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Is 40+ partners too many?

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I could not cope with anyone who'd had that many partners. I would find it threatening, and fear it meant that person was not quite ethical/moral enough for me..ie that they take sex too lightly.

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I'm 20, and my number's 0. But, everybody makes mistakes I guess, don't feel so bad. I hope you were safe, because if not... :sick:

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He's a cutie patootie, there, Bubbles! :)



But what's this about being spoken for? Yoiks! Next there'll be a 'I cheated and my BF left and I want him back'


oh noooooooooooooo! :eek:

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Bubbles -


Yes, go for it, I just had two Cosmos and I am vicariously excited for you! Give Yogi-mon a chance to put his muscle where his mouth is! Tell us how good it feels!

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Originally posted by nicole8418

I've had 50+ partners and I'm only 19. Put that in your cigar and smoke it yogi :D hehehe


Oh, that's REALLY something to be proud of. :confused:

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Im not trying to impress anyone with my numbers nicole.

I've had 50+ partners and I'm only 19. Put that in your cigar and smoke it yogi hehehe
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originally posted by yogi but then edited thats just kinda sick




some people see it as having no difference between the two of you.....neither "score" is admirable........ 40+ or 50 whats it matter....... ???

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I guess there is nothing wrong with that either then..


I was in a relationship from 17 (when I lost my virginity) till 20,

the 40 people happened in the 5 years, or, like 8-9 partners a year.

Roughly one partner every month and a bit.


This girl is like packing in like 3-4+ guys a month.

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I guess there is nothing wrong with that either then..


I was in a relationship from 17 (when I lost my virginity) till 20,

the 40 people happened in the 5 years, or, like 8-9 partners a year.

Roughly one partner every month and a bit.


This girl is like packing in like 3-4+ guys a month



But you see yogi..... it appears as though you now have a double standard..... there is NO difference...... despite age differences between you 2, so you have 6 years on her....... still a double standard

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ok you ARE right.

doesnt matter. Im allowed to have a double standard.

Men are allowed to do it and women arnt.




For example, women ARE allowed to have sex toys, such

as dildos, vibrators, and various other toys.


Men are NOT allowed to have pocket pussies, "little vibrating vaginas"

or blow up dolls.


Its that simple. Sure, some things are unfair. - Too bad isnt it?

If a man does it he is a stud. If a woman does it she is a slut.

Its simple math.


Just like a woman with a dildo is sexy, but a man with a pocket vagina

is CRAZY. Some double standards are the way they are.

Sorry bout that, go talk to society about that one, cause I dont got

all the answers dear.

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Oh my God!


Does that make you feel better or more lively or something?


Wowzers. That's astounding. Unless it was a joke.

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ok you ARE right.

doesnt matter. Im allowed to have a double standard.

Men are allowed to do it and women arnt.




For example, women ARE allowed to have sex toys, such

as dildos, vibrators, and various other toys.


Men are NOT allowed to have pocket pussies, "little vibrating vaginas"

or blow up dolls.


Its that simple. Sure, some things are unfair. - Too bad isnt it?

If a man does it he is a stud. If a woman does it she is a slut.

Its simple math.


Just like a woman with a dildo is sexy, but a man with a pocket vagina

is CRAZY. Some double standards are the way they are.

Sorry bout that, go talk to society about that one, cause I dont got

all the answers dear.





Do you really feel like this? SO what r u saying then.... that society is influencing you?

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Can I have a Pocket vagina and still be a sexy guy??????



End of debate.

Men are allowed to be promiscious. Sorry its unfair. If your a woman, and you do it your a slut.

End of debate.

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Geez, Yogi! I thought you and Bubbles had run off to Tangier or something ;)


Women, like men, can use sex as affirmation/love/validation. Anybody who has a LOT of sexual partners may be doing just that. Whether or not there's a double standard, humans are humans and issues affect both genders equally.

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Men are allowed to be promiscious. Sorry its unfair. If your a woman, and you do it your a slut.

End of debate.


Yoiks.... I'm not touching this one.

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Whether or not there's a double standard, humans are humans and issues affect both genders equally.


