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Why do men love bimbos?


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Men, on the other hand, are all about sex. Why do you think our mothers always told us daughters "why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?" Seeing as many men would totally be okay with sex for the most part, and they seek out hot women for sex, it leaves us average but smart and nice girls in the lurch.


That's not true. Some are certainly, but not all. And spare me with the average looking girls lose out unless you're willing to admit that average looking but great guys are overlooked too.

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I'm done too GT, too many threads slamming men for their preferences, while women are allowed, even encouraged to have theirs, shallow or not.


As you and TBF said, this thread is offensive to both genders. I'm going back to the Off Topic area.


It's only offensive if you're not reading it carefully and jumping to conclusions. We're talking about some men and some women, not all. So why would you find it offensive?

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I'm done too GT, too many threads slamming men for their preferences, while women are allowed, even encouraged to have theirs, shallow or not.


As you and TBF said, this thread is offensive to both genders. I'm going back to the Off Topic area.


Hmmm, I'm a guy and I don't find the thread offensive. It's a fact that some men like "less than intelligent" women. That's actually a good thing because it leaves the smart/sexy women for guys who are not intimidated by them....

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Well it's not necessarily men I hang around with. I do however know many professors, doctors, lawyers and intellectuals who all have beautiful, strong, intelligent, successful women around them yet they fantasize about bimbos? I think this is generally true in society. You see men on the street and they will always check out the fakest looking girl around, even the guys who swear they don’t like bimbos, will still lose their **** when one walks into a room.


I know generalizing is not nice but the proof really is in the pudding.



What do you mean they fantasize about bimbos? I think most men care about a woman's looks first. If a woman is beautiful they will justify anything else that is wrong with her. They all say they want a strong, intelligent, successful woman but I think they go for what stimulates them below the belt first. Even if they don't want to. (Watch me get flamed fo that comment). Sorry guys, but that's how I see it.

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A physically-attractive but unintelligent woman. Think Megan Fox.


Megan Fox is not intelligent? Well she certainly is intelligent enough to remember her lines in movies and that's not easy. Why do so many women hate her. I don't know much about her but I saw her on TV recently and she is absolutely gorgeous.

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Don't know about the OP, but I define bimbo as a woman who is unintelligent but at least vaguely attractive and plays up her appearance in a tacky way. She also may emphasize her dopiness because she thinks men will find it cute.


Marilyn Monroe is the iconic bimbo.


I agree with this definition of "bimbo" but I don't like that word. Marilyn Monroe, however, never had a tacky appearance.

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I agree with this definition of "bimbo" but I don't like that word. Marilyn Monroe, however, never had a tacky appearance.


Ohhh, I don't know about that. There was that time where she sang "Happy Birthday Mr. President" to a the MM she was sleeping with in front of his wife with the back of her dress missing. :laugh:


Megan Fox is hot; I'd do her. I might even let her talk. :eek:

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It's common for very successful men to date their underlings. Male doctors with female nurses, Male lawyers with paralegals or secretaries. But it's less common to see a pairing of two doctors. I wonder why.


I've know married doctor couples. As a matter of fact my doctor is married to a doctor.


That's what surprised me about Grey's Anatomy they never showed the doctors hitting on the nurses but only other doctors. To me that was unrealistic as I'm sure they do. I only watched a few episodes of that show so if they did i didn't see it.

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Ohhh, I don't know about that. There was that time where she sang "Happy Birthday Mr. President" to a the MM she was sleeping with in front of his wife with the back of her dress missing. :laugh:

:DOh yeah, you're right. That was Ticky Tacky!

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Bimbos: I think of second rate celebrities who whore themselves out for media attention. People who consent to the ritual humiliation reality tv inflicts, and who are desperate for fame for its own sake, as opposed to regarding it as a validating side-effect of achieving excellence and success in a particular field. I don't see it as something that relates so much to intellect, as to a willingness to regard yourself as a product, and other people as easily disposable accessories to that product.


But if that's an incorrect description, and a bimbo is someone who isn't necessarily strong academically, but who is an open-hearted personality with appealing looks....well, I can certainly find myself attracted to men who fall into that category. It isn't difficult for me to see why a man might would form an important emotional and sexual bond with a woman who isn't very strong intellectually, but who is endearing, attractive and lovable.


