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Hello, This may be a little lengthy, but I am just seeking opinions on a little situation. I started a new job back in the spring, and I was in a relationship at the time. The very first night of orientation for what our jobs would be, one of the managers talking to us kept looking at me a lot. I did not really get the hint of this at first, or for that matter some time. For a couple of months, he would come by and talk, do anything to get my attention, or reaction, he would look me in the eyes, smile all the time, help me with anything I needed, appear out of nowhere to walk by me, even came by on mondays to see if I was at work. I work at a huge place! I started to notice that he liked me, and was acting awfully crazy about me. I was at the end of my relationship, so I started to flirt back some. About the beginning of July, I needed to change some info in the computer, and he started to tell me that I could use the breakroom computer, then said I could use the one in his office. I went up there, and nothing happened,and had to come back the next monday to change something else. He walked me out and over to my station. He kept coming by and hanging out for about 20mins every night. On a night in july, I called him from my cell to ask him some questions about my job promotion through a different part. He said he was in his office. He had a couple guys in there, and then they had to return to work. We talked and he told me that I could come up there sometimes to hang after work. I did not take him up on that! when I was about to leave, he left too, and then after I got in my car, he text me. We text for about 40 mins. He told me that I could text him over the weekend, if I wanted to. The next night, he worked and I didn't, but we text for almost an hour. Then I did not see him for about 3 days. I thought I did something wrong. I had text him over the weekend, and he did not answer the work cell. I had a review coming up, and asked him if things were ok between us, because I had my review coming up in a couple days. He said everything was fine, that he had a bad couple of days, nothing to do with me. The next night, before work ended, he had text me that he could see me. I did not have my phone on me, it was in the car. I text him back and said to give me a good review! We started to text back and forth, and he asked me if I was looking for a relationship or a good time or two? I was not wanting to start a new relationship, so I said "a good time when I need it". We text for almost 4 hours, and he asked me some very sexual questions, and then we had text sex. He said he was very worried about his job, and we agreed to not **** with eachother's jobs! He invited me out to his place several times to "get together", and we had hours of texting. we saw eachother every night at work, but never indicated that anything was going on with us. We did get together in his office and had some of about 20 mins of great sex!! we kept talking, then he cut it off about 3 weeks later. he told me some very personal issues about himself, and that he was emotionally unstable. I got very upset about this because there were not supposed to be emotions, just good sex!! he was mixing emotions. so we ended it, but for 4 weeks, he came by me all night, was acting like he was my boyfriend, by watching who I talked to, where I was. he watched me all the time. I got tired of this and confronted him in his office after I got done with my main work. I told him that if it was over, that we needed to go back to normal of him being friendly towards me, and quit acting crazy. I told him he was acting like we were seeing eachother. He told me that he basically ended it with me because of his job, and he can't lose his job. He told me some personal things were going on, then he flew over the desk and started kissing me so passiontly!!!! We had sex and he came inside of me. I feel that he is afraid of losing his job or both of us, but he wants me so bad!! I feel that maybe he fell for me, and it bacame hard for him to have sex with me and no relationship because I did not want that. I feel now that he wanted a relationship, but agreed to just sex to be able to be with me. There are too many things that he has said and done that do not indicate that he just wanted to have sex. why would he risk his job, and life for me. he swears he has not done that ever before, and he has shook from head to toe afterwards in his office!! I think he is telling the truth!! He had something come up, and we have not been together for about 5 weeks, but he still looks at me,and comes by every night to walk by me. we stared at eachother in a different area for about 10 seconds. what do you think he wants, and why did he risk his job, getting me pregnant{for all he knows} and all that for me?

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