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Long distance relationship

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i am currently involved in a relationship with a gorgeous babe... she is every thing any man could want in a woman... kind, understanding, caring and most of all she knows how to make me happy all the time. when we started our relationship, both of us was working for the same company, in different district, and everything was just fine... we would call each other every five mins ( an average)or some times chat for hours. a few months ago she quit working with the company and because of the distance we are living from each other, making contact was very difficult. I only talk to her like 2 or 3 times a week and see each other like once a month. this started to create problems... writing didn't do much. Quite recently my girlfriend complained that our relationship is, to some extent, boring. I really need some advice as to how I should go about solving this problem, as it is almost impossible for me to visit her every week or even every two weeks, because of my job and more so my parents are kind of restricting me. ( I don't rebel against my parents because i respect them a lot). I will really be grateful for some advice. Thank you...

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First I want to tell you that any girl who thinks anything of your feelings whatsoever and tells you her relationship with you is boring is either stupid, immature, mentally challenged. If she is none of those, she is trying to dump your butt.


It sounds like the bond between the two of you wasn't so strong after all. Your relationship with her appears to have been more situational than anything. When the two of you worked in proximity and it was easy to fill her time with you on the phone, seeing you, etc., all was fine. When a separation took place, her interest began to wane.


There is just no way to save this relationship unless you can change the committment level of this lady. She sounds young and has an obviously need for continuous male stimulation. You can't blame her for that, it's called sociology and biology. The ONLY thing that will do the trick is for one of you to move close to the other. I don't even know that more frequent visits would do it, unless they were dramatically increased.


It had to hurt for her to say the relationship was getting boring. But those are words coming out of the mouth of a young chirpie who is not happy with herself and has a need for others to entertain her. This is a danger sign for the future. A long-term relationship with this lady could be draining beyond imagination because it sounds like she would be greatly dependent upon you to keep her occupied. That might be exciting for a while but later on, you would be very resentful.


SOLUTION: Find a nice chick close to where you are that doesn't need to be around you all the time to keep her happy.


And NEVER talk to a lady on the phone so much. That's such a temptation in the beginning of a relationship, but it can cause a realtionship to burn out much more quickly (especially with a chick like this one inclined to get bored.) Vary the length of conversations, dates, talks, meetings, etc. as to be unpredictable. Always leave her wanting more.

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