day). So he actually seemed a bit shorter than me sometimes. I didn't care.


Now the last two guys have been 5'11" and 5'10". TBH, I don't really care (meaning, they are not "more" attractive to me because of their height...the 5'10" guy is most attractive out of the 3 for reasons not having a thing to do with height).

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Ladies, if a man had everything you wanted but lacked in the height department, would you still try to date him?


Yup. :)


I have height preferences, but it's not a dealbreaker.

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Im 5'10" so by default, Im generally the same height or taller than most guys...even if not in my bare feet, in heels I tower. My "bf" is 6'1" and Im taller than him when I wear heels.


I have dated guys much shorter than me...shortest one being 5'5" ... I guess at my height, Im so used to being so much taller than everyone else that it doesnt matter to me... 1" shorter or 5" shorter or whatever..its all the same to me. LoL

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I love dating guys my height or so - 5'6". Perfect height for kissing AND spooning! And his chin doesn't dig into my head when we make love - we're just mouth to mouth.

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I think you'd be lucky to have him from the sound of it.


I'm 5' 5 1/2" and of my three serious relationships only one was taller than me, and he was only 5'8" tall.


It really surprises me that so many people come on here with horror stories to tell about the people they're dating and then someone comes and says - oh, he's perfect for me and a wonderful guy. But he's not tall.


I really thought this type of thing went out with pill box hats.


Hopefully this guy can overlook your height prejudice. ;)

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I'm 5'7" and I've dated women from 4'11" to 5'11". I used to love it when the tall girl wore heels when we went out...and she liked how much confidence I had about it.


I don't understand why height is ever an issue for people. If you are attracted to them, then what is the problem? As a matter of fact, the woman I am with right now is the 4'11" girl...she is smokin hot, but short. No big deal, because everything else is there.

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If you're already attracted to him, his height shouldn't be the sole factor that causes you to question dating him. If you're not attracted to him, why date him?

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He's a great guy, I mean he's a gentleman, shares the same interests as me, a great conversationalist, and hilarious. Everything about him is great aside from one thing: his height. He's about one inch taller than me which isn't much for a girl like me who loves to wear heels. At first I must admit it was awkward, looking him directly in the eye basically instead of having to look up at him. Actually it still is awkward, mostly because I'm not that tall (only 5'5) and every other guy I've dated has been at least 5'10. I was just wondering what was everyone else's opinion on this. Ladies, if a man had everything you wanted but lacked in the height department, would you still try to date him?


It sounds like you're very concerned with what everyone else thinks and how they view you and your partner. I think you should leave him alone as he sounds like a good guy and would probably be better off with someone with a little more backbone.

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I think you should leave him alone as he sounds like a good guy and would probably be better off with someone with a little more backbone.







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The last man I was involved with was my height. Never really liked short guys like that but he worked it well. I didnt like not being able to wear heels though.


Why can't you wear heels? Is there an unwritten law that says the man must be taller at all times?


I am 5'9" and my fiance is about 5'10". In heels I am taller. I wear what I want and he is fine with it.

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