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Man with Plastic Vagina

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Woman with Plastic Penis is SEXY

Man with Plastic Vagina should be ARRESTED


What do you think of this double standard ?

Should men be allowed to use plastic vaginas, and incorporate

them into sex?

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Well a dildo which is used during sex between a man and a woman has many purposes......ie: be used analy whether it be man or woman while having sexual intercourse.. it can fill many "empty" holes at the same time....... a plastic vagina on the other hand..... well.... i think you get the picture..... to use the "the plastic vagina" instead of the actual vagina.... er um....while your with a woman.. yogi need i say more? lol Im thinking perhaps you mean when one is needing to pleasure themselves when a real vagina is not handy?

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One of my mother's friends (60 something woman) just bought one for her boyfreind. (60 something)

I found it amusing.


If I were single, I would get one.

I hear that they work much better than using one's hand.

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plastic vagina" instead of the actual vagina.... er um....while your with a woman.. yogi need i say more? lol Im thinking perhaps you mean when one is needing to pleasure themselves when a real vagina is not

I see what your saying, but when a woman uses a plastic penis instead of the real one...

is that not the same as a man using the plastic vagina instead of a real one?

I would like to go on record that I think plastic vaginas are very gross

This thread was created in hopes of discovering that infact, it is gross to think

of a man using a plastic vagina. And that regardless of the fact that it is a double standard

it is still correct.


arrested - just a sarcastic way of describing how people see it.

I would imagine the only guys who buy those things are like -

pedafiles and such

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Aahhh...you mean the ever famous pocket pussy. I have heard that they are an interesting tool to use if you will, but the clean up is a bit messy. Or so I've been told! :D

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but when a woman uses a plastic penis instead of the real one...

is that not the same as a man using the plastic vagina instead of a real one?


Its is the same.... perhaps your misunderstanding what im saying lol....... i do believe it was you that referenced as having a double standard, not me.


From the thread: Is 40+ partners too many?


Yogi-mon said:

ok Post: 61 | Quote:


ok you ARE right.

doesnt matter. Im allowed to have a double standard.

Men are allowed to do it and women arnt.




For example, women ARE allowed to have sex toys, such

as dildos, vibrators, and various other toys.


Men are NOT allowed to have pocket pussies, "little vibrating vaginas"

or blow up dolls.


Its that simple. Sure, some things are unfair. - Too bad isnt it?

If a man does it he is a stud. If a woman does it she is a slut.

Its simple math.


Just like a woman with a dildo is sexy, but a man with a pocket vagina

is CRAZY. Some double standards are the way they are.

Sorry bout that, go talk to society about that one, cause I dont got

all the answers dear.


SO am I understanding then.... You DONT think its ok for men to have pocket pussies or you do?.....



I would imagine the only guys who buy those things are like -

pedafiles and such


yogi yogi yogi.... on another thread you were in defense of the plastic vagina using it as an example of a double standard..... and here is where you lost me.

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No, I completely disagree with the use of plastic pussies

I also completely agree and support the use of plastic penises

I am not attempting to "gain support for plastic pussies"


They are disgusting vile toys and should be banned.


Dildos however are cool and fun to use on a girl.


I do think this is an interesting topic tho.

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I think Yogi has run out of people to debate with at work or in his personal life so he has turned to us folks here at LoveShack.


Where's Tony when you need him........maybe he could stand up and pee on yogi!

Tee, hee, hee.


Hey yogi......have you missed me? It looks as though you have been having fun!



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No, I completely disagree with the use of plastic pussies

I also completely agree and support the use of plastic penises

I am not attempting to "gain support for plastic pussies"


They are disgusting vile toys and should be banned.


Dildos however are cool and fun to use on a girl.


I do think this is an interesting topic tho.

*SMACKS her forehead....*




omg... ok.. yogi.. as long as everything pertains to sex or your penis? LOL.. i get it now..... so your just a horny man is all its amounting to LOL, nothing wrong with that......... i guess.

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Well I am back.....Sorry everyone I kind of disappeared yesterday. I got called into an emergency meeting here at work and I completely lost track of the thread.


So Yogi......I see you have not been behaving yourself! We just shouldn't expect you to.


Ladies and Gentlemen I think we have all just met Tony and Paul's replacement.


By the way.............where are those guys?



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The current theory is that Shackers have been getting 'assimilated' one by one. We're missing almost the entire Orgy Thread gang plus its inspiration. I believe Tony was spotted yesterday. Paul - maybe a few days ago.

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I would never attempt to replace anyone! Tonys around here somewhere I saw him

posting earlier.


I should start a thread, "How to avoid being seduced by Bubbles"

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I swear I have not heard from Tony, Ryan or Paul in soooooo long. I seriously wonder what they would think of our new boy here? You have to admit, he certainly helps the days pass quickly and have you noticed he gets all of us thinking about sex? Ooooooooo you are a naughty boy yogi!

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Although, if I had to choose someone on loveshack to be seduced by,



Ahh.. I love being seduced anyways, so no harm done!

seduction is HOT!!!!


naughty boy? yes... I need a spanking..


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Thanks moimeme,


It's been so long since any of us have heard from the boys. You know this may sound odd but, just seeing their avatar was a nice feeling. It is a feeling of familiarity....I know I am in a safe place when i am posting here on Loveshack.




These guys would eat you for dinner! Boy do they know how to banter! You think moimeme is good? Wait.......wait until they find you! You big 'ole pervert! :D


So here's a question for yogi.........clothes on or clothes off?



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I love the idea of being consumed by a couple of sexy guys..



clothes OFF...


Here is a question for you

Clit Dry or Clit Wet?


I gtg, but i'll b back!

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Hey Yogi-Mon -


Sex toys used by one or more consenting adults are actually OK by me. I'm sure that "plastic pussies" don't get a lot of specific, open discussion or validation, but then neither do dildos or vibes, at least in my social circle. The few people I've talked to on this issue are all pro-sex toy and I've never heard anybody criticize any particular type as loathsome...until now.


Men are NOT allowed to have pocket pussies, "little vibrating vaginas" or blow up dolls....They are disgusting vile toys and should be banned.


If a man does it [have many partners] he is a stud.


If a woman does it [have many partners] she is a slut.


You sure have a lot of rules in your head, and you seem to enjoy challenging Loveshack readers to attack your rules. How old are you?

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I see no problem with a plastic vagina. I bring my groceries home in them several times a week. As for a plastic dick, there are just so many uses for them. Women can be stimulated by them while men can play baseball with them, depending on the length.


Plastic is much more practical than paper.

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