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Finally Filed our Paperwork!

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So We filed the paper work for me to move to Canada today. I am so excited and scared. It takes anywhere from 4 to 12 months to go through the process.


If all goes well by this time next year there will be an end to the distance:bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:

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So We filed the paper work for me to move to Canada today. I am so excited and scared. It takes anywhere from 4 to 12 months to go through the process.


If all goes well by this time next year there will be an end to the distance:bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:




Now it will be a paperwork race between me, you, and RC!!


I better come in first damnit. :lmao:



I am so very happy for you sue!! This is great news!!!

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And the race begins!!!


Man, I wish this were like mario kart where we got some cool turtleshells to throw at one another. Maybe some banana peels. :lmao:


Speedy process for us all!!

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And the race begins!!!


Man, I wish this were like mario kart where we got some cool turtleshells to throw at one another. Maybe some banana peels. :lmao:


Speedy process for us all!!


It's like we have our own little club!


Hey sue - did you have to agree to donate your organs to science, sign over your firstborn, etc. like the US makes us do in order to get the paperwork filed?? :sick::lmao:

Maybe Canada is easier...?


Oh and BOTH of you just got a banana pie in the kisser! ;)

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you two are crazy...lol



yup let the race begin. My stuff will be done on island time though so that means it will be sssllllooooowwww!


all the best ladies.

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It's like we have our own little club!


Hey sue - did you have to agree to donate your organs to science, sign over your firstborn, etc. like the US makes us do in order to get the paperwork filed?? :sick::lmao:

Maybe Canada is easier...?


Oh and BOTH of you just got a banana pie in the kisser! ;)


Yes donated all organs, signed over 3 children.....The paperwork was crazy.

I had to remember everything i did and where i was since the age of 18 without skipping a month. Literally. Its ridiculous.


I did blood test and police records too. They didnt ask hubby for much though.

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My stuff will be done on island time though so that means it will be sssllllooooowwww!


Oh how well I know about that! Island time! LOL


You had to file through there? That is interesting. My husband couldn't do anything. I had to do it all since I am the requester and he is coming here to the US.

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sue this is fantastic news! Maybe you & Island Girl will have "announcements" to share at the same time, wouldn't that be something?


*cough* IGtheofferstillholdsfromTexas *cough*


since you've mentioned your husband, everything okay in his neck of the woods after the quake/flooding in Samoa?

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sue this is fantastic news! Maybe you & Island Girl will have "announcements" to share at the same time, wouldn't that be something?


*cough* IGtheofferstillholdsfromTexas *cough*


since you've mentioned your husband, everything okay in his neck of the woods after the quake/flooding in Samoa?


With immigration paperwork there is the one case that seems to get all of the hitches and hold ups to allow for multitudes to go through smoothly.

At least that is what I have seen.

Since I am the resident horror case -- I think it will allow many others to go through with no problems, hitches, etc.

So these girls, sue and RC, will be just fine - AND FAST! I have every confidence.


I'll think about that offer quank - especially if I get yanked around anymore!


Thankfully all is well in his neck of the woods. Samoa is close but not that close. :cool:

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Well he sent everything but I had to fill out tons of paperwork and send it off to him. But he made me do all the research and typing. I cant blame him though he works 12 hour days.



Yeah that would be crazy if we got through at the same time.


Well the Canadian Visa office in Jamaica process applications form Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, Cayman Island and I think Haiti so they are seriously backlogged. But they do give priority to children and Spouses so here is hoping it all goes quickly.

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So the paperwork was sent off to him and he is filing it there, right?


That should be so much faster! If it is like the US then they'll process it and just sent it on to your local office for your interview - but you may be able to do the interview there in Canada. You can visit, right?

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He sent everything to a visa office in Canada and they will approve him as a sponsor. After that they will transfer the files to Jamaica to be approved.


This is the process:


1.Sponsorship Approval(Hubby)

2.File Transferred to Jamaica

3.I will get an Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) To say they received it and processing Application.

4.Original Document Request (Birth Certificate Marriage Cert)

5.Passport Request.


The chances of me getting a visitors visa are next to none. They will only do an interview if its completely necessary.

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He sent everything to a visa office in Canada and they will approve him as a sponsor. After that they will transfer the files to Jamaica to be approved.


This is the process:


1.Sponsorship Approval(Hubby)

2.File Transferred to Jamaica

3.I will get an Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) To say they received it and processing Application.

4.Original Document Request (Birth Certificate Marriage Cert)

5.Passport Request.


The chances of me getting a visitors visa are next to none. They will only do an interview if its completely necessary.


Wow the US process and information that has to be provided initially is so different!


They want the birth and marriage certs filed along with the sponsorship papers and the application for the visa. All of it together.


And the rest of the steps look more simplistic as well - and there is ALWAYS an interview.


It looks like the paperwork moves pretty quickly! YAY!!!

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Wow! Another bunch of good news!! You girls go through a lot with your immigration processes. I hope mine won't be too bad :(


Going Canada---->UK so fingers crossed because we're all part of the same commonwealth, they'll be easier on me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey There,


I'm new here, but it looks like you and I are in the same boat - We filed for our immigration to Canada 2 weeks after you. :) Did you go Outside Spousal - Family Class? That's what we did, although it looks like I'm not as far away as you - I'm in the US. :)


Anyway, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to keep in contact with you so that we can compare timelines? I know right now it takes about 32 days to get that letter saying that your sponsor is Okayed, so they should be getting yours soon! :)


Thank you, and congrats!


p.s. I had to do all the research and typing as well. lol I wonder if that's common? :D

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Welcome Winterbutterfly.......


