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How can I Tell If I tore a Muscle in my arm??

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Hey Y"ALL, Anyone have any advice before I go thru the hassle of making a doctor's appoinment???






Recently I went Back Packing in Canada. My pack was about 30 lbs. Anyway about a week My shoulders were aching me the whole time and I

Went to take my pack off and my right shoulder had the sharpest pain ever, It really hurt and felt really close to the bone. I rubbed it out and it had seemed to sort of go away.


My question: That was 3 weeks ago, hadn't noticed any pain until today. I went to put a box up on a shelf at work and

my shoulder killed, the same sharp pain. Do you think I may Have pulled my shoulder???? Is there anything I can do

to take care of it myself? It sucks because I'm a soccer player and was looking to get back into training soon. Haven't

been very active for about 3 months and I'm 28 also.





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If you actually "tore" a muscle, you would likely see bruising as the blood drained from the area. More likely you did something to a tendon in your shoulder. After 3 weeks, not much you could do in the way of cold/heat treatments. Is your arm's range of motion limited, meaning can you move your arm, full motion, without pain? If not, you should probably have it checked out by a sports dr, but it doesn't sound at all serious and shouldn't limit your mobility for soccer unless you're a goalie.

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