The difficulty is that people tend to hope for the connection which takes place on all three levels, including the intellectual connection. The smarter a person is, or perceives themselves to be, the less likely it is that they'll find someone they make that triple connection with. If finding someone you can be happy and comfortable with is the goal, the emotional and sexual connection is probably more important than the intellectual one.

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Whatever. Another useless thread whose primary purpose is to induce guilt in men :rolleyes::laugh:.

Just because a girl is pretty doesn't mean she's a bimbo. Also, just because a girl isn't pretty, doesn't mean that she's superior to a "bimbo". Food for thought.


Also, men almost always date women who they are intellectually superior to. Not because they want to manipulate them :rolleyes:, but because most women would rather die rather than go out with someone who is their equal, or heaven forbid - inferior - in the social/intellectual ladder.

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Bimbos: I think of second rate celebrities who whore themselves out for media attention. People who consent to the ritual humiliation reality tv inflicts, and who are desperate for fame for its own sake, as opposed to regarding it as a validating side-effect of achieving excellence and success in a particular field. I don't see it as something that relates so much to intellect, as to a willingness to regard yourself as a product, and other people as easily disposable accessories to that product.


But if that's an incorrect description, and a bimbo is someone who isn't necessarily strong academically, but who is an open-hearted personality with appealing looks....well, I can certainly find myself attracted to men who fall into that category. It isn't difficult for me to see why a man might would form an important emotional and sexual bond with a woman who isn't very strong intellectually, but who is endearing, attractive and lovable.


The difficulty is that people tend to hope for the connection which takes place on all three levels, including the intellectual connection. The smarter a person is, or perceives themselves to be, the less likely it is that they'll find someone they make that triple connection with. If finding someone you can be happy and comfortable with is the goal, the emotional and sexual connection is probably more important than the intellectual one.



I'd eat your posts like twinkies, if twinkies were a health food. They (the twinkies) are still endearing and loveable, though.

I completely agree - intellectual connection is optional. It is neither sufficient, nor necessary condition for being happy in a relationship with a woman (as long as she's endearing and loveable.)

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It's only offensive if you're not reading it carefully and jumping to conclusions. We're talking about some men and some women, not all. So why would you find it offensive?


I guess I find it offensive because, bimbo, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. No one would define themselves as a bimbo. Bimbo doesn't exists as a category of people out there, it is a derogatory judgement on a person, be it a judgement on their personality, intelligence or "fakeness" as Ilovecake defined it in one of her first posts.

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The difficulty is that people tend to hope for the connection which takes place on all three levels, including the intellectual connection. The smarter a person is, or perceives themselves to be, the less likely it is that they'll find someone they make that triple connection with. If finding someone you can be happy and comfortable with is the goal, the emotional and sexual connection is probably more important than the intellectual one.


I don't blame men for thinking this way either. Trouble is, it's generally harder for women to compromise on intelligence.


Still, I'd rather date a kind of smart, but laid back guy than a brilliant arrogant guy. For sure. It's curiosity and willingness to learn, that's more important to me than actual quickmindedness.

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ALL MEN, and those who say they don't, lie but all men like the sleezy girls. They don't like them to marry, they like them for one thing only!


I'm in my mid 40's and YET to meet a man who didn't want a dirty girl bimbo

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lord alfred douglas
I'd eat your posts like twinkies, if twinkies were a health food. They (the twinkies) are still endearing and loveable, though.

I completely agree - intellectual connection is optional. It is neither sufficient, nor necessary condition for being happy in a relationship with a woman (as long as she's endearing and loveable.)

Im glad Im not the only one who stalks her posts

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Well it's not necessarily men I hang around with. I do however know many professors, doctors, lawyers and intellectuals who all have beautiful, strong, intelligent, successful women around them yet they fantasize about bimbos? I think this is generally true in society. You see men on the street and they will always check out the fakest looking girl around, even the guys who swear they don’t like bimbos, will still lose their **** when one walks into a room.


I know generalizing is not nice but the proof really is in the pudding.


hahahah I'm sorry but I have never met a woman under the age of 65 who would want a fling with Fabio? Most women I know are more into the Johnny Depp type, good looking yet extremely well rounded and intelligent.


It's a man's way of getting sexual variety outside of his favourite woman.


