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More than Friends - Should I go?

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Over the past year I have become good friends with someone I worked with last summer. Given the nature and location of our work, we haven't seen each other since that time but have kept in contact online through email/chat quite regularly. Although it is only email/chat, both of us have shared very personal experiences and feelings that we otherwise haven't shared with others. I would say that we are on that best friends level, although I have more feelings for her than that. She knows that I have strong feelings for her. At the time when they were made known, we had both just ended relationships a month or so prior and she did not want to pursue another relationship at the time.


Recently she has been struggling with her job and being alone in Alaska. I'm currently working a job in the lower 48 for a couple more weeks. About a month ago, she asked me to come visit her when I finished but I just made a joke about having something else I needed to do instead, not taking her too seriously but not saying no. Then a just a couple weeks ago she again asked me to come visit her and I didn't mess around this time and told her I thought it was a great idea. The plan was that I would come visit for her last week of work in Alaska and we would travel back together. In the past few days, that plan has changed to me traveling up there and staying with her for a month and a half and then traveling back to the 48 together.


So my question is does she want more than just friendship? I am worried that if she does not and I still go, there will be tension that will just make it awkward for me. But since she knows I like her and invited me to stay with her for almost two months, I am fairly confident that she wants more than just friendship. Do I have anything to be worried about? Should I book the first flight up there?...

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