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I'm gonna go ahead & give her the divorce she so wants!!

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One of the reasons i want to stay single for now.

I don't want to deal with the backlash of her fully realizing i've moved on & trying to cause problems for me in the divorce.


All she does is lie & I just nod & act like I'm as stupid as she looks & accept her lies as truth just to say as little as possible & get her out of my house when she picks up the kids.


If she saw me with any of the women I know her brain would boil out of her ears.


She wants me alone & pathetic & I let her believe that's how I am. :)


phin: I tried to lay low about my relationship with my new GF for the last several weeks. Last thing I wanted was for the now XW to find out. I am sure her son told her about my GF but I didn't want to "flaunt" it. Now that the D is final I don't care. Not going to flaunt it now but don't feel I need to hide it either.

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Chrome Barracuda
One of the reasons i want to stay single for now.

I don't want to deal with the backlash of her fully realizing i've moved on & trying to cause problems for me in the divorce.


All she does is lie & I just nod & act like I'm as stupid as she looks & accept her lies as truth just to say as little as possible & get her out of my house when she picks up the kids.


If she saw me with any of the women I know her brain would boil out of her ears.


She wants me alone & pathetic & I let her believe that's how I am. :)


WHO CARES! how she feels! What's she gonna do Divorce You!???




Your moving on, what does it matter if your dating other people? Isnt she still with the OM???

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WHO CARES! how she feels! What's she gonna do Divorce You!???




Your moving on, what does it matter if your dating other people? Isnt she still with the OM???


I don't know and I don't care! :cool:

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Hey FL - I am glad your divorce went through without any problems. I don't believe that divorce is ever 'nice' but sometimes you are left with no other option.


I wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life.



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Hey FL - I am glad your divorce went through without any problems. I don't believe that divorce is ever 'nice' but sometimes you are left with no other option.


I wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life.




TY Jane - Very kind of you. I hope YOU are doing better ...


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  • 2 months later...
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Update: So some of you know that since my 46 yr old XW ran off with an 18 yr old boy {shudders} ... I have allowed her 20 yr old son to live with me.

Well, now that is changing. He has had his car insurance cancelled due to multiple tickets and accidents. Further, my insurance is threatening to cancel mine since he lives under the same roof. (I've been with them since the 80s.) An driver exclusion notice can not be used. The only way they will retain me is if he no longer lives here. So last week I gave him two weeks. He's been dragging his feet ever since. Not sure what to do if he keeps dragging. I don't want to "throw him out" but may have to.

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So, the XW's son is now out of the house. Feels good to have no remembrance of her now. I didn't mind helping him out for a while, but things change! I go days and days now without thinking about her or our 16 years together. This will only make that even better. No roller coaster thoughts for me in about 6 months or more.



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AS we say in tha' Corps!




Glad to hear your moving on! Your an exemplary example for any and all!

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Sweet FL. I know you did everything you could to do what was right for your step son but there does come a time where the cord needs to be cutt and it sounds like you are there.


We still need to grab a beer. I'm back in the house with the beatch now. Can't wait until I find a job and this divorce is done.

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Sweet FL. I know you did everything you could to do what was right for your step son but there does come a time where the cord needs to be cutt and it sounds like you are there.


We still need to grab a beer. I'm back in the house with the beatch now. Can't wait until I find a job and this divorce is done.


I just PM'd you about this!!

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2.50 a gallon

Florida Pad


I just saw that you posted. So sorry to read your last line. I was hoping that your would be one of the ones to survive.

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Florida Pad


I just saw that you posted. So sorry to read your last line. I was hoping that yours would be one of the ones to survive.


That almost NEVER happens Gallon, huh?

From what I've learned in the last year, once the WAS gives up (by cheating, saying they want out, ...ETC), it is over. Everything is just a charade and motion-walking - waiting for the inevitable! :sick:


I was pulling for FP too! :(

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2.50 a gallon



You are so right, saving a marriage never seems to happen on LS.


And that has me wondering, as my life experience says other wise. As I noted in a post several months ago, I knew of two MLC's where the couple was able to reconcile, and the marriage continued for a decade or more longer, only to be end by the passing away of the husband.


And in looking back over my friends and associates of 60 plus years, I know of several instances where cheating did not lead to divorce. And a couple where it seemed to strengthen the marriage. Odd to think, I am guessing that the divorce rate amongst my friends easily runs to 50 percent, that these would be the survivors


This makes me wonder why the divorce rate is so high on LS

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You are so right, saving a marriage never seems to happen on LS.


And that has me wondering, as my life experience says other wise. As I noted in a post several months ago, I knew of two MLC's where the couple was able to reconcile, and the marriage continued for a decade or more longer, only to be end by the passing away of the husband.


And in looking back over my friends and associates of 60 plus years, I know of several instances where cheating did not lead to divorce. And a couple where it seemed to strengthen the marriage. Odd to think, I am guessing that the divorce rate amongst my friends easily runs to 50 percent, that these would be the survivors


This makes me wonder why the divorce rate is so high on LS


Because American women are more self dependent and financially independent than they've ever had been before ~ YET!~ they can still go in divorce court and @zz rape some guy as though she was June Cleaver.


Get married again! Hah! :laugh:


I mean really what benefit, privilege, gain, profit does any man gain by getting married? The propensity of the promise of perhaps ~ maybe getting ~ and having sex every once now and again. At best once a month!


Companionship? Hah! :laugh: Its only a question of time before he ends up in one room watching the news, or some game, and she ends up in another watching HGTV, or talking endless hours upon hour on the phone to her daughter's, her sisters, her friends, her mother, her aunts ~ yada~yada~yada!


The kids move out? They end up sleeping in separate bedrooms because of his snoring or sleep apathna.

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Because American women are more self dependent and financially independent than they've ever had been before ~ YET!~ they can still go in divorce court and @zz rape some guy as though she was June Cleaver.


Get married again! Hah! :laugh:


I mean really what benefit, privilege, gain, profit does any man gain by getting married? The propensity of the promise of perhaps ~ maybe getting ~ and having sex every once now and again. At best once a month!


Companionship? Hah! :laugh: Its only a question of time before he ends up in one room watching the news, or some game, and she ends up in another watching HGTV, or talking endless hours upon hour on the phone to her daughter's, her sisters, her friends, her mother, her aunts ~ yada~yada~yada!


The kids move out? They end up sleeping in separate bedrooms because of his snoring or sleep apathna.


We went over the stats in group, it's not just LS it's everywhere.


The truth is, and Gunny has posted these stats before, the rate of divorce goes up with each iteration of marriage. So, if we know that the rate of divorce goes up, why do people not honestly step back and work on themselves before jumping right into a marriage again. Not a relationship mind you, but the actual "til death or I find you screwing someone else do us part".


All the things you outlined above are a marriage, they are the elements of being secure enough to let each other have their own space. No man wants a woman on his azz 24 hours a day (married or not) and vice versa.

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