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Why do men love bimbos?


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I think that some nfeel empowered by this kind of objectificaiton of themselves. I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but I bet you Daisy has a much fatter bank roll then I do (in spite of my elitists views :p!) In a way, and like many reality star, her act is actually quite strategic. And... well... smart.


Oh yeah, women who really know how to use the bimbo act are actually masters of manipulation. They know how to make a Nobel prize winner's IQ to drop by at least 100 points and get what they want all the time letting the man think he's getting what he wants.


If this the definition we're working with or the woman who is simply that way naturally?

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That's because the men who are the type to fall for someone like that are too addled to realize it's an act. Women can see it for what it is. Phoney.


As another poster said earlier, at least this way those idgits can be weeded out by the phoney plastic girls for the rest of us.


Exactly! To each his and her own. I've never actually been in competition with someone who puts a premium on being beautiful that way because we just don't attract the same men.


And while I understand why you would qualitfy it an act, I'm not sure it's an act in the sense that would mean "fake". It is very central to the way Daisy defines herself. It is an act in the way that it is very playful.

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.... Men go crazy about her not only because she's hot but because there is something absolutely lovely and sweet and gentle about her.


Mmmm yes. Now you're onto something. My GF is caring, devoted to her family, loving, sweet, warm hearted ... I think she's quite a looker as well but lots of girls are good looking. She stole my heart.

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Q: What happens to a gal like that when she's, say, 60 years old and no longer able to pull off the "act?" Hopefully she'll have saved up enough of her sugar daddy money to keep her warm while she sleeps alone the rest of her life.

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... you only have to do it once. :laugh:


You never have to do it and it will start looking bad after a while and should be redone to get back to looking good, particularly with fewer clothes on they will start looking wrong over the years.

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Q: What happens to a gal like that when she's, say, 60 years old and no longer able to pull off the "act?" Hopefully she'll have saved up enough of her sugar daddy money to keep her warm while she sleeps alone the rest of her life.


LOL... is she's good there will always be an audience.

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Jersey Shortie

It's like the people that would call Jessica Simpson a ditz but she is the one with all the cash in the bank. The irony of some 9-5 worker laughing at someone who actually is quite sucessful.


- she was even wearing a gold bikini. My friends who were with me took an immediate dislike to her. You could tell a lot of other women on the both were made unconfortable by her. I just thought: wow, this girl really knows how to play up her beauty in a way that works for her. I didn't feel threatened or envious and just continued enjoying myself. If anything, I admired her for her confidence in her own sex appeal.


While I don't consider this woman a bimbo at all, I might have disliked her on the fact of insecurity and jealously. But I wouldn't have called her names for it. I bet this girl gets off on that kind of attention herself and making other women jealous of her. She might even like that other women don't like her because that makes her feel validated in her own insecurity as well. It's a strange dynamic.

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Q: What happens to a gal like that when she's, say, 60 years old and no longer able to pull off the "act?"


She becomes a sugar momma or a patron of the arts.

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Oh yeah, women who really know how to use the bimbo act are actually masters of manipulation. They know how to make a Nobel prize winner's IQ to drop by at least 100 points and get what they want all the time letting the man think he's getting what he wants.


If this the definition we're working with or the woman who is simply that way naturally?


I think the definition is someone who is conscious of being that way and uses it to her advantage.


But to be honest, I learned a few tricks from that girl. Like, if you find a guy cute, place yourself in his field of vision. I mean, it's obvious now that I think about it, but I had never actually done it before.


Ooh, maybe I'm a bookworm bimbo.

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It's like the people that would call Jessica Simpson a ditz but she is the one with all the cash in the bank. The irony of some 9-5 worker laughing at someone who actually is quite sucessful.


We agree again. I'm sure a natural disaster is in the wings.

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Q: What happens to a gal like that when she's, say, 60 years old and no longer able to pull off the "act?" Hopefully she'll have saved up enough of her sugar daddy money to keep her warm while she sleeps alone the rest of her life.


Hmmm... good question. Aging must be hard when beauty is so central to your identity.

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I think the definition is someone who is conscious of being that way and uses it to her advantage.


But to be honest, I learned a few tricks from that girl. Like, if you find a guy cute, place yourself in his field of vision. I mean, it's obvious now that I think about it, but I had never actually done it before.


Ooh, maybe I'm a bookworm bimbo.


I'm sure many of us have learned the "laws of attraction." But do you completely change your entire personality? Pretend to be a little cupie doll with this fakey fake little baby voice with a head full of air? :sick:

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Hmmm... good question. Aging must be hard when beauty is so central to your identity.


Sure but if you keep it up your competition is aging with you. You can the the hottest 28 year old bimbo and still be the hottest 63 year old bimbo later. There will always be someone who is your target audience.

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It's like the people that would call Jessica Simpson a ditz but she is the one with all the cash in the bank. The irony of some 9-5 worker laughing at someone who actually is quite sucessful.


The only thing I don't like about her is the fact that she made her money in the name of music when she can't really sing her way out of a paper bag, and there are TRUE musicians who can't even get heard because they don't have big tits and bleached teeth and a fake personality.

