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How to cope...

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I don't know where to begin. I've been talking to a guy in the navy for about a month now. We met at the mall when he was just in the area. Everything was going fine until last week. He wanted to visit me but I had a wedding in Massachusetts. Now I had already told him that September is a really month for me so a visit this month would be really difficult. He told me that he understood that and whenever I was free he would come and see me. Well Thursday night he told me that he feels like I'm basically avoiding him. I told him if I was doing that then I wouldn't have given him my number or even give him the time of day. Well the last time we talked was Monday night and he's told me that he's been really busy at work and he's getting ready for some board test to gethigher in rank. I can totally understand that but he could at least make the time to see how everything is going because even though I'm busy I at least found the time to call him and see how he was doing. I don't know what to do. I want to send him a text message about how I'm feeling but I don't want to ruin this. I want to tell him when I'm free but I'm also starting to believe that he probably found someone close to him ( we're 3 hours apart). I just don't know what to do. Any advice would be grateful.

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I wouldn't explain anything in text. Text messages can be easily misread and misinterpreted and shouldn't be used to explain these types of things.


Since you haven't spoken with him since Monday I'd text a "thinking about you" text or a "how ya doin'?"


Do you have his e-mail or any other way to communicate? Do you chat -- or mainly speak over the phone? Over the phone is the best form of communication - or web chat where you actually talk not just type IMO - but those that don't have cam find chat to be okay too.


Communicate - communicate - communicate.


Assumptions lead to misunderstandings.

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