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THis is kind of long but here's my relationship. You see, we are both in college and both live a long distance away from eachother. We have only been together for 2 months and then summer came. When we left eachother, it was a very bad goodbye.


When she was in high school she had a 4 year relationship. He graduated a year earlier than her so he left but to the military. I guess she had a really hard time her whole senior year because they tried to work the long distance relationship thing. Then ended up breaking it off when


she came to college. THis goes back to the bad goodbye, she kinda avoided me the last few days and we had finals as well so we were both busy. Even the 2 weeks before that she started to get really distant from me. She started to stop calling me back everytime and would bump our plans for anything else. I talked to her about it and she said she


was worrying a lot about this summer and our goodbye and this was just her way of dealing with it, being distant. As things got worse, time grew shorter and shorter. The night before we both left we had planned to spend the night with eachother after her math final. Well my roommate and another friend were studying in my room so I went in


someone elses and told them where i would be. She showed up a long time after her test was over but instead of seeing me, she went and said goodbye to my roomate, they told her where I was and she left. Later I walked into my room and they asked if I saw her, well you know my answer. They said she was going to call or something so I was really


pissed off but waited anyway. Well I waited for 2 hours and had enough. I would have just gone over there but her building is locked up so I called, she wasn't there so I left a message. Well a few hours later, about 4am I called again, her roomate answered and said she was downstairs but would have her call me. She never did. The next day I


was too busy to stop for anything till my roomate left because of room checkout. She happend to be on the same flight so I called about an hour and a half before it would leave. A friend answered she actually left to the airport. I wouldn't let this end like this so I went to the airport and let her come to me. She just said I told you it would be hard. I told her I didn't deserve this and all she said was sorry but she wrote me an email explaining. She left, we said goodbye but she told me to call her. The email said basically she felt she was being put into the same situation again and wanted to be seperated for the summer.


I called a few days later and we just talked but she ended it early and said she would call in a few days. She called and then something came up and she had to leave for five minutes. A friend called right after that. I ended the conversation as quick as possible. No call back that


night. I called the day before she was supposed to leave for her job which wasn't at home and away from anything for a month. She was there but said she wasn't leaving till monday. She had to go but said she would call me that night. She didn't call again. That's how it's been


for 2 weeks. I figure I may get a call in a few weeks but no clue. I would have just said the hell with it but I started to really, not love her, I can't say that yet but deep down have strong feelings for her. I think she was just protecting herself with what she did but I don't


know if I can forgive her for all the things she did. I would just like a few opnions on what I should do, what you think. Anything you have to say.

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Wow, what a guy!!!


You make some great excuses for a girl who has been totally and completely rude and mean to you. If she is trying to protect herself, as you say, by being mean and rude to you and hurting you, she is completely worthless.


What I have to say is find a girl who isn't as screwed up. You will never get anywhere with this chick...at least not in this lifetime. I mean you went out of your way to be kind to her and she went out of her way to avoid you.


You said you weren't quite in love with her and that's great. Go find you a lady whose head is screwed on straight, who has no reason to be mean to you, and have some fun and love and start enjoying life. Every minute you spend thinking about this girl and what she has put you through is a minute of life you will never get back!!!

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