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I'm sure many of us have learned the "laws of attraction." But do you completely change your entire personality? Pretend to be a little cupie doll with this fakey fake little baby voice with a head full of air? :sick:


I seriously get the impression, from all the examples that were given here, that these women enjoy being that way. It makes sense to them. So, really, who's to say their personalities have changed? I think this IS their personality. And I don't feel there's anything wrong with it - as long as they're happy with it.

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Sure but if you keep it up your competition is aging with you. You can the the hottest 28 year old bimbo and still be the hottest 63 year old bimbo later. There will always be someone who is your target audience.




Watch me wear a golden bikini to dazzle the fellows at the retirement home!


But imagine the competition there must be for the attention of the male attendants!

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Oh no JS, you're far from being a bimbo. Your quest for intelligent conversation most likely means you're somewhat elitist, like me. You know, it's like goldie locks: this woman is too dumb, this woman is too bright, Ilovecake is just right!


Women dis-unite!



Jesus ****ing Christ! Uresolved issues much. Get your panties out of a bunch and get off your soap box already. Listen why don't we just agree to disagree. I'm really bored and tired of going in circles with you. You obviously have many unresolved anger issues. You think it's more feminist to attack me numerous times for asking a simple question but I'm a sexist pig because I used the word bimbo and have an opinion that has absolutely nothing to do with you? Oh wait that's right it's easy to be the internet tough guy when you're hiding behind a computer screen. Before you say you have not attacked me read back to your posts and see all the unsupported assumption you have made about, who I am, the reason why I started this thread, and what's going on in my life to think such horrible things of women as to call them bimbos. Maybe some of us chose not to take life so god damn seriously all the time and make an issue out of every little thing. I see nothing wrong with a little light conversation once in a while. Personally I think people like you give women a bad name. I would rather spend time with a dozen bimbos than some repressed fema-nazi who takes herself way too seriously.

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Jesus ****ing Christ! Uresolved issues much. Get your panties out of a bunch and get off your soap box already. Listen why don't we just agree to disagree. I'm really bored and tired of going in circles with you. You obviously have many unresolved anger issues. You think it's more feminist to attack me numerous times for asking a simple question but I'm a sexist pig because I used the word bimbo and have an opinion that has absolutely nothing to do with you? Oh wait that's right it's easy to be the internet tough guy when you're hiding behind a computer screen. Before you say you have not attacked me read back to your posts and see all the unsupported assumption you have made about, who I am, the reason why I started this thread, and what's going on in my life to think such horrible things of women as to call them bimbos. Maybe some of us chose not to take life so god damn seriously all the time and make an issue out of every little thing. I see nothing wrong with a little light conversation once in a while. Personally I think people like you give women a bad name. I would rather spend time with a dozen bimbos than some repressed fema-nazi who takes herself way too seriously.


:confused: Okay, didn't realize my panties were in a bunch.


Apologies again ILC. I asked on a few occasions why you started this thread, but I do fail to see where I made assumptions about who you are.

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It's like the people that would call Jessica Simpson a ditz but she is the one with all the cash in the bank. The irony of some 9-5 worker laughing at someone who actually is quite sucessful.


You can also say that about most hookers out there but money doesn't make you smart. Jessica Simpson is a dumb as a box of rocks but has people with brains working for her.


Paris Hilton only talks with that baby voice when she's getting paid. She's admitted it herself, her real voice sounds very different. She’s making money strictly from being a useless bimbo and has no problem with it. Some guys absolutely love Paris Hilton but only when she’s in character.

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Jersey Shortie

Donna, lol at the comment about your avie.


The only thing I don't like about her is the fact that she made her money in the name of music when she can't really sing her way out of a paper bag, and there are TRUE musicians who can't even get heard because they don't have big tits and bleached teeth and a fake personality.


She didn't make her money because she has a great voice. Even though she does have a pleasant one. She made her money because she is a good entertainer. Being a true musician is more then just good vocals. Some people with great voices never make it and some people with average ones do. Briteny Spears is not a great singer by any means but she is quite the entertainer.


She becomes a sugar momma or a patron of the arts.


You might be right about that natural disaster thing because this actually made me laugh. :lmao:



I'm sure many of us have learned the "laws of attraction." But do you completely change your entire personality? Pretend to be a little cupie doll with this fakey fake little baby voice with a head full of air?



Hmmm, to varying extremes we do change our persona to fit into whoever we are interacting with in the moment. When I am with my boss, I am in a different persona then when I am with my girlfriends or my boyfriend (when I have one). No one is just one way. All those different parts of us make us who we are. If a girl wants to act like a cupie doll and a man likes it, bully for them. If a girl wants to crack a whip and be a Dominatrix, that's her business. I doubt you would have as big an issue with that.

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Jersey Shortie

You can also say that about most hookers out there but money doesn't make you smart. Jessica Simpson is a dumb as a box of rocks but has people with brains working for her.



Calling other women bimbos doesn't either.


But if you ask me, getting paid to do what you love and having other people operate the business without taking advantage of you and making you go under, sounds pretty smart to me.

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