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Away for college

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I met this girl several months back from work, I say around April when this all started. We clicked instantly and sparks just flew. We hung out alot, spent alot of time together during the summer and got really close. It was a great. The night before she left, we spent it together at my house and I drove her home the next morning.


She left town for college and is now a 5 hour plane ride away.

We still talk quite often over facebook and msn and keep in touch, but each day i'm finding it harder to have to deal with her being away. I didn't know she was leaving untill 2 weeks prior. If I did, I wouldn't have gotten as close with her as I did. I'm now trying to forget about her, I still like her a lot, but I see no point in this since she's living on her own, and she's legal where she's at so I'm sure she's going to be meeting new people. She does however talk to me a lot over msn, so this does tell me that she misses me.


If I still continue talking to her, It's gonna make it tougher on me trying to forget about her.


Someone please help me.

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Are you able to just chat with her as a friend? It doesn't sound like you had any sort of exclusivity chats before she left or that you made any commitments.


I would suggest trying to see her as a friend, and then going out and doing more things where you are to try and meet other people. Seems sad you couldn't at least stay her friend, but I would understand if you could not.

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