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im not usually like this :/

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Hey guys, I'm fairly new here and I figured I could possibly get some advice from all of you out there lol. I have a ldr atm with what I feel is my soulmate. She goes to school 5 hours away but we've definately learned to deal with it and were stronger then ever. I just have a question as to why I'm feeling jelous atm with her :( she does a lot of extra curicular stuff due to the fact her internship lawyer told her it would look good on her law school application and bc of that she's gained A LOT of friends, and has previous guy friends from HS and other things. Whenever she tells me she's going out to dinner with a big group of people it gets to me for some reason idk why. I don't say anything bc I know for a fact it'd be unfair of me to hold her back from her friends and fun. It also gets to me when she just hangs out with a group of people at their rooms and such. I just wanted to vent to you guys, any advice is appreciated. In all reality I really miss her

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Just means you have an active mind, aslong as it doesn't seep into real life. You just miss her man! and the only thing can fix that is more time with her.


So get a hobby (or a bad habbit lol, jk'ing there)

Or if it's been long enough take it to the next level. move out there or something (assuming it's an option)

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