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me and this guy for about a year


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ok so me and this guy are both 22 years old. we started out as friends and then started dating a year ago. weve gone back and forth between being just friends and being in a relationship with each other for the past year. this last time we broke up he started dating someone else and they were together for a month and a half and then she just left to go back up to new york. so i texted him last night to say sorry for it and we havent spoken for the past almost two months. he said it was ok things happen for a reason. and then we started talking this morning and he said we could be friends but that he doesnt really care about dating anymore and he wants to stay single for a while. i said thats fine we can be friends and he knows how hard it is for me...but i agreed for it. becuase i dont want to be away from him all together. so we started talking and the way he talks to me the things he says isnt the words of a guy whos just talking to a friend. he kinda goes half way with me since we have been dated before. and we have told each other that we love each other. the way he talks to me is not the way a guy just talks to a regular friend whos a girl. its a little more intimate. but not too much. and then i said ok so are we gonna see each other and he said yea one day soon. i said ok. and then i said ill text u later tonight i have laundry to do and going to the gym. and he works at night so hes like ok im going back to bed. ttyl. so i will text him later to talk...but i dont know what to do. hes said these things to me before. how he just wants to be friends and doesnt wanna be in a relationship again...and all of that. and weve always gotten back together. but i dont know what to think this time. i dont know what to do. i wanna be with him but i dont wanna push him or ill end up pushing him away. and i dont want that. i wanna take this slow. i wanna be just friends for now and then try to go towards a relationship. just like in the past we were always able to. but im scared this time he may be pushed to far by so much **** and not wanna try again. and i know things can be different this time. i wanna try to show him that. and i wanna be friends with him but with the intent of trying to get closer. i dont want another girl to get him i love him. and i know he loves me and i dont wanna be with another guy. he means to much to me. but i really need to know what to think or how to feel about it this time. how i should handle this time...please help

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Really at this point you should look at taking a "hard to get" tactic. He's fresh out a relationship it seems and he'll probably be looking for rebound intimacy. Talk to him like a friend and make no acknowledgment of the intimate slights he may make, it'll drive him nuts, all the while he may satisfy his "self-confidence" needs elsewhere and find something for you a little later when he's repaired.


Now, there is a chance he is just turning to you for the rebound, and you have to be aware of that. Be careful and shield your heart.

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