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We just met...hit it off and then had to leave...

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Hello all. Glad I came across the site...here's the story.


I met this girl on facebook through a friend of mine and we seemed to get along well. We talked off and on through emails and chats for about a year and then it worked out for us to meet. We both traveled and spent the weekend together. We got along great and had a blast and when I was going to give her a kiss she said she didn't want to complicate things since we would be leaving the following day anyway and it wouldn't be leading anywhere.


Well I was so caught off guard that I didn't ask why it couldn't lead anywhere...but i can only assume it's the distance. We live many states apart!


We had a fun day together the day after that and it wasn't awkward at all so I didn't want to bring it up again. Then we both had to leave....and it was really tough leaving her! I really miss her and kind of want to know if she feels the same. I don't really want to call her feeling like this because I'm feeling so not myself and lonely I know I will come off sounding that way :)


Any advice would be really appreciated :) Thanks,



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thats cute :)


its a good thing you didn't call her when you dont feel like yourself. the webcam conversations i regret most with my boyfriend were the ones where i was depressed and not myself and feeling way too anxious for any rational reason. but over the months ive learned how to calm myself and keep a level head.


so anway... if you want to call her.. which you should, cause she might be hoping you do (never know right?) just have a plan of what you want to say ... you will feel more confident and less lonely/desperate (for want of a better word).


just out of curiosity, how far apart are you guys?

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We are 1600 miles apart...but it goes by quick when you're flying :)


I may give her a call this weekend...by that time I should be caught back up on sleep from the trip and hopefully feeling a little more like myself!


Part of me wants to ask her if she would be interested in more than a friendship, but at the same time maybe that's too direct and keeping it to more of a relaxed conversation would be better. I tend to overthink things like that lol...so I guess I'll just see what the conversation brings :)


Thanks Jumi! How far are you and your boyfriend apart?

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