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Keeping Secrets?

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My best friend is a guy and we've been very close for about a year. The only thing we don't seem to talk about is our current relationships. He tells me the lead up (I'm interested in this girl...This one keeps texting me) and the break down (The sex was great but she ditched me all the time), but never the in between.


A mutual friend just moved in with him and likes to chat with me about my best friend's love life while I feel uncomfortable... It's really hurtful when I find out that my best friend has not been telling me about hookups when we've talked about those same girls after it happened. I feel like he doesn't think he can talk to me about these things... Maybe a guy offers something I can't? I know he likes to keep things personal, but, it makes me feel like we're not as close.


I don't know what to do. I know these things that he hasn't told me... Should I not keep this from him, come out with it, and tell him I know? Or should I be a good friend to his roommate and not say anything?

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It's not keeping secrets, it's just how it goes. Typically, girls don't share things with guys like they do their closest girl friends. Well guys don't talk about certain things with girls, no matter how good of friends you are. It's a relation thing, he feels that his boys will relate better to it than you would, even if your a closer friend. Don't think of it as a barrier- he would probably feel wierd telling a girl friend about his conquests...


I know personally I would feel pretty classless to spill the beans on girls I've been with to even my closest of girl friends. It just wouldn't seem tasteful.


He probably assumes you would either not care, not be able to relate (and honestly could you?), would think it wierd to be sharing that info, or it just hasn't crossed his mind to talk about it with you.


Also, although you may feel close friends with him, you will never be as close to him as his closest guy friend. It's just a brotherhood thing. You shouldn't take it personal though, because I'm sure your friendship means the WORLD to him. It just is what it is. Girls have their sisterhood too you know.

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My best friend since I was 16 (am now 43) is a guy. I know everything about him and his life. BUT, I'll tell you this, there are many things he won't share with me.

Everyone needs something to themselves

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