Trialbyfire Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 Well I'm a lawyer and I can tell you that a majority of the women that I know that are lawyers I would never want to date. They're way too much like guys. Maybe it's the profession but most are very attractive but for some reason lack femininity.Wow, we have so many, many male lawyers on LS!! You know what I meant, a good looking guy with no brains.A good-looking guy with no brains, isn't doable. Anything positive from being good-looking, is counter-balanced by being brainless. A zero sum game. Link to post Share on other sites
CaliGuy Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 Ok, I see what you're getting at. In my experience, men of this type prefer women who are less intelligent because they're less threatened by them and they believe women shouldn't be on their intellectual level. At least that's my interpretation of why. Yes of course, this is because those men are insecure themselves. An intelligent woman would present too much of a challenge for them. In other words, the guy can't pull one over on her as easily as he can a bibmo. Men like that don't want a challenge. They want someone they can roll over easily and intimidate them. Honestly, if you even remotely have to intimidate someone, you've got some major issues. I can think of two examples, by the way. 1. The reality TV show stars where the guy was from Canada, killed his new wife here in San Diego and then fled to Canada. 2. The self-proclaimed "Pastor" that killed his wife just recently. No offense but in both cases: 1. Both men we decently well off and loved bimbos. 2. Both women were very bimbo-ish. In no way am I saying they deserved what happened to them. NO ONE DOES. But my point is, there are men like that who go for bimbos because an intelligent woman would see right through them -- and have enough self respect to walk away. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Ilovecake Posted September 29, 2009 Author Share Posted September 29, 2009 On digestive curiosities: "If you eat Chinese food, your farts come out like Chinese food. If you eat Mexican food, your farts come out like Mexican food. And milk, it's like?you can smell the warmth in the fart. My wardrobe on 'Transformers' always smells like farts, and I have no idea why." On bisexuality: "I think people are born bisexual and then make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man." Come on, the girl is as stupid as a wet sponge. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 She's as stupid as it gets. Just about everything I've ever heard her say is moronic. She also comes off as a bitch.I've seen her in an interview or two, where she comes across as quite articulate, a girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go get it. I disagree with the way she's going about it, which is to consistently throw out controversial sound bytes but she'll learn, as she's learning, that while it spikes up publicity for awhile, it also kills. Link to post Share on other sites
Kamille Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 At the risk of sounding conceited: the guys who love me love me 'cause I'm smart. So I don't really give a hoot if some guys prefer beauty over brains. What's the definition of "bimbo" that we're using here? A woman who's not too bright? This all seems a little too judgmental to me. I like smart women. But labeling those who aren't seems a bit much. Agreed. I think it is demeaning to women to divide them between bimboes/or what? smart? Megan Fox is just as deserving of respect as writer and nobel prize laureate Toni Morrison. One of my best friend is gorgeous, but what she really has going for her is her sweetness. Men go crazy about her not only because she's hot but because there is something absolutely lovely and sweet and gentle about her. To assume men only fall for "less intelligent" women because of their look is counterproductive in my book. A physically-attractive but unintelligent woman. Think Megan Fox. Could you define intelligence? Link to post Share on other sites
gopher Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 I've heard Megan Fox attempt to speak, that's enough. You sure are making a whole lot of assumptions as to why I started this topic, yet I don’t think we’ve ever met? Why do you automatically assume that a guy chose a bimbo over me? Is it because you assume women can only speak out of anger and bitterness? Why the thread then? Is it ok for a guy to say..."I love bimbo's because I want to be the more intellegent person in the relationship" Or "I love bimbo's because they are fun and I can relax, and be myself" Or "I love bimbo's because they aren't as bitchy and controlling as "independent" women" Or is this just a set-up to bash men when they answer? Link to post Share on other sites
CaliGuy Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 She's as stupid as it gets. Just about everything I've ever heard her say is moronic. She also comes off as a bitch. Megan Fox. LOL. Yeah she is "hot" to look at. Dumb as a box of rocks though and that takes SEXY right off the table as far as I am concerned. There is nothing sexy about her. Paris Hilton, anyone?! As bimbo as it gets. Link to post Share on other sites
shadowplay Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 I've seen her in an interview or two, where she comes across as quite articulate, a girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go get it. I disagree with the way she's going about it, which is to consistently throw out controversial sound bytes but she'll learn, as she's learning, that while it spikes up publicity for awhile, it also kills. We obviously have different definitions of articulate. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 We obviously have different definitions of articulate.Apparently so... Link to post Share on other sites
BCCA Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 I've heard Megan Fox attempt to speak, that's enough. You sure are making a whole lot of assumptions as to why I started this topic, yet I don’t think we’ve ever met? Why do you automatically assume that a guy chose a bimbo over me? Is it because you assume women can only speak out of anger and bitterness? Arent you making the assumption that I love bimbos because Im a man? Have we met? Why did you start this thread, for informational purposes? I didnt say anything about men/women but almost all of the 'women love douches' threads here are made by people out of frustration, so youll excuse me for following the trend. Link to post Share on other sites
shadowplay Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 Speaking of Megan fox, I found this amusing: Link to post Share on other sites
