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Why do men love bimbos?


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There isn't a woman alive that doesn't understand that men are not happy with just one woman. We hear it all the time. We get reminded of it all the time. Why if you want variety, would you even put yourself in a position to consider another human being who is going to expect your loyatly? I have no problem with men catting around if they are single. I don't understand why guys want to get into relationships and then tell their partner basically that they want to be single with all the benefits of having a relationship. It's not fair to the woman who you picked to be committed to. If your desire for variety makes you feel like a man, then please fullfill tha desire. But to get into a relationship and then turn around and tell the woman you need variety is infact manipulative and selfish and self indulgent. It's not all about you and your desires anymore. If you can't understand that in a relationship, then maybe you shouldn't be in one. (And by "you" I mean the collective you, not you you).



There are also certain unattractive desires of women that men don't like and that men don't like when women take advantage of them Such as a desire for security, which is translated into money. Women who play on their worst desires aren't any better then men that do the same.


And you are not a woman so you can't responsibly say "if I was a woman..." You don't have the first idea of the things that women go through on this subject or that men expect us to put up with just to have some love and intimacy. It's not so cool really caring about a man and giving him your heart, maybe even having his kids and being there for him for the good and bad times and at the end of the day hearing men turn around and saying what makes them feel like men is sexual variety, is not what a woman provides on those deeper levels, that he ultimately will define himself through something so fleeting and ambiguos and is willing to sacrifice the commitment to his partner for it. Even if it's through *just* porn. If you don't want one woman, then don't get into a relationship with one It's simple. It really sucks as a woman being gold regularly that men consider women so interchangable and disposable. Makes us laughing jokes.


So what you're saying is, a man is not allowed to watch porn once in a commited relationship?

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Bimbos do nothing for me whatsoever. I actually have a thing for somewhat nerdy and artsy women and I find them much more attractive than women with fake breasts and fake everything who are as dumb as a rock. Megan Fox does nothing for me whatsoever. Yeah she is physically attractive but she would be an utter nightmare to be involved with. I really don't understand the attraction some men have to these women.

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I guess I find it offensive because, bimbo, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. No one would define themselves as a bimbo. Bimbo doesn't exists as a category of people out there, it is a derogatory judgement on a person, be it a judgement on their personality, intelligence or "fakeness" as Ilovecake defined it in one of her first posts.



Kamille I agree with you on everything you have said.

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There isn't a woman alive that doesn't understand that men are not happy with just one woman. We hear it all the time. We get reminded of it all the time. Why if you want variety, would you even put yourself in a position to consider another human being who is going to expect your loyatly? I have no problem with men catting around if they are single. I don't understand why guys want to get into relationships and then tell their partner basically that they want to be single with all the benefits of having a relationship. It's not fair to the woman who you picked to be committed to. If your desire for variety makes you feel like a man, then please fullfill tha desire. But to get into a relationship and then turn around and tell the woman you need variety is infact manipulative and selfish and self indulgent. It's not all about you and your desires anymore. If you can't understand that in a relationship, then maybe you shouldn't be in one. (And by "you" I mean the collective you, not you you).



There are also certain unattractive desires of women that men don't like and that men don't like when women take advantage of them Such as a desire for security, which is translated into money. Women who play on their worst desires aren't any better then men that do the same.


And you are not a woman so you can't responsibly say "if I was a woman..." You don't have the first idea of the things that women go through on this subject or that men expect us to put up with just to have some love and intimacy. It's not so cool really caring about a man and giving him your heart, maybe even having his kids and being there for him for the good and bad times and at the end of the day hearing men turn around and saying what makes them feel like men is sexual variety, is not what a woman provides on those deeper levels, that he ultimately will define himself through something so fleeting and ambiguos and is willing to sacrifice the commitment to his partner for it. Even if it's through *just* porn. If you don't want one woman, then don't get into a relationship with one It's simple. It really sucks as a woman being gold regularly that men consider women so interchangable and disposable. Makes us laughing jokes.