I agree moimeme.... I just dont think having high numbers like that is admirable whether its a man or a woman.... (my opinion ofcourse) makes me wonder if either/or are sexual predators, where then both need to seek some sort of help professionally, aside from opinions from here.

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Women, like men, can use sex as affirmation/love/validation. Anybody who has a LOT of sexual partners may be doing just that. Whether or not there's a double standard, humans are humans and issues affect both genders equally.


You always have something useful to add to the conversation. You are 100% correct in my opinion.

But, its one of those things - it has more to do with how society percieves men, and how society

percieves women.


Its not really how I percieve women, but more so - how the rest of our culture percieves women.

Just like - how a man with a blow up doll is percieved: He is viewed as a crazy sex depraved loser.

Well - women who have too many partners are percieved as dirty, nasty, loose sluts.

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Its not really how I percieve women, but more so - how the rest of our culture percieves women.


You said this.... but before hand when you commented on nicoles post you said this


have a cookie Post: 57 | Quote:


Im not trying to impress anyone with my numbers nicole.



quote:I've had 50+ partners and I'm only 19. Put that in your cigar and smoke it yogi hehehe


and thats just sick. (<---the part you edited out)


Last edited by yogi-mon on 26th November 2003 at 6:11 AM


it is how you perceive women. Im trying to understand fully your full intentions behind your postings..... its contradicting to me that is. I guess I just wont understand your postings.

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stud2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (std)



A group of animals, especially horses, kept for breeding.

A male animal, such as a stallion, that is kept for breeding.

A stable or farm where these animals are kept.


A man regarded as virile and sexually active.

A man regarded as attractive.

Games. Stud poker.


Men say: That woman is a ****in SLUT:

slut ( P ) Pronunciation Key (slt)



A woman considered sexually promiscuous.

A woman prostitute.

A slovenly woman; a slattern.


slov·en·ly ( P ) Pronunciation Key (slvn-l)


Untidy, as in dress or appearance.

Marked by negligence; slipshod. See Synonyms at sloppy.



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i always thought a stud was a jewel or a metallic fastening on a garment or accessory. lol

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Philanderer - thesaurus entries:

To engage in many love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude. Used of a man.


Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, adulterer, chaser, cruiser, dallier, debaucher,lady-killer, nighthawk, operator, player, skirt chaser, tomcat, whorehound, wolf, womanizer, rake, rounder, profligate, rascal, roué




BEARD SPLITTER lateC17 [English] (n) ~ A seducer or sexually promiscuous man


BIRD'S-NESTER C19 [English] (n) ~ A promiscuous man or womaniser.


RATTLE CAP midC19 [English] (n) ~ A promiscuous man.


RATTLER 1920's [English] (n) ~ A promiscuous man.


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Women say: That man is a stud:


Well, maybe the women you've been servicing do. But I've never personally referred to a sexually promiscuous man as a "stud"... nor have I heard that term come from any of the many female friends in my circle. But we don't use the terms "whore" or "slut" either. :o I think that term is more commonly used among the men who see sexual prowess as some sort of affirmation of their virility. A form of "male posturing," so to speak. However, I have heard the girls use the words “player,” and “dog,” but I don’t think those terms were ever used in the ‘positive’ connotation that some men would like to think. As a matter of fact, I’ve heard men refer to each other as player and dog, as if it were some term of endearment.


I say; to each his own.


While there are men who prefer to relieve their adolescent urges with promiscuous women, some will not choose to bring them home to the family or make wives out of them later on in life. Just as some women prefer not to make husbands out of promiscuous men. But there will always be those who do not share the same standards when seeking a committed partner. Two people, like Yogi and our female poster, should be able to get along quite well in a long term relationship because of their similar views regarding sexuality...But not if either is hypocritical of the other or believes there should be some form of "double standards" assigned to gender.


I've always believed that if you are looking to find a partner with a particular set of standards, then you must literally become the kind of person that you are trying to attract.

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But then I need to ask:


Why is it a woman can have a sex toy (dildo), but a man cannot?

This should be its own thread.

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