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You people should do what I did


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Okay so you have never peaked at her perky breasts when you were changing her outfits ? Never got a erection ?


Oh, sure, I look at her all the time when I dress her in something different. But sorry, I don't have the urges to power-screw her. The sex addiction thing is for guys with lower IQ's.

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If it's all about playing make-believe scenarios, dressing and undressing an action figure, why a Real doll v. the preferred GI Joe? :confused:


I'm probably stereotyping but hey, why not?

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Believe it. Oh sure, I'd have all the sex in the world if it could pay my bills... but mostly I enjoy dressing her up and taking her out on dates. It feels a lot like kicking sand into the faces of the oversexed bikini babes at the beach.:laugh:


If I was rich, I'd buy every boy in town a Realdoll for his 18th birthday if he asked for one.


1st question - why don't you just go gay? You seem to have some real anger toward women.

2nd question - you paid $4000 and up for this doll. That's how much they cost. How is that "saving" money?

3rd question - don't you want more than physical stimulation? You're obviously not looking for more than a plastic doll can get you (although she can clean up after herself). I mean, obviously you're not the sharpest tool in the shed as far as men go, so maybe this lack of emotional and intellectual stimulation works for you. Congrats.

I'm very sorry you have been rejected so much by women, you have to resort to this. That is very sad.

Another option might be looking inward and looking to improve your inner qualities so actual real women may find you attractive.

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That is the whole point of Real Dolls. They are designed as gadgets to replicate the female human body so men can who aren't capable of attracting real women can jack off into them.

You don't pay $4000 plus for a plastic doll to take to McDonald's, how embarrassing would that be, give me a break, this guy does not carry a doll all over the place. If he has one, he's ugly, and he's exploding every day multiple times into the doll.

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I would say OP is very lonely and has not connected to a real female in a while. Its okay not to admit that you touch her plastic gentalia but you want all guys to get a doll and not ever have sex with it :) ?

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I wonder..


Since the OP isn't having sex with the doll, can anyone hit it? ;)



a little backed up

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This is probably the best post I've stumbled upon.


I WISH more women would approach me... (the cute shy guy)


I probably scare them away in a social setting by being the only one not drinking or smoking cigarettes...


I wish being healthy would make me easier to relate to or spark conversations with...

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I WISH more women would approach me... (the cute shy guy)


I probably scare them away in a social setting by being the only one not drinking or smoking cigarettes...


First off, a realdoll WOULD get them talking to you. But I suspect it won't get them dating you.


Second, smoking and drinking are only qualities that a smoker and drinker would like. So, I think you may want to associate with non-smokers and non-drinkers.


Third, having said what I did in #2, 99% of the time, we create our own problems with people. Shyness can be overcome. To do that, it takes baby steps. Research ways to get over it and begin trying these steps on strangers. One thing that always builds confidence is simply trying to be friendly in stores of public places (excluding bathrooms :laugh: ).

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You don't pay $4000 plus for a plastic doll to take to McDonald's, how embarrassing would that be


Not embarrasing at all, once I got used to it. BTW she was $6500.


I would say OP is very lonely and has not connected to a real female in a while. Its okay not to admit that you touch her plastic gentalia but you want all guys to get a doll and not ever have sex with it :) ?


I gave women a chance (when I was younger and dumber). They would only push me away without ever telling me what they thought was so unattractive about me. But it goes both ways... because when I found out about Realdolls, I thought what am I nuts? Women don't have anything a Realdoll can offer me... except maybe abuse, ha ha.


...or about you.


You know... if someone is happy with what they have, there is nothing anyone can do to ruin that happiness (except maybe take my Realdoll away). So, women can poke fun of me and call me all the names they can think of, because it doesn't change things for me.:laugh: People can write about me in their blogs and even write stuff about me in public bathrooms, for all I care.:p

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I saved my money and bought a Realdoll. She arrived last April and she is beautiful.
Weird, how did she arrive in April 2009, when you were only thinking about ordering her in May? ;)


If you're happy, we're happy for you! :bunny:

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Heat Resistant - can withstand over 300 degrees heat


Good grief. What are they thinking that people would want to do with her??? :eek:


Affordable - cheaper than most alternatives


Haha, I like this one! :D Probably true, all things considered.

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deux ex machina
You know... if someone is happy with what they have, there is nothing anyone can do to ruin that happiness (except maybe take my Realdoll away).





So, women can poke fun of me and call me all the names they can think of, because it doesn't change things for me.:laugh: People can write about me in their blogs and even write stuff about me in public bathrooms, for all I care.:p


I have heard on this site, repeatedly, that confident, attractive men get to break into the select "young girls" market. Blank slates, barely out of their catholic school girl uniforms and everything.


So I wouldn't give up on the living just yet!


Until then, I must say I admire the confidence. :love:

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deux ex machina



Haha, I like this one! :D Probably true, all things considered.



Yes, I was thinking that saving money was a part of Disillusioned's decision. It might be $4,000 up front, but once he breaks even over what it would cost to date a real woman over a few months - he's money.


It's looking more and more brilliant.

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Weird, how did she arrive in April 2009, when you were only thinking about ordering her in May? ;)


There is a 5 month wait (hey other guys buy these things too) from order time to delivery time... I kind of wondered whether I was doing the right thing.


But then a truck arrived with the crate carrying my Realdoll and removed all doubt.:D

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Well as long as your happy, then good for you.


I guess you have to buy makeup & lots of clothes for her?!?


No makeup, but I learned how to sew when I was 12 (I have 3 sewing machines). One of the perks of living in L.A. is that we have a garment district, I can go there and all these shops have all sorts of fabrics. I can buy a whole log of cotton or satin or whatever, for almost nothing. The only problem I have is with buying spandex to make tights for my Realdoll... so many of the vendors have had their logs of spandex burgled, that it's hard for them to get insurance and if they do have spandex, they charge a lot for it and they never bring it outside the shop to display.


My doll's favorite outfit is the 1950s style party dress I made for her. I had a hell of a time finding the pattern, but it's made of turquoise satin and is very lovely on her.

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Yes, I have changed my thinking. At least it is keeping you from being the next George Sodini! So, the women of the world thank you for that!

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Yes, I have changed my thinking. At least it is keeping you from being the next George Sodini! So, the women of the world thank you for that!


Which is probably about the only real gratitude women have...:cool:

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Ill be the first to reply seriously.


You really need to see a therapist. It seems to me that you have suppressed feelings of anger toward women because of 1 from your past (generalization, much?). Anyway, your posts convinces me that you are disturbed, and should you be anything in person like you are on here, you probably drive away every female you meet.


You need help quick.

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Ill be the first to reply seriously.


You really need to see a therapist. It seems to me that you have suppressed feelings of anger toward women because of 1 from your past (generalization, much?). Anyway, your posts convinces me that you are disturbed, and should you be anything in person like you are on here, you probably drive away every female you meet.


You need help quick.


Dream on, 'cause I ain't gonna get it.


Women need therapy just as much, because they've set the bar unrealistically high. There are only so many rich guys on the market, a woman's chances of nabbing one are slimmer than 1 in 100. Years from now, there are going to be a lot of bitter old disappointed women in our country's nursing homes!

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deux ex machina

I know you've found something better.


You don't have to rub it in.


It's getting cruel at this point.




You never used to be like this, so apathetic and indifferent.

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