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Why do men love bimbos?


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My theory is that they will not challenge them intellectually.


Give me other reasons?

they don't ask a lot of questions and they also look funny when their spike heels get caught in their hoop earrings...

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But what's unintelligent?


I for one beleive defining "intelligence" is highly subjective. We all think we know and we all tend to define intelligence according to our own abilities. The truth is, there are multiple forms of intelligence.


I would rather judge people on their capacity to be happy then their level of intelligence.


I agree their are multiple forms of intelligence, but I believe (with some exceptions like mathematics, in some extreme cases) there's a fair amount of overlap between different forms of intelligence. If somebody has anything at all on the ball, you can usually tell just by talking to them.

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Hu? Based on what evidence?


My sister is a doctor. Many of her friends are doctors. Many of them are married to... Doctors.


I'm in academia. Professors tend to marry... professors.

Most of my friends are professionals either married to or dating other professionals, not necessarily in the same industries.
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Hu? Based on what evidence?


My sister is a doctor. Many of her friends are doctors. Many of them are married to... Doctors.


I'm in academia. Professors tend to marry... professors.


I have several doctors in my family (three uncles, brother) who have all made this observation. Can't speak for professors.

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they don't ask a lot of questions and they also look funny when their spike heels get caught in their hoop earrings...


That is hilarious. :D

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I agree their are multiple forms of intelligence, but I believe (with some exceptions like mathematics, in some extreme cases) there's a fair amount of overlap between different forms of intelligence. If somebody has anything at all on the ball, you can usually tell just by talking to them.


I agree that I do perceive some people as being... "smarter" then others, but at the same time I think that my friend's intelligence is her sweetness. I guess that's why I'm reacting to this thread the way I am: I find it very limiting to define attraction based on the criterias of intelligence/unintelligent.

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I agree that I do perceive some people as being... "smarter" then others, but at the same time I think that my friend's intelligence is her sweetness. I guess that's why I'm reacting to this thread the way I am: I find it very limiting to define attraction based on the criterias of intelligence/unintelligent.


But is it limiting for me to say that I prefer to date intelligent men and that there are some men who prefer the company of unintelligent women?

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I hope this thread doesn't turn into the flip side of "I'm too anything to date"...


It's like saying, "Men only like good-looking bimbos. That's why I, who am too smart, can't get a date".

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I agree that I do perceive some people as being... "smarter" then others, but at the same time I think that my friend's intelligence is her sweetness. I guess that's why I'm reacting to this thread the way I am: I find it very limiting to define attraction based on the criterias of intelligence/unintelligent.


To me, intelligence is more than just I.Q.. I've seen many people with high a high I.Q. who can't walk across the street without nearly getting hit by a car.


Intelligence to me is: High IQ+Common Sense+Wisdom.

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I agree that I do perceive some people as being... "smarter" then others, but at the same time I think that my friend's intelligence is her sweetness. I guess that's why I'm reacting to this thread the way I am: I find it very limiting to define attraction based on the criterias of intelligence/unintelligent.


I wouldn't consider that intelligence, but personality/temperament. And I'm not saying that sweetness isn't an equally valuable trait to have.

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To me, intelligence is more than just I.Q.. I've seen many people with high a high I.Q. who can't walk across the street without nearly getting hit by a car.


Intelligence to me is: High IQ+Common Sense+Wisdom.






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I hope this thread doesn't turn into the flip side of "I'm too anything to date"...


It's like saying, "Men only like good-looking bimbos. That's why I, who am too smart, can't get a date".


Aside from the opening post, I think everybody has acknowledged this is only true for some men. And yes, there probably are some men who wouldn't date a woman because he's threatened by her success or sees it as unfeminine. But they're only a subgroup.

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But is it limiting for me to say that I prefer to date intelligent men and that there are some men who prefer the company of unintelligent women?


I personnaly like the company of men I perceive to be intelligent. I highly doubt, however, that it is "unintelligence" that men are finding attractive in other women.


I suspect sweetness, beauty, sense of humour, kindness, perhaps even demanding might be criterias men find attractive.