Yes we are outland family class sponsorship as well. :bunny::bunny::bunny:


Yes It takes about 32 days for the Sponsorship part to be approved. And yes think its common for the women to do all the work......why would they do any work when we can do it all right.....?:rolleyes:

From U.S. to Canada has a short processing time. So you will be all done in no time. Ours on the other hand is done on island time...lol.


I hope that the sponsorship part is approved by the first week in November.


I am not sure if you can Private Message me on here yet. i think you have to have 100 posts. But feel free to ask me anything. Im like an immigration pro now....well in my mind maybe.:o





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Hey Sue,


Oh, yours will take longer? :( That really sucks. I really hope yours takes a very small amount of time, as well as ours! lol


I know what you mean about the immigration expert - I've been researching this immigration process for a year and a half. LOL Our one year wedding anniversary is in two weeks, and we've been apart for 2 1/2 years now. :) We just now were able to pull the money together to file.


How often do you two see each other with you being in Jamaica? And which province are you going to be moving to? My Husband and I get to see each other once a month for one weekend, so we're lucky...we're immigrating to Ontario. :)


It's very nice talking to someone else who knows what I'm going through right now, so thank you very much for responding. :)



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Well we try to see each other every six months so about two times per year for 2-3 weeks.....That sounds like an eternity compared to yours. But still I am still more fortunate than some.


We are going to be living in Calgary AB, very cold weather there and me being from Jamaica have never left the island so I have no idea what cold is.


Ours might take a little longer but at least I know there is an end in sight so I am not too worried about it.


Are you spending you anniversary together? We just got married this past June. Our plan is if we are not living together by our anniversary he will have to make another trip here.


Yup Its nice talking to someone who can relate:D

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Wow, I don't know how you do it girl...I'd go crazy if I could only see him so little. You truly have some inner strength. :( How do you guys communicate during all that time?


And that is going to be quite a culture shock for you and also a weather shock. But let me tell you, I've lived in Ohio all my life, and we have some crazy winters as well, and just sitting in your warm home with your loved one, watching the snow fall outside the window...it's magic. I'm so excited for you to experience it. :) But (lol) my sister lives in Florida, and she thinks that 60 degrees feels chilly...up here in the north, 60 degrees is no coat weather. LOL


Yes, we will see each other for our anniversary...in fact, we're going on our Honeymoon! I'm so excited. We couldn't go last year, because the company I worked didn't even want to let me off for the WEDDING, so I had to go to work the next day and I worked the entire time he was here. So, we are going to Myrtle Beach in North Carolina this year and I just cannot wait to get away with him.


I read somewhere else on the site that you had a smaller wedding, like us (we had a private ceremony, however...lol). How did that go for you guys? Have you had any problems with borders?


I really hope you guys are together by your anniversary. And for the record, I am excited and scared about having filed too. lol It's not a far transition for me, only about 350 miles, but I am so scared to go live in Canada, where I don't really know anyone but my Husband...but I cannot wait either. :love:

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Yeah it gets unbearable sometimes but we talk everyday for hours on messenger. We have web cams as well. I think talking everyday helps a lot plus we fall asleep with our headsets on so we can hear each other snore...lol I think its so cute but he thinks its "so corny", but he still does it any way...lol.


Our wedding was very small about 10 people. It was what we both wanted just closest friends and family! I cried through the whole thing. We spent 4 days at a hotel here in Jamaica for our honeymoon. Hope you have a great time on yours!


I only know a few of his friends and I talk to his family on the phone in Canada. I have no family there. Its scary but I cannot wait to be with him all the time.


As far as the weather when it rains for two days in Jamaica I have a sweater on. I cannot imagine being in -30 degree weather. But imagining snuggling up in front of a fire makes it well worth it.


Well tomorrow they will update the CIC website I hope we will be in process by then!



Take care


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Mathew told me the other day that it had snowed the night before. I was like "WHAAAAAA?". I like to affectionately refer to Canada as The North Pole. I've been stocking up for winter clothes for when I go visit him in 2 weeks.


But let me tell you, it sure does get hot in the summer. But maybe I felt it more because he's too cheap to get air conditioning! :eek:

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It snowed all week two weeks ago...that was mid October.


I dont blame matthew what is the point of getting A/C for 3 months of the year...lol.


I cannot believe I am leaving my sunny paradise for the north pole!.. All in the name of love i guess:o:love::bunny::bunny:

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Rollercoasterr, where is he located at in Canada? :)


And we actually saw a bit of snow in Ohio here a couple of weeks ago. lol So I've been breaking out all the winter clothes and getting ready, and then we had an Indian Summer. LOL


Sue, my Husband and I used to fall asleep like that as well, but he used to get wrapped up in the cord at night, so we had to stop. lol But I agree, it's very cute, and he didn't mind at the time. What's the lowest temperature it typically gets in Jamaica?


Our wedding was SO great...no one was there but us and the preacher, and we didn't have to worry about his relatives coming or mine (we both have HUGE families) and where we were going to do it or put everyone...it was very stresss free and romantic and so lovely. I'm so happy we did it the way we did.


BTW, can you get Skype in Jamaica? It has been a lifesaver for us.

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