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How to cope with missing someone???

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I am in desperate need for advice and I would appreciate all the help that i can get.


I am just finishing up a semester abroad in a country on the opposite side of the world from my home. I have meet soo many cool people here and have fallen in love with this country. I plan on returning in a year... but a year can be a really long time.


While down here i met a really cool person, and not to sound to cliche, we totally hit it off from the first time we started up a convo. Everyone around us says that there a definite connection and how special it is to find someone like that. I totally agree as well. Problem is we got too close. We both knew that I was leaving at the end of the semester and that he was going back home because he graduated (even though in the same country). Both of us agreed that if I was staying and that he didn't have to go back, our relationship would progress to the next step. I have no regrets about the friendship that we have or the directions we took even though we knew the outcome. I wanted to live life to the fullest down here and that is exactly what i did. But neither of us intended on falling for each other.


Last night the inevitable happened. He left to go home and saying god bye to him was the hardest thing i have ever done. He became my best friend and I have no doubts in my mind that i will see him again, that is a sure thing. But I have gone from seeing my bestfriend everyday for the past 4 months to not seeing him at all and probably not for a long time. There is always email communication but that won't pick up until I return home in a week. He has said to me on many occasions, especially the night we parted, that all of the feelings i have for him are mutual and that he was just as upset as I was. However, in typical guy style, he was much more composed then i was. although he did shed a tear.


I have been in college for a while and am wrapping things up and I hav moved around my whole life, never in one place for more than 4 years, so I know about saying good-bye to people and missing them but I can't explain this.


It is still so fresh and i am surrounded my so many things that remind me of him and the thought of no knowing when i am ever going to see him again scares me and my heart hurts and i am a basket case. Which is unusual to me because usually i am so calm and collected. I do show emotion from time to time but for once i am at a total loss. I am crying all the time, constantly thinking about him and what he is doing.


How do I cope with someone leaving and missing them? I don't want to forget about him and we are still friends, but he is soo far away. How can i get over this? Can anyone help?????

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He shed a tear??? A guy???? Sounds mutual to me!!!! Write lots of long letters. I left home and family at 16 to live in a country on the other side of the world and letters from my then boyfriend got me through the first year. The feeling of distress should fade but if it doesn't try channeling the negative emotions into something positive. A diary for the loved one is something that others have found helpful.

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