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what should I do now?


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i have a problem with concentrating with on my homework

why is it that one constantly thinks about somebody while she or he

knows that he or she has homework to do

i woke up this morning thinkin to myself, why am I thinking about this guy who

probably doesnt like me the way i did for him? then I think to myself again and realized

that I dont want to be with him or even get with him. I told him lastnight that my bf and I

broke up and I think now that he probably would want to pursue something with me

so far, when he tells me that he is going to call me back after we speak at night and it

is late at night like at 1 to 2 in the morning. he asks me if i am going to be up, and I tell him I dont have a set time, so he tells me that he will call me but when I wake up in the morning, I see no missed calls. Somebody tell me if this guy is interested in me, tell me what I should really do. He told me that he likes me while I still had a bf. for some reason I dont think I am feeling him that way anymore like before. I dont know what it is anymore. I mean he's a cool guy but i Dont like him like that anymore.



Please somebody tell me what I should do now.

Thank you very much.

Have a good day everyone.

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Darling, you need to funnel your energies to something more productive than being distressed over this boy! I completely understand feeling unmotivated and unable to concentrate on mundane tasks. But your schoolwork is important. When I was in high school, I was constantly thinking, thinking and thinking some more about my boyfriend and the ever-changing situations. Somehow though, when I sat down to study or do homework, I shoved these thoughts onto the back burner of my mind...like a temporary escape from worry. I told myself, my boyfriend is important, but this is important in a different way. I will think about him again in X amount of time. But until then, I am going to buckle down and study!!! And hey, I graduated with a straight A, 4.0 average. So you can do it, as well!

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