Men are biologically geared to seek out sexual variety. Therefore when they pick a mate for life they will pick the best they can find, but for a sexual partner they generally just want someone hot. Personality and brains are not needed.


Hence why porn and prostitution is so big.

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Jersey Shortie

If you as a man, want to seek out sexual variety. Please do. But to get into a relationship and make some fake pretty speach about how much you love your lady but need "sexual variety", is selfish, manipulative and immature. Some men might like sexual variety, some men might understand that the woman they choose to be with is more important and yet other men will wear the "sexual variety" badge on their shirt to defend behavior that quite honestly is selfish and is more bespoken of a boy then what a real man is. So you men can keep thinking that a desire for sexual variety makes you a man but the truth is how a man conducts himself and his ability to apply, loyatly, honesty and sincerity to his relationships is what really makes a man.


If you want sexua variety, pleaes go out and seek that. No one is stopping you. But to get into a relationship and then say you need sexual variety is basically emotional manipulation and clearly illustrate a lack of caring about your own relationship in teh face of wanting to defend your worse case scenerio behavior.

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If you as a man, want to seek out sexual variety. Please do. But to get into a relationship and make some fake pretty speach about how much you love your lady but need "sexual variety", is selfish, manipulative and immature. Some men might like sexual variety, some men might understand that the woman they choose to be with is more important and yet other men will wear the "sexual variety" badge on their shirt to defend behavior that quite honestly is selfish and is more bespoken of a boy then what a real man is. So you men can keep thinking that a desire for sexual variety makes you a man but the truth is how a man conducts himself and his ability to apply, loyatly, honesty and sincerity to his relationships is what really makes a man.


If you want sexua variety, pleaes go out and seek that. No one is stopping you. But to get into a relationship and then say you need sexual variety is basically emotional manipulation and clearly illustrate a lack of caring about your own relationship in teh face of wanting to defend your worse case scenerio behavior.


I understand where you're coming from. But I don't think you understand that it's part of a man's nature.


I'm not saying the man has a right to go out and cheat. But it's the reason why a lot of things happen the way they do. You can deny it but you can't escape human nature.


Frankly if I was a woman, as long as the man didn't cheat, I wouldn't have a prob with him watching porn.

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I understand where you're coming from. But I don't think you understand that it's part of a man's nature.


I'm not saying the man has a right to go out and cheat. But it's the reason why a lot of things happen the way they do. You can deny it but you can't escape human nature.


Frankly if I was a woman, as long as the man didn't cheat, I wouldn't have a prob with him watching porn.


Ya know, Hk, I think the real reason men like bimbos is because bimbos don't know how to measure and can be told that three inches is really nine inches. :eek:


I'm doing a little thread crossover :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Jersey Shortie
I understand where you're coming from. But I don't think you understand that it's part of a man's nature.


I'm not saying the man has a right to go out and cheat. But it's the reason why a lot of things happen the way they do. You can deny it but you can't escape human nature.


Frankly if I was a woman, as long as the man didn't cheat, I wouldn't have a prob with him watching porn.


There isn't a woman alive that doesn't understand that men are not happy with just one woman. We hear it all the time. We get reminded of it all the time. Why if you want variety, would you even put yourself in a position to consider another human being who is going to expect your loyatly? I have no problem with men catting around if they are single. I don't understand why guys want to get into relationships and then tell their partner basically that they want to be single with all the benefits of having a relationship. It's not fair to the woman who you picked to be committed to. If your desire for variety makes you feel like a man, then please fullfill tha desire. But to get into a relationship and then turn around and tell the woman you need variety is infact manipulative and selfish and self indulgent. It's not all about you and your desires anymore. If you can't understand that in a relationship, then maybe you shouldn't be in one. (And by "you" I mean the collective you, not you you).



There are also certain unattractive desires of women that men don't like and that men don't like when women take advantage of them Such as a desire for security, which is translated into money. Women who play on their worst desires aren't any better then men that do the same.


