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Is my boyfriend gay??

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I've been going out with my boyfriend for 8 months. I've been living with him for 2 months. We met through friends. When I met him, he had an accent (he's from another country). When he would call me, some of my friends were like "Is he gay?" I told them it was just his accent. When we first started going out...and started having sex...it was great. Well now for the past few months he doesn't want to have it anymore. He tells me I'm too aggressive and that a realationship isn't based on sex only. Not only this....he now wants to go and get a manicure with me (which I know some straight guys do this). He told me that he always wanted to get one but was too scared because it's too 'girly.' When we watch t.v. shows, he's always complimenting guys...like "oh, I like that shirt!" I guess, the main thing is...the sex! I mean, I have opened up to him and told him that I needed it in the relationship. I'm lucky to even get it once every few weeks. I see people going through this when they've been with someone for a long, long time...not 8 months!!! I've been totally honest with him and he just laughs at me and tells me it is not the only thing in a relationship...which I know it's not. I'm a very affectionate person and I try to hint around maybe 2-3 times a week and he just pushes me away. This makes me feel unwanted. When I first met him...I thought he was gay too...but I knew he was from another country and I didn't want to turn my back on him because I did find him interesting. Now I'm beginning to think that everyone was right....maybe he is? I guess, what I'm asking is...how can you tell or does it sound like it to you that he's gay??

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i dunno, but from the sounds of it he sounds straight


and as for the sex...he probably hasnt been in the mood for it in awhile.

yes this happens to us guys even, dont think you girls are alone on this world

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