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not sure how to approach girl whom is picky

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hey there.


i realy fancy this girl whom i know from friends of mine.i think shes realy good looking and nice and sweet basically,my type of girl.


ive talked to her friend and she basically said tht she "very picky" and "knows wat she wants"in terms of who she likes.i asked wat tht was bt she didnt say as this girl tends to keep things quiet.


this has realy thrown me.i realy wanted to get to know this girl bt now im nt sure.ive discovered from this convo with her friend tht shes loads like me bt im nt sure if i should realy bother chasing after this girl.i had high hopes tht something mite happen bt now i have little hope.


normally,i would have chased after her anyway regardless of whether this was in doubt just to find out if i had a chance.bt due to a bad breakup three months ago,im nt so certain.


how should i treat this?btw,i see this girl sat and nxt sat as we are at parties of our respective friends.

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just hang out with her at these parties, get to know her a lil bit, and see if you'd like to take her out.


if her friend is right (which is quite likely not true), she'll give you a clear answer if you ask her out.


i don't see why you're in doubt ... just check it out! if it works - cool, if not - no big deal.


have fun,


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Ah just go for her. If she doesn't want you its a quick end to the question and you can move on.


If that doesn't work, get her drunk, watch pr0n.

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