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How to handle her...

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Hey, me and my gf broke up a couple weeks ago, and it has been pretty ok bein single again. And I loved her, but I started moving away and she became not so special to me. Anyway a couple days ago she IMed me and we started talking and she said ##### like she missed me so much and stuff like that, and I mean I wa nice cause thats who I am but inside I was like uh huh...for now suuuure...but anyway I said I was going on a soccer tournament this weekend so I'll talk to her when I got back (which was true) So when I got back I checked my mail and found she wrote me an email saying shes "made up her mind" about us and that she thikns ill like it, maybe not, but she wants to see me to talk about it cause she doesnt want to do it by phone. I had nothing else to do, my frineds ditched me, so I agreed. I went to her house, said hi to her and her parents, stuck around then we left. On the way back to my house I asked her what exactly it was and she said she wants to see me, but see other people too...so like we cna do "stuff" with eachother and go places and stuff, but can do it with other people too...no commitment. ANd I thought about it, and I donno why but I agreed. She was happy, I guess I kinda was cause I really did miss her, but i wasnt sure if i did the right thing. Anyway we had fun that night and took her home, and then she called me like an hour or so after i droped her off. We talked and we started talking, and what happened was she started gigling and sayin thigns to herself, and I was loke what? and she was ikenothing, neevrmind, etc. I asked again and again, but she dindt say, so i dropped it. Then 1/2 hour into the convo she asked me if i really wanted toknow, And I said yes...and she said that she was faling in love with me, and that she emant it. After wards she said she wanted to take it back cause it would prob ##### the way the relationship was goin, she liekd the eeling and everyitng and didnt want that back, but she didnt want me knowing. But ok, I guess My prob is that I donno what I should do with her this summer. Right now I'm plannin on seeing her and seeing other girls, and just goin with the flow and seein what happens at the end of the summer. Do you have any suggestions?

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This is no girl you're interested in, she has the mentality of a five year old child.


I suggest to you find a lady who is your age bracket mentally and emotionally and who is capable of having a relationship with you.


This girl will do nothing but play with your feelings and jerk you around. Children are champions of playing games and enjoying them...and this girl is the CHAMPION OF ALL CHAMPIONS.


It is impossible to love someone who has little or no regards for your feelings. And the way she told you she loved you is just plain sickening...even for a child.


Even if you are the same age as she is, you are in for some very sick and cruel experiences with what you've got here.


IF YOU ARE ANY KIND OF A MAN, go find yourself a LADY!!!

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This is no girl you're interested in, she has the mentality of a five year old child.


I suggest to you find a lady who is your age bracket mentally and emotionally and who is capable of having a relationship with you.


This girl will do nothing but play with your feelings and jerk you around. Children are champions of playing games and enjoying them...and this girl is the CHAMPION OF ALL CHAMPIONS.


It is impossible to love someone who has little or no regards for your feelings. And the way she told you she loved you is just plain sickening...even for a child.


Even if you are the same age as she is, you are in for some very sick and cruel experiences with what you've got here.


IF YOU ARE ANY KIND OF A MAN, go find yourself a LADY!!!

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