This is a great post. I never will understand why men who like "variety" get in relationships. What sense does it make for them? Just stay single and see whoever you want whenever you want. Don't screw up someone else's life.

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ALL MEN, and those who say they don't, lie but all men like the sleezy girls. They don't like them to marry, they like them for one thing only!


I'm in my mid 40's and YET to meet a man who didn't want a dirty girl bimbo


Finally some HONESTY!


As for there being no such thing as a "bimbo," what about that girl Daisy who has a useless spinoff show from that OTHER useless show, Rock of Love? She has got to be the most ignorant, trashiest, plastic excuse for a "woman" I have ever seen in my life. :sick: I wish they would quit playing commercials for the damn thing.

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What do you mean they fantasize about bimbos? I think most men care about a woman's looks first. If a woman is beautiful they will justify anything else that is wrong with her. They all say they want a strong, intelligent, successful woman but I think they go for what stimulates them below the belt first. Even if they don't want to. (Watch me get flamed fo that comment). Sorry guys, but that's how I see it.


Of course we all enjoy beauty, that’s very natural. There are a billion beautiful women in the world that I would not consider bimbos. I'm talking more about the fake tan, fake hair, fake nails, fake boobs, fake little lost girl voice, fake everything. Women who get their worth strictly from their overdone looks which they usually invest enormous amount of time and money into but have no brains to back it up.

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Jersey Shortie

He tells the woman he wants variety then she has a choice to stay or leave him. She has the power to choose what she wants as well - and can make up her mind.

We aren't poor defenseless waifs. It is insulting that you don't acknowledge that women always have a choice too.



Where did I ever insinuate that women don't have choices Islandgirl?



There's nothing wrong with porn. It isn't cheating and it isn't even indulging in variety.

Porn is fantasy and that is all.


*YOU* don't think there is anything wrong with porn, and that's your right. I however see it differently. And actually, when you ask men why they look at porn one of the top answers they often give is because of the "variety". Porn is fantsy, yeap. How does that make a case that it's okay? Men still want it, stilll desire and more often now today then ever, ask their partners to do something or dress up like something they saw in a porn. We can all sit here and say "porn is fantasy", but clearly that fact alone doesn't mean it doesn't or shouldn't cause issues.



So what you're saying is, a man is not allowed to watch porn once in a commited relationship?


No, that's not what I am saying. I never told a man he wasn't allowed to do anything. I do however think men take advantage of their position on this topic.



Of course we all enjoy beauty, that’s very natural. There are a billion beautiful women in the world that I would not consider bimbos. I'm talking more about the fake tan, fake hair, fake nails, fake boobs, fake little lost girl voice, fake everything. Women who get their worth strictly from their overdone looks which they usually invest enormous amount of time and money into but have no brains to back it up.


What if a woman gets tanning done but doesn't do her nails? Gets her boobs done but doesn't tan? What catagory do they fit into? I am sorry but you aren't any better then the guys that sit around calling women "sl*ts" for enjoying sex. I am not in agreement with fake tans, fake nails or fake boobs. But I do get my hair highlighted and I do certain beauty rituals to maintain myself. While i don't like the over the top ideals placed on women, these women that get these over the top ideals done is because it makes them feel good about themselves. And actually, sadly, they don't feel good enough about how they look without these add ons. I don't like when my hair isn't done. Sometimes, this over the top beauty rituals isn't because women are bimbos, but because there is severe dysfuntion in how women feel about themselves int today's culture and also dysfunction in what men find to be beautiful. Bigger boobs, hair extensions, lip injections, these are all hyper-over the top examples of feminity. Women and men are both insecure because too many women, myself included, feel like they need these things to be a woman and too many men feel *more* masucline in the presence of these over the top examples of feminity. SO why don't you lay off calling women "bimbos". Some women might like to use more product then others. I don't agree with breast implants but I don't think women are bimbos for getting them. I think they are products of an environment that has told women they are not woman enough without x,y and z.

