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he had to go back this morning :(

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..and I think this is the worst feeling I've ever had. He had to move 1,000 miles away at the end of last year. So we've been in this for awhile. Unfortunately it is something I never will get used to. He drove all the way up here to see me for a couple days. Usually we have a week together, but he had no vacation time, except one day so we just had the weekend & an extra day together. He's been sick since he got up here but I took care of him & he was so thankful for that.


He was supposed to leave yesterday morning, but ended up coming back to where I am currently staying (with my family) because he was just feeling too sickly, so we spent the extra time together and he was getting to feel better. He stayed in my room with me last night, and he had to leave this morning. Well now, if I go in my room, I feel so alone and it feels so empty, because he was just in there with me earlier.


This time seems worse than ever....when we finally waved bye & all that, I felt like my heart was ripped out and pulled with him..and half of me is going with him. :( :( :( It is always such a hard experience to say bye, but this time is harder than ever. I have been crying off and on all day....I absolutely can't handle the day or two after he leaves. It is always the hardest! Just typing this is making me cry again. I feel like each time we are together is better than the last and we keep loving each other more & more.


Now I need to work on throwing some things out of my room & getting it cleaned out, but I can hardly go in there and move anything around because I want it just the way it was when he was here. Is that crazy or what?! :(



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I'm exactly the same way when my boyfriend leaves..it really never does get any easier. and I'm a complete packrat, I love saving receipts and movie tickets, etc from when he was here..I hate having to throw stuff away.


It will get easier though with time, as the both of you get back into your schedules. Just remember, each day that you are apart is a day closer to when you'll get to see him again. :D


So keep your chin up.

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Ah, I just made a post about this yesterday. It sucks to have them one minute then not the next..and just be alone. Everything sucks for a day or two, then you get back into the real world and it gets easier.

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