In this sense, the intelligence criterias is limiting our understanding of what other criterias make women attractive. Saying that some men prefer the company of unintelligent women fails to explain convincingly why these men are attracted to them.

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Saying that some men prefer the company of unintelligent women fails to explain convincingly why these men are attracted to them.


...and that is why I started this thread, to find out.

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Do you know Megan Fox enough to say shes a bimbo?


The problem I have with this topic is that many women think the only reason a guy likes someone else over her is because she is a 'dumb bimbo that only has looks', when in reality, its a lot more than that.


Guys do like pretty girls. If they are dumb as can be, they usually dont keep them around long. I imagine its the same for women.


Ha...have you read some of the things Megan Fox has said to the media? She is dumber than dirt.

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I personnaly like the company of men I perceive to be intelligent. I highly doubt, however, that it is "unintelligence" that men are finding attractive in other women.


I suspect sweetness, beauty, sense of humour, kindness, perhaps even demanding might be criterias men find attractive.


In this sense, the intelligence criterias is limiting our understanding of what other criterias make women attractive. Saying that some men prefer the company of unintelligent women fails to explain convincingly why these men are attracted to them.


Except I think there are some men who would actually prefer a woman who is less intelligent, all else being equal.

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Except I think there are some men who would actually prefer a woman who is less intelligent, all else being equal.


So according to you there are some men who feel that their partner's most likeable quality is that they're "unintelligent"? Not that these women let them take charge, are capable housewives, have a bright smile or make them laugh? Just that they're "unintelligent"?


Could be. I would say these men would be a very small minority.

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If I only had a dime for every time I heard a guy say "check out the personality on that one". :rolleyes:


Well, upon first glance, what is it that attracts you to a man? I know for me it's something like an "aura": it's something in between looks and demeanor which makes me guess what a guy's personality might be. The best part? I find I'm right about 90% of the time. I don't see why attraction would be any different for guys.

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I guess it's a personal thing. There are so many women that would have sex with a guy based solely on looks. Maybe not you but some would. Just go to a bar on a Thursday through Saturday and watch all of the women leaving with brain dead dudes. Now I don't know if they are actually stupid but I can only assume they are if they're wearing Ed Hardy or Affliction shirts.


Me personally, I think dumb girls are well...not for for me in the long term. I'm sure I'll get blasted for saying I classify girls into those that are datable and those that are only good for fun but honestly I don't care and I've had a pretty ****ty day.


See, I guess the next step here, for me, is that most women are not all that interested in flings. Some may say they are, but I believe that's just a front to look cool or nonchalant.


Men, on the other hand, are all about sex. Why do you think our mothers always told us daughters "why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?" Seeing as many men would totally be okay with sex for the most part, and they seek out hot women for sex, it leaves us average but smart and nice girls in the lurch.

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Men, on the other hand, are all about sex. Why do you think our mothers always told us daughters "why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?" Seeing as many men would totally be okay with sex for the most part, and they seek out hot women for sex, it leaves us average but smart and nice girls in the lurch.


It's about time the other shoe finally dropped.

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So according to you there are some men who feel that their partner's most likeable quality is that they're "unintelligent"? Not that these women let them take charge, are capable housewives, have a bright smile or make them laugh? Just that they're "unintelligent"?


Could be. I would say these men would be a very small minority.


No, lack of intelligence is just a necessary criterion for these men. Of course they wouldn't call it that. They'd probably talk about how cutely helpless, sweet and unsophisticated their girlfriend is.


Physical attractiveness would be the biggest draw for them.

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If I only had a dime for every time I heard a guy say "check out the personality on that one". :rolleyes:


Well it starts with attraction then works it's way down: Attraction, Confidence, Personality, Life Status (by that I mean, is their life in order or in shambles) and so on.


I know plenty of women here at work that are not physically attractive but have really ATTRACTIVE personalities. The only way to know that is to talk to them. We also have a couple of really attractive women here who have the WORST personalities. Not attractive to me at all once I found that out.

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