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How can I stop dreaming/ having nightmares about my ex?

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Broke up with my ex (college sweetheart), 4 years. I was heartbroken. During the morning I'm great. Sometimes I miss her a bit. But for the last 4 months, I dream about her every night! My mind just automatically dwells on the events, the guy she left me for. I haven't had a good nights sleep in over 4 months.


She moved away to another country, which makes things a bit easier. But I can't understand why I always think about her during my sleep. It's driving me nuts.

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I totally feel you bro. My wounds are more fresh, but I dream about her every single freaking night. During the day, I get to a point where my logic tells me everything is for the best (in fact, I was the one that was afraid to commit...until she found someone else and now I'm crushed). However, when asleep, all the emotions break out and take over.


If you find a solution to stop the dreams, please let me know too.

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I had this same exact problem right after my ex broke up with me. I kept having dreams about her that would stick with me all day. What helped me was I realized that I'd wake from those dreams and sit in bed dwelling on them, worrying about what they meant, wondering if she thought about me as much as I did her.


To fight this, I started to train myself: if I found myself thinking about her when I was sitting in bed, I'd immediately get up and start the day. I just wouldn't give myself time to think about it.


Get busy. Go for a run. Clean your house/room. Write, read, whatever, just don't dwell. You can't stop your subconscious from creeping in, but if you can fill your waking hours, it'll sure help.

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Journal with pen and paper before bed. Write fast and whatever comes to your mind, just get it out and write as long as you can until you cant write anymore. It helps.

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It's been a year for me and finally after zero contact for a few months I'm starting to get over him and the dreams are becoming less and less frequent. I think the more you realize they're not coming back and they are no longer in your life the less they will pop up in your subconscious. If someone brings my ex up to me or I see him somewhere I will ultimately have a dream with him in it but when I don't think about him I don't dream about him.

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The only thing that will stop it is time.


I found writing in my diary only made me think of him more. It didn't get him off my mind.


Afterawhile, the dreams will stop happening so frequently. But you can never guarantee the will stop 100%!


I had a dream a week ago about a BF from the sophmore yr of highschool. :D If you asked me know what he looks like, it would be all fuzzy. But last night he was him. My brain captured his image somewhere and stored it.

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