And you are not a woman so you can't responsibly say "if I was a woman..." You don't have the first idea of the things that women go through on this subject or that men expect us to put up with just to have some love and intimacy. It's not so cool really caring about a man and giving him your heart, maybe even having his kids and being there for him for the good and bad times and at the end of the day hearing men turn around and saying what makes them feel like men is sexual variety, is not what a woman provides on those deeper levels, that he ultimately will define himself through something so fleeting and ambiguos and is willing to sacrifice the commitment to his partner for it. Even if it's through *just* porn. If you don't want one woman, then don't get into a relationship with one It's simple. It really sucks as a woman being gold regularly that men consider women so interchangable and disposable. Makes us laughing jokes.

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lord alfred douglas

For me a woman has to be a little bit smart to be sexy even in a physical way


Im not saying a genius or anything, but if theyre stupid even if theyre good natured there isnt as much sex appeal, plus their visual sense of style isnt generally as good

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There isn't a woman alive that doesn't understand that men are not happy with just one woman.


Ahem. Present!


There are plenty of men that are satisfied being with one woman and one woman only.


We hear it all the time. We get reminded of it all the time. Why if you want variety, would you even put yourself in a position to consider another human being who is going to expect your loyatly?


I don't hear it all the time Jersey. I hear some men say what you are saying - but I also hear others that honor their relationships and treat their wives well.


I have no problem with men catting around if they are single. I don't understand why guys want to get into relationships and then tell their partner basically that they want to be single with all the benefits of having a relationship.


If you are talking about a man sleeping with multiple women - then agree any man in a committed relationship shouldn't be doing that.

If it is an open relationship and the man and woman have an understanding well it wouldn't be my choice but to each their own.


If a guy is in a relationship but chooses to tell their partner they'd like to be able to act single - that woman has a choice and can walk if she'd like. You make it seem like she is abused by it and is made to suffer with it. :rolleyes:


It's not fair to the woman who you picked to be committed to. If your desire for variety makes you feel like a man, then please fullfill tha desire. But to get into a relationship and then turn around and tell the woman you need variety is infact manipulative and selfish and self indulgent. It's not all about you and your desires anymore. If you can't understand that in a relationship, then maybe you shouldn't be in one. (And by "you" I mean the collective you, not you you).


He tells the woman he wants variety then she has a choice to stay or leave him. She has the power to choose what she wants as well - and can make up her mind.

We aren't poor defenseless waifs. It is insulting that you don't acknowledge that women always have a choice too.



There are also certain unattractive desires of women that men don't like and that men don't like when women take advantage of them Such as a desire for security, which is translated into money. Women who play on their worst desires aren't any better then men that do the same.


The need for security is unattractive? Really? To whom?

Every man I have ever dated understands the need for security and they have that need as well.


Gold diggers are only interested in money and that is all that drives them. That is unattractive to be sure.

But a woman who knows that to raise a family takes stability and funds is level headed and has common sense. I would expect a man to be just as aware.


You don't have the first idea of the things that women go through on this subject or that men expect us to put up with just to have some love and intimacy.


My god girl! Who are you dating?


First - no woman HAS to "put up with" anything.

Second - there are plenty of men out there who are faithful, kind, and treat women in their lives very well.


It's not so cool really caring about a man and giving him your heart, maybe even having his kids and being there for him for the good and bad times and at the end of the day hearing men turn around and saying what makes them feel like men is sexual variety, is not what a woman provides on those deeper levels, that he ultimately will define himself through something so fleeting and ambiguos and is willing to sacrifice the commitment to his partner for it.


The flip side isn't so cool either darlin'. Women leave their children and their men too. Sometimes they don't leave but they brow beat their men into a stupor.


Plenty of men appreciate the entirety of a woman. There's even a thread here recently started on LS with regards to the many qualities about us that men admire. It isn't just physical - not by a long shot.


Even if it's through *just* porn.


There's nothing wrong with porn. It isn't cheating and it isn't even indulging in variety.

Porn is fantasy and that is all.


If you don't want one woman, then don't get into a relationship with one It's simple. It really sucks as a woman being gold regularly that men consider women so interchangable and disposable. Makes us laughing jokes.


This is truly insulting.


A man who thinks women are interchangeable and disposable is an ignorant jackass. A woman would be stupid to place her heart in such a man's hands.


But a woman who allows those men to have an acknowledged opinion is just as ridiculous. We have a brain. We should use it (most of us do).

I would never think that any man could reduce me to a "laughing joke".

He could certainly try but the joke would be on him I assure you.

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