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My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me about 2 months ago. I beleive that me being too nice was the major thing that ruined it. Another factor was the age. Im 23 and she is 17. We have broke up a few other times but every time she comes back. I was her first boyfriend. The last time i talked to her was about 5 maybe 6 weeks ago. That was the last and only time i talked to her since she dumped me. That same time i made her mad at me. I miss her alot, and i have been thinking about calling her. I don't know if i should or not. If there is ANY chance at all to get one more chance with her i will do whatever it takes to do so. I know you all will probably tell me that i have already lost her forever and to move on, but i really like her and if there is anything or any chance left, i will take it. Please give me some kinda advise, I really like this chick and would love to have her back in my life.

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If you are still too nice, what makes you think you can keep her if you got back with her? Generally, once there is more than one break up in the past, it is finished.


Now, if you really must have this chick, don't call her. Arrange to run into her somewhere. You obviously know where she hangs out. Just appear there as if by accident. Smile at her, say hello, then IGNORE HER and go about your business. It would be good to have someone with you...male, or even better, a female friend. Remember, DO NOT do much more than say hello and speak VERY briefly.


If she calls you, be nice but don't talk to her more than a minute or two. Tell her that you are busy and you'll call her back. Then, DON'T call her back.


You have to start being not so sweetsie sweetsie. That makes girls puke. Be unpredictable. BE A CHALLENGE. BE A MAN. DO NOT APPEAR TO BE A LOVESICK PUP!!! Make this girl want to chase you.


This strategy won't work with girls that have their act together, although even they like somewhat of a challenge. As men and women mature, they go less for the games. But you are in the big time game age range so you have to play.




As a rule, girls like her have no desire for someone who is readily available to them. Oh, yes, she will have you as a reserve to keep her busy when she's not going after a challenge. But you'll never make it to the romance department with her and most other young chirpies unless you get with the program.

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THANK YOU!!! I will definately give it a try. Part of me tells me that its over for good and part of me tells me that its not and that i just have to chill out a minuit. Im still in love with her. Since me and her split up, i have been practicing on the not being so nice thing and it'suprising how much it works. I have a couple of girls that are eating off my hands right now and it makes me feel good, but i don't want any of them. I have built up alot of self confidence. I just want the one that got away. This is my greatest challenge yet and if your advise works with the girl that i truely love, and i get her back, then I will praise you forever. I guess if it was meant to be, than no matter what happens, me and her will be together. If I get her back, I will put up a statue of you (Tony) in front of our town hall. Thanks

If you are still too nice, what makes you think you can keep her if you got back with her? Generally, once there is more than one break up in the past, it is finished. Now, if you really must have this chick, don't call her. Arrange to run into her somewhere. You obviously know where she hangs out. Just appear there as if by accident. Smile at her, say hello, then IGNORE HER and go about your business. It would be good to have someone with you...male, or even better, a female friend. Remember, DO NOT do much more than say hello and speak VERY briefly. If she calls you, be nice but don't talk to her more than a minute or two. Tell her that you are busy and you'll call her back. Then, DON'T call her back. You have to start being not so sweetsie sweetsie. That makes girls puke. Be unpredictable. BE A CHALLENGE. BE A MAN. DO NOT APPEAR TO BE A LOVESICK PUP!!! Make this girl want to chase you. This strategy won't work with girls that have their act together, although even they like somewhat of a challenge. As men and women mature, they go less for the games. But you are in the big time game age range so you have to play. Remember, RULES NUMBER ONE THROUGH ONE HUNDRED: DON'T BE SO NICE, DON'T BE SO PREDICTABLE, DON'T CALL ALL THE TIME, MAKE SOME CALLS BRIEF, OTHERS LONGER, DON'T ASK HER OUT SO OFTEN...MAKE HER BOIL OVER WITH DESIRE. As a rule, girls like her have no desire for someone who is readily available to them. Oh, yes, she will have you as a reserve to keep her busy when she's not going after a challenge. But you'll never make it to the romance department with her and most other young chirpies unless you get with the program.
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