GorillaTheater Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 One of my best friend is gorgeous, but what she really has going for her is her sweetness. Men go crazy about her not only because she's hot but because there is something absolutely lovely and sweet and gentle about her. There's a poster here just like that. Yes, she doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed, but she's so amazingly sweet and kind that I can't imagine men not falling in love with her left and right. Intelligence counts, and counts quite a bit for me, but c'mon. "Bimbo"?? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Ilovecake Posted September 29, 2009 Author Share Posted September 29, 2009 Well I'm a lawyer and I can tell you that a majority of the women that I know that are lawyers I would never want to date. They're way too much like guys. Maybe it's the profession but most are very attractive but for some reason lack femininity. I worked in Finance for many years and found the same thing. The most successful women in the company never dated nor married nor had children, not for lack of trying. I think they just had to work that much harder to get to their positions and really had no time for anything else. They also did take on many characteristics of the men they worked with. The guys would bring call girls to the Holiday parties yet the women always came alone. Link to post Share on other sites
Trialbyfire Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 There's some serious meow mix going on in this thread and I don't think it has much to do with a woman being intelligent or not... Link to post Share on other sites
JohnP82 Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 A good-looking guy with no brains, isn't doable. Anything positive from being good-looking, is counter-balanced by being brainless. A zero sum game. I guess it's a personal thing. There are so many women that would have sex with a guy based solely on looks. Maybe not you but some would. Just go to a bar on a Thursday through Saturday and watch all of the women leaving with brain dead dudes. Now I don't know if they are actually stupid but I can only assume they are if they're wearing Ed Hardy or Affliction shirts. Me personally, I think dumb girls are well...not for for me in the long term. I'm sure I'll get blasted for saying I classify girls into those that are datable and those that are only good for fun but honestly I don't care and I've had a pretty ****ty day. I will say that Megan Fox may or may not be dumb but no guy is kicking her out of bed. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Ilovecake Posted September 29, 2009 Author Share Posted September 29, 2009 Why the thread then? Is it ok for a guy to say..."I love bimbo's because I want to be the more intellegent person in the relationship" Or "I love bimbo's because they are fun and I can relax, and be myself" Or "I love bimbo's because they aren't as bitchy and controlling as "independent" women" Or is this just a set-up to bash men when they answer? Yes, any of those opinions would be absolutely suitable and quite honest. I haven't bashed anyone except for Megan Fox. Link to post Share on other sites
shadowplay Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 I agree with others that people who are unintelligent but unusually nice kind of get a free pass. Wouldn't date or screw them, though. Link to post Share on other sites
Kamille Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 Yes, any of those opinions would be absolutely suitable and quite honest. I haven't bashed anyone except for Megan Fox. Yes that's the thing guys... By assuming we can objectively define "bimbos" and that there is something wrong with being attracted to "bimbos", this thread is actually more offensive to women then to men! Link to post Share on other sites
Jersey Shortie Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 A physically-attractive but unintelligent woman. Think Megan Fox. I wouldn't call Megan Fox a bimbo. I do think however that she is not a nice person. And she actually says so many negative things about men but men still love her. So is it really Megan fox that is stupid? I don't know. I guess in my own head, if a guy is just dating a girl because she is hot and just wants to use her for that, even if she isn't that bright, I think less of him, not her. If a guy wants to be with a girl that's not that bright and hot and have a real relationship, well good for him, it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Not all of us can be the brighest bulb in the packet. And those people still deserve to be loved and have relationships. Anyway, we are talking about one characteristic. One characteristic never makes up any one person. You can be dumb and mean, dumb and nice, dumb and ugly or dumb and hot. I am less offended by the dumb and more offended by the mean. Link to post Share on other sites
shadowplay Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 It's common for very successful men to date their underlings. Male doctors with female nurses, Male lawyers with paralegals or secretaries. But it's less common to see a pairing of two doctors. I wonder why. Link to post Share on other sites
Kamille Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 I agree with others that people who are unintelligent but unusually nice kind of get a free pass. Wouldn't date or screw them, though. But what's unintelligent? I for one beleive defining "intelligence" is highly subjective. We all think we know and we all tend to define intelligence according to our own abilities. The truth is, there are multiple forms of intelligence. I would rather judge people on their capacity to be happy then their level of intelligence. Link to post Share on other sites
shadowplay Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 Yes that's the thing guys... By assuming we can objectively define "bimbos" and that there is something wrong with being attracted to "bimbos", this thread is actually more offensive to women then to men! Well let's add mimbos to the discussion then. Link to post Share on other sites
Kamille Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 It's common for very successful men to date their underlings. Male doctors with female nurses, Male lawyers with paralegals or secretaries. But it's less common to see a pairing of two doctors. I wonder why. Hu? Based on what evidence? My sister is a doctor. Many of her friends are doctors. Many of them are married to... Doctors. I'm in academia. Professors tend to marry... professors. Link to post Share on other sites
Jersey Shortie Posted September 29, 2009 Share Posted September 29, 2009 But what's unintelligent? I for one beleive defining "intelligence" is highly subjective. We all think we know and we all tend to define intelligence according to our own abilities. The truth is, there are multiple forms of intelligence. I would rather judge people on their capacity to be happy then their level of intelligence. I agree completely. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Ilovecake Posted September 29, 2009 Author Share Posted September 29, 2009 defining any concept is highly subjective. Link to post Share on other sites
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