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There isn't a woman alive that doesn't understand that men are not happy with just one woman. We hear it all the time. We get reminded of it all the time. Why if you want variety, would you even put yourself in a position to consider another human being who is going to expect your loyatly? I have no problem with men catting around if they are single. I don't understand why guys want to get into relationships and then tell their partner basically that they want to be single with all the benefits of having a relationship. It's not fair to the woman who you picked to be committed to. If your desire for variety makes you feel like a man, then please fullfill tha desire. But to get into a relationship and then turn around and tell the woman you need variety is infact manipulative and selfish and self indulgent. It's not all about you and your desires anymore. If you can't understand that in a relationship, then maybe you shouldn't be in one. (And by "you" I mean the collective you, not you you).



There are also certain unattractive desires of women that men don't like and that men don't like when women take advantage of them Such as a desire for security, which is translated into money. Women who play on their worst desires aren't any better then men that do the same.


And you are not a woman so you can't responsibly say "if I was a woman..." You don't have the first idea of the things that women go through on this subject or that men expect us to put up with just to have some love and intimacy. It's not so cool really caring about a man and giving him your heart, maybe even having his kids and being there for him for the good and bad times and at the end of the day hearing men turn around and saying what makes them feel like men is sexual variety, is not what a woman provides on those deeper levels, that he ultimately will define himself through something so fleeting and ambiguos and is willing to sacrifice the commitment to his partner for it. Even if it's through *just* porn. If you don't want one woman, then don't get into a relationship with one It's simple. It really sucks as a woman being gold regularly that men consider women so interchangable and disposable. Makes us laughing jokes.

I loved your post and I am a man. All until you mentioned porn.

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I keep coming back to this thread. Can't help it. It's fascinating.


Why isn't it surprising that after 10 pages, this thread has turned into a male vs female gender war? Ah well, I guess that was the point all along anyway.


Realize that through the first few pages you had a number of male posters who genuinely said they prefered women with the whole package rather then just going for looks alone. Why would their point of view be dismissed to solely engage with the minority of men on this board who like to advocate for a more philandering approach to dating - the ones who advocate that being a "nice guy" doesn't get you anywhere and that you have to play women to get women?


You set and maintained the parameters in such a way that it could only confirm your view that men are somehow not interested in real, genuine relationships. Now only the men who aren't interest in real genuine relationships and see dating as game are responding to your thread. Please don't think they speak gospel and are the voice of all men.

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wow that was weird the site didn't let me finish what I was typing.


Anyways as I was saying to Jersey Shortie. I am not going to respond to every what if situation, that's a childish game. We have already established 6 or 7 pages a go that everything in this world is subjective. You don't have to keep beating the same dead horse to get your point across that you feel objectified by the subject matter.

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I keep coming back to this thread. Can't help it. It's fascinating.


Why isn't it surprising that after 10 pages, this thread has turned into a male vs female gender war? Ah well, I guess that was the point all along anyway.


No that was not the point at all. Seeing as I'm only one gender I ask about the other gender. If I were a man I would probably ask why women do certain things that I don't understand. It was actually posters such as yourself who turned this into a gender dispute.

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I'd eat your posts like twinkies, if twinkies were a health food.


I'm all about creating wellness as I type. I'm thinking of attempting to incorporate a fully fitted gym into my next post. Perhaps a sauna, and a special room where anyone who wishes to can get hair and nail extensions to their hearts' content. And, if it's not too ambitious, a spray tanning cubicle too. No questions asked, no judgements proferred.

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I keep coming back to this thread. Can't help it. It's fascinating.


You set and maintained the parameters in such a way that it could only confirm your view that men are somehow not interested in real, genuine relationships. Now only the men who aren't interest in real genuine relationships and see dating as game are responding to your thread. Please don't think they speak gospel and are the voice of all men.



That's the funny thing. I never once said anything about dating or relationships. You kept bringing that up. I simply asked why do men love bimbos I never asked why do men chose to date or marry or live with bimbos. You're completely interpreting this thread to be exactly what you want it to be.

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That's the funny thing. I never once said anything about dating or relationships. You kept bringing that up. I simply asked why do men love bimbos I never asked why do men chose to date or marry or live with bimbos. You're completely interpreting this thread to be exactly what you want it to be.


All right, you set up this thread in such a way that you don't have to listen to the men who tell you they're interested in meeting real genuine women. It has therefore turned into the usual dialogue between the two groups I mentioned above.


You're not very forthcoming with the reasons as to why you set up this thread, other then just to discuss. I can therefore interpret it anyway I choose to.

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All right, you set up this thread in such a way that you don't have to listen to the men who tell you they're interested in meeting real genuine women. It has therefore turned into the usual dialogue between the two groups I mentioned above.


You're not very forthcoming with the reasons as to why you set up this thread, other then just to discuss. I can therefore interpret it anyway I choose to.


Yet again you're making assumptions as to who I am and what my intentions are. Not everything has to be so sinister. If you don't understand the simplicity of the question or are offended by it that is not my fault or responsibility, that's completely on you. I don’t see why you have to make such a big issue out of this unless you think it makes you look smart. In reality you really have been talking about your own issues and not much about the actual subject matter of this thread. I want to know why men (some men not all men) are attracted to women I consider to be bimbos? What is it that attracts them to girls who look and act like complete morons. I already told you it’s simply curiosity but then you had to come back saying that if I’m driven by curiosity than obviously I’m not interested in intelligent conversation, which is complete elitist bull****. I never said all men or some men or half the men on this site. I don't see how that is a set up. Where in the world do you get the idea that I don't want to listen to men who tell me they’re interested in meeting real genuine women? Did I dispute that even once? As far as I'm concerned even bimbos are real genuine women unless they were men at some point.

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Good Ilovecake, glad to hear you are listening to these guys and do have respect for women even if they are, in your word, bimbos. As to the rest of your accusations, my apologies if my posts have unnerved you.

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Jersey Shortie
Jersey Shortie you sure like to type a lot.


Yeah, I tend to be wordy. Doesn't make what I said any less true.



wow that was weird the site didn't let me finish what I was typing.


Anyways as I was saying to Jersey Shortie. I am not going to respond to every what if situation, that's a childish game. We have already established 6 or 7 pages a go that everything in this world is subjective. You don't have to keep beating the same dead horse to get your point across that you feel objectified by the subject matter.


What in the world are you talking about? In short, yuo're not goign to respond because A) you are either two lazy to read a different persepctive or B) Read it and have nothing to dispute.


You're not doing anyone any favors here calling a select group of women "bimbos" just because you don't like them. Infact, that is what is really childish here.

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Here's a little vid of the aforementioned Daisy in action, with commentary by Chelsea Handler. Sorry about the condom commercial. Can't cut that out.


Can anyone see any reason to respect ANY of the guys in that show, let alone the bimbo, Daisy?




A full fledged bimbo in the truest sense of the word. :laugh:

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Here's a little vid of the aforementioned Daisy in action, with commentary by Chelsea Handler. Sorry about the condom commercial. Can't cut that out.


Can anyone see any reason to respect ANY of the guys in that show, let alone the bimbo, Daisy?




A full fledged bimbo in the truest sense of the word. :laugh:


a) That lady is funny.

b) Yes, she is a bimbo but...

c) So are the guys.


Men want to boink Ginger all day, but they'd marry Mary Anne.

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Yeah, I tend to be wordy. Doesn't make what I said any less true.


What in the world are you talking about? In short, yuo're not goign to respond because A) you are either two lazy to read a different persepctive or B) Read it and have nothing to dispute.


You're not doing anyone any favors here calling a select group of women "bimbos" just because you don't like them. Infact, that is what is really childish here.


As I already stated above I guess I would be closest to B). What ifs are not disputable.

I wasn't trying to do anyone any favors and it's too not two, two is a number.

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