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What does a girl mean when she says she just wants to be alone right now? I know 100% that she is not seeing anyone else right now. It has been 6 weeks and I have not made any attempts to call her. I was thinking about calling her sometime when i know she isn't home(she goes to church) just to see if she calls me back(she has caller ID). Would this be a good idea? By the way, we was together for oveer 2 years if that means anything.

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It means you probably were insensitive to an issue that was important to her and she felt she couldn't talk with you about it - so she distanced herself

What does a girl mean when she says she just wants to be alone right now? I know 100% that she is not seeing anyone else right now. It has been 6 weeks and I have not made any attempts to call her. I was thinking about calling her sometime when i know she isn't home(she goes to church) just to see if she calls me back(she has caller ID). Would this be a good idea? By the way, we was together for oveer 2 years if that means anything.
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I go with both of the above posts. I think Miranda is nearly right on it.


But usually when a girl says she wants to be alone right now, the literal translation is: "I don't want to be with YOU right now because I'm not really happy with this situation. When I sort out my head a bit, I want to persue another relationship that excites me more."


That doesn't make you a bad person...just not the person for her.


Move on your way and stay out of her way. Don't contact her anymore and respect her wishes to be alone. Proceed with your life and in a few months you'll thank me up and down.


When this girl finds out you can do just fine without her, she will probably be calling you. Tell her that YOU are the one who now needs time alone...with your new girlfriends!!!

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As a women, I have to disagree somewhat with the previous answers. Sometimes it means she just wants to be alone. I met my soulmate a few months ago, but I am not ready for a relationship of that magnitude yet. So, it may have nothing to do with you....she just might want to be with herself for awhile. A question...has she always been in a relationship with someone or other, or has she gone periods alone? Also, ASK her if it is that she has fallen out of love with you (and tell her that you can deal with the answer regardless of what it is), or if it was something you did or did not do which troubles her, or if she is just trying to learn who she is....


Good luck.

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Randle: Although this not may be the case for most women, I remember well a time when I told someone I just wanted "to be alone right now"...


What I meant was I don't want to be with YOU -- right now or ever, I'd RATHER be alone...


I couldn't find the courage to be direct (we had been friends -- which turned into more -- for about a year). At the time, I didn't want to "hurt" him by telling him he wasn't right for me. When I look back on the situation, I realize the mistake I made in that I should have been direct and told him the truth -- I had lost interest in HIM.


By the way, while I was out being "alone", I hooked up with an old flame and am planning my future with him now. Even though, at the time I told the guy I was seeing that I just wanted to be "alone", I was NOT seeing anyone else. (He did not see it that way though, so I ended up hurting a lot more than if I had just told him the truth in the first place.)


I think Tony hit this one on the mark (she may just not want to be with YOU right now); give her all the space she needs and get yourself busy...

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I'm with this. It could be any number of things, from a gaffe you didn't "see," to just a need to rest a bit. As a woman, I know I withdraw for myriad reasons. But I've learned to explain myself first, and clearly, before I do that, if only because it saves me from those constant phone calls from the "injured" party. The "disappearing act" is more trouble, down the line, than a direct explanation!


So ASK. And be aware that the first answer probably won't be the "real" one, so be prepared to hunker down and get at it. She may not know, she may not be willing to talk about it yet...many things can happen. But make it clear that you simply want to know, for your own peace of mind--DON'T go to her begging to find out what's wrong, or how you can "fix" things. If you sound as if you've accepted whatever's going on, but want to find out why it happened for "future reference," the mask may drop. Desperation or pressure will push her farther away. Respect yourself, and take care of your own need to know. What you hear may hurt, but the lingering doubt is no fun either, right?

As a women, I have to disagree somewhat with the previous answers. Sometimes it means she just wants to be alone. I met my soulmate a few months ago, but I am not ready for a relationship of that magnitude yet. So, it may have nothing to do with you....she just might want to be with herself for awhile. A question...has she always been in a relationship with someone or other, or has she gone periods alone? Also, ASK her if it is that she has fallen out of love with you (and tell her that you can deal with the answer regardless of what it is), or if it was something you did or did not do which troubles her, or if she is just trying to learn who she is.... Good luck.
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