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What do you make of all this?? Is he interested or just nice? May be long...

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So i work part time at a night job, have been there 11 months. There is a guy that works there also whom i seem to have a chemistry with. (our employer has no issue with dating at work, but in saying that i wouldn't do it anyway and we are both currently looking for new jobs anyway)


We flirt a lot. He always looks me in the eye, we often look at eachother while walking by, then look away etc.


He always gets the door for me, he has brought in my favourite biscuits for our coffee break after i mentioned how much i love them.


He wished me happy birthday over the intercom at the 1am end of shift call.


He teases me in a friendly way, says he likes to see me get a bit fired up. lol


He always lets me keep his pen if i have needed to borrow it.


We plugged my ipod in over the audio system because the music in the store is awful.... he could not believe how good my collection of songs was and said his music taste is exactly the same.


When a song came on called 'she drives me crazy' he looked at me and said "Now this is a good song" and kind of gave me a smile and a look when he said it.


I've noticed him look me up and down as i walk past....


i never broke the 'touch barrier' with him because i am a little shy. (apart from finger tips touching when passing something) but a couple of weeks ago he kept making little jokes while we were working next to eachother and he would flinch as if he was getting ready for me to hit him playfully. It's like he wanted me to. I didn't at first and would just smile but then i finally did at the end of our shift... we couldn't stop smiling.


We both always smile or can't keep that little smirk off our faces when we see eachother.


He told me he liked my hair.


he recently bought a new car and he got the same model as mine after telling me he liked my car.


He gave me a car accessory out of his car. He didn't need it and when i offered him some money he insisted i didn't pay for it.


We have heaps in common...and he often refers to things he knows i have mentioned in the past or knows i like.


I mentioned i needed a new work top and asked if he could get me an order form from the office (he has the key), he smiled and said "you can have mine"


He asks me how i am every time we see eachother.


He was recently away from our store for 2 weeks to work somewhere else and last night he came in to say hi to us all as he was back. He gave me the biggest smile. (While he was away i sent him a text to say i hope it was going well and he gave me a nice reply saying how he missed all of the bags of sugar i break. (Silly joke between us)


sometimes he calls me 'trouble'. (in a friendly way) for exapmple: "Here comes trouble" with a smile.



Am i reading into this too much, or would you say there is 'something' there???


I am very attracted to him and i feel like i am going nuts. He is so fun to be around and it's as if the whole place lights up when he arrives...




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Sounds like a little flirting goes on, some complimenting on his part, and thoughtfullness as well. And definitely an established friendship. Seems that you like each other and each other's company. Do you know if he's single? Have you ever hung out outside of work? You can either keep going with the flow to see if he asks you out or if this leads to something...OR you can just ask him to join you for coffee or something after work sometime. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say no. It could be that he's shy about making that step because you work together, but he probably wouldn't see it as inappropriate if you do it...and it's just coffee, not anything elaborate, so if he declines for any reason